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A new school, it was like a monthly thing for Donghyuck to move to another school

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A new school, it was like a monthly thing for Donghyuck to move to another school. He could care less though, he knew that in no time, his mother would be searching once again.

"Lee Donghyuck," he announced his name to the classroom, all while facing the white tiled floor.

"Is that all? Anything else?" The teacher questioned. He just shook his head, no. "Well, you're rather shy." She chuckled.

The class turned their attention to the door.
Y/N walked into the classroom late, as per usual. No words slipped from her mouth, she didn't even pay any mind to the new guy and walked to her seat.

"Jeon Y/N, this bad habit of yours needs to stop. If you're going to be late and just fall asleep during my lessons, why bother coming to school anyway?" The middle-aged woman spoke and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I ask myself the same thing, but here I am coming anyway," she rebutted, making the teacher huff in annoyance.

"Donghyuck just take an empty seat."

The boy looked around and took the only seat available at the very back of the classroom. Coincidentally, being the seat behind Y/N's.

He stared out the window, watching as the trees swayed along with the winter breeze. His mind wandered into a universe in which he didn't have this stupid ability, a universe in which he was happy.

The teenager's thoughts were interrupted as he heard what sounded like crying from the seat in front of him.

Jeon Y/N, was that her name?

He wanted to reach out to her because he more than anyone knew the feeling. The feeling of silencing his cries and pain in order to not bother or worry anyone. But he also knew, that at time likes those, he'd rather be on his own.

So he let her be.

The teenaged boy began to scribble away into his notebook, waiting for the dreadfully long two hours of class to end.

. . .

"That is all for today, see you tomorrow," the professor left the classroom. Gradually, the classroom emptied itself until Donghyuck was left alone with Y/N who had fallen asleep.

The boy hesitated before tapping her shoulder. Y/N sat up looking at the time on her phone before rushing out of the room, not paying any attention to him once again.

"You're welcome," Donghyuck sighed as he walked out of the school as well.

The fresh evening breeze blew through his brown hair as he walked along the sidewalk. He walked at a slow and sedate pace for he didn't want to go home.

The bell of the convenience store chimed in the boy's ears as he entered the rather empty place. He paid for a bag of chips and bottled water before heading back out. He took a seat on a nearby bench taking a sip from the cold water in his hand.

"They look happy," Donghyuck exhaled deeply as his eyes landed on a small family enjoying their time together. "Lucky."

He stood up and started walking again. The streets seemed to be busier than usual, adults and teenagers running all over the streets.

Donghyuck hated crowded places and loud noises. Everything and everyone with the exception of his dog, Hyun, disturbed him.

"You could have just taken the stupid flyer but no, you decided to pick a fight with me!" Donghyuck turned his head as he heard the loud bickering.

"You should stop wasting your time over someone who is probably dead," the other rebutted.

Donghyuck made his way towards the two people that were encircled by a nosy crowd, himself included.

"Go to hell," the girl yelled at the older man.

"Jeon Y/N?"

Yes, it is her.

"Oh, I will and I will greet the person on the stupid flyer while I'm at it," the man retorted, fueling the girl's anger.

"You piece of shit," Y/N shouted punching the man right on the nose making him stumble back.


"Fuck you, call the police! Someone!" The older man called for help but no one obliged after his rude remarks.

"You get what you fucking deserve," Y/N said before kneeling to pick up the flyers that were scattered all over the floor.

Donghyuck picked up the flyer that was at his feet, it read "MISSING PERSON" in big, red letters.

"Name, Jeon Sunwoo. Age, 16."

"Here," he handed the papers to her and she took them, not even glancing at him.

"Thank you," she stood up and walked away.

"Wait, Y/N," he blurted out. He fixed his eyes on the concrete floor as he sensed her coming closer.

"How do you know my name?"

Right, she never noticed him.

"Oh, I-I'm Lee Donghyuck, I transferred to your school today and I also woke you up," he explained himself.

"Well, what do you want?" Y/N asked, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. "Do you normally stare at the floor when talking to others?"

"Huh?" Donghyuck lifted his head and his eyes met with hers. His eyes dilated and he gulped hard waiting for another vision to scar him.

Nothing happened.

"What's wrong? It's like you've encountered a ghost," Y/N looks around, confused.

"Your eyes..." Donghyuck muttered.

"My eyes? What? What's wrong with them?"
Y/N began to panic.

"They're different."


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