Chapter 23. The Hunt Continues

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     They load Crystal the Ice Spider into Ferris' van and the rest ride in separate vans that were parked at the facility. Bain calls Ferris on a walkie talkie. "Alright Doc." He Said. "Now what?" Ferris answers. "We're going to use Crystal to locate Phoenix and Haze." He said. "If we can just stop Phoenix, this search will be over. "What about Haze?" Asked Bain. "I have already told you." Said Ferris. "Without Phoenix, Haze will no longer be a problem." As the vans drive around Sammyville, Bain gets a destress call from his radio on his uniform. "What's wrong?" He asked. The reply was hard to hear, but Bain was able to make out some of the words. They were coming from one of the other officers who were still at the school. "Sherriff!" Said the officer. "We're under attack! The monsters, they're trashing the entire school! Help!" Bain tries to respond. "Hey!" He said desperately. "You there? Hello?" Bain loses connection. He gets on the walkie talkie to contact Ferris again. "Hey Doc!" He said. Ferris answers. "What's the matter?" He asked. "It's the high school!" Said Bain. "Phoenix and Haze are there right now! There's still a lot of people there!" Ferris becomes afraid of the report. "HET!"he Said. He leans over to the driver of the van. "Go to the high school!" He said. "Step on it!" "I'm on it Dr. Volkof!" They head for the high school worried for what they were all about to run into.

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