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A harsh wind blew into both Yoongi and Jungkook's face on their way out from their extracurricular practices, the crisp wind carrying tiny sharp crystals feeling like million minuscule glass shards as they unmercifully pricked at their porcelain skin with no remorse.

Jungkook shivered into Yoongi's touch, a purely instinctive action that protected him from the bitter December weather as he shielded himself within the safety of his best friend's arms — who instantly wrapped an arm around his fragile figure defensively in best attempts to keep the boy warm beneath his touch.

Using both hands to gently rub at Jungkook's sides in hopes of spreading a hot sensation throughout his body, Yoongi spoke up through jittering teeth, "Kook, you're freezing. Why the fuck didn't you bring a jacket?" he chuckled lightly, nonetheless finding it stupid and a tad irresponsible how his friend could be at times — especially for carelessly leaving behind a necessity for twenty degree weather.

"I was rushed this morning," Jungkook admitted honestly, even disappointed in himself and deeply regretting that careless decision to cluelessly forget something that could save someone on the border of life or death. But luckily, he had Yoongi who knew his best attempts tried warming him up with the unbearable frigid temperature.

Shaking his head in displeasure, Yoongi only tightened his grip around Jungkook before letting out an exasperated response, "So rushed you forgot a coat?"

"Since when were you my mom?" Jungkook grumbled annoyingly, not particularly liking to be disciplined by his own friend since he found it rather humiliating. Then again, that was partially his own fault for forgetting something mandatory in situations like these.

"Since I was forced to babysit you in fifth grade even though I'm only a few months older than you," Yoongi retaliated teasingly, earning a sharp glare from Jungkook whos head came out his hiding spot where it was originally nuzzled against Yoongi's chest.

"Shut up."

"I'm just sayinggggg," Yoongi dragged out, enjoying just how worked up Jungkook got about the simplest of mocks or teases as he recalled embarrassing moments from their childhood that undeniably struck a core memory in both of their hearts.

"I'm never talking to you again," Jungkook threatened sarcastically, keeping his best attempts to remain stern and serious-sounding, though really both him and Yoongi were fully aware of how much he was holding back his laughter from their silly bicker. 

"Aw that sucks cuz I was gonna talk to you about the movie premier tickets I got for us both," Yoongi causally uttered under his breath, slumping his shoulders and fighting against the urge to smile or laugh in that instance in order to keep up the facade.

Jungkook's eyes shot open at the news brought onto him, suddenly forgetting any stupid past grudges formed only minutes prior as a new anticipation coursed through his veins at the news of seeing the movie premier of a film both him and Yoongi fantasized over on many occasions, and now that it was finally here he could hardly believe in.

"WHAT!?" Jungkook shrieked, keeping his eyes drilling lasers into Yoongi's chin from his bottom view, desperation leaking through his bones to get a final assurance that they were indeed, going to attend the iconic Iron Man premier only a month from now.

Yoongi hummed, still determined to keep his eyes trained forward and not give into Jungkook's large, pleading doe ones that were a personal weakness of his whenever keeping up and act or trying to win an argument.

"Yup, but I guess since you don't want to talk—"

"NO NO! Please Yoongi I'll do anything, here ummm," Jungkook rambled, stuffing a hand inside his pocket in search of any loose change or gum — luckily finding a spare dime, "want a dime? It can probably get you one of those shitty candies from the mall candy dispensers!" he chimed innocently, not even taking note of how idiotic or satiric it sounded.

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