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464 47 224

An icy wind bit at Jungkook's bare face, casting pale rosy pigments to creep up his cheeks from how unbelievably cold it was outside. Sure, it was January so this type of weather was completely normal, but that still didn't undermine the fact that he had been standing in front of the Min's household for the past fifteen minutes, now impatiently waiting for Yoongi to emerge from the door at any time now.

Sadly, and rather peculiarly, that moment never came.

Leaving him to his last resort to knock ring the doorbell once more in case Yoongi hadn't heard him the first couple of times.

But as soon as the door opened, fully expecting it to be his best friend, all his swirling excitement and bubbling feelings that had been conjuring up inside his chest all crashed down onto him; now replaced with a sullen expression as not Yoongi, but his mother, had appeared in the doorway instead.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Min!" Jungkook greeted through his chattering teeth, instantly being pulled inside by Yoongi's mother whose face was wracked up with pure concern for the poor boy, who nearly resembled an icicle standing out there and having his entire body covered with a thing layer of snowflakes.

"Jungkook, honey, what brings you here?" Mrs. Min inquired softly, walking into the kitchen to fetch the boy a hot drink of some sort in best attempts to warm up his body.

But the question itself startled Jungkook, since he would have assumed that Yoongi would've told his mother about their scheduled movie outing by now — because knowing Yoongi for ten years of life had made him realize just how punctual and informative Yoongi was when planning with his friends — so it confused him nonetheless.

Quickly shaking off the thought, reasoning not to dig too deeply into it since he figured there was an explanation or that Yoongi had just simply forgotten to tell his mom on his end, Jungkook hesitantly walked towards the general direction of their kitchen where Yoongi's mother was now pouring the boiling hot water in to two mugs with cocoa powder resting jn a small mountain at the bottom.

What Jungkook had assumed to be Yoongi's mug.

But what boggled his mind even more was when Mrs. Min took a sip out of the second one, handing Jungkook the other one with a warm smile on her face as she awaited for his response as to why and what he was doing outside all alone on their porch in the cold.

Then again, maybe Yoongi didn't like hot choclate.

Jungkook was always prone to overthinking every single little thing and making them out to be the worst outcome.

Taking the hot mug in hand, instantly feeling a warm sensation travel through his body and defrost every frozen cell that has been ice frozen from nearly getting frost bite, Jungkook took a small sip from the mug before answering.

"Thank you for the drink Mrs. Min, and I was just wondering if Yoongi was gonna be ready soon? The movie we planned on going to is supposed to start at eight and I still haven't gotten a text from him," he murmured worriedly, once again pulling out his phone from his pocket in hopes to see the name 'whore🙏' pop up.

But alas, nothing.

Once again, very odd and unlike Yoongi to do since he never left Jungkook on delivered for a time period longer than an hour — always texting back straight away with happiness to receive a text from his closest friend.

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