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517 49 295

With music blasting in his ears and his movie ticket left strewn amongst the mess on his desk, Jungkook happily pranced around his room singing to the lyrics through his airpods with a bounce in his step.

Today was finally the day.

Not only would he be getting to see the iconic Ironman premier, but also with Yoongi — who just so happened to take the place of his best friend and the person whom he had caught feelings for.

But it even went further than that, because although those two very important aspects and titles in his name added anticipation onto the awaited event, it only made things even more enticing since Jungkook really hadn't spent time hanging out with Yoongi at all recently.

Not even after school or during the weekends, and even three out of the five day school week Yoongi would take the bus with Hoseok, leaving Jungkook either awkwardly sitting near them like a thirdwheel or left in his own little world to make the trip by foot by himself.

Which was the option he'd usually go with, to spare both his aching heart and sanity since he didn't think he could bear anymore of their disgustingly adorable couple shit even if he was paid big money for it.

So to say he was excited would be an understatement, finally getting the chance to hang out with Yoongi alone; meaning no Hoseok — who was usually at the fault of Yoongi's biggest distractions.

He still had a couple more hours to go until he was due to meet Yoongi at his house before the movie started started at around eight o'clock in the evening, but the adrenaline rushing through his bloodstream sending haziness towards his brain restricting any sense of reality to enter it only made the waiting process much, much slower — altering everything around him completely until it resembled nothing less of a utopian.

Sure, maybe it was a bit ridiculous to be this hyped up for a simple movie outing — and maybe on some level he was to a certain extent — but frankly, Jungkook couldn't care less.

Because tonight was about him and Yoongi.

His best friend.

And nothing could take that away from him.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Seokie you ready?" Yoongi called from the other side of Hoseok's bedroom door, patiently waiting until his boyfriend was fully dressed for their casual yet cute and fun date planned for the remainder of the day — merely playing it by ear with only a rough outline of what they had both agreed on between yesterday and earlier that morning when researching certain ice rinks around town.

Hearing clothes being thrown across the room into various piles and socked feet shuffling around on the carpeted floor, Yoongi stifled a laugh at how amusing it all was. Or, maybe not but the guy was deeply infatuation to the extent that he viewed anything that Hoseok did awe-worthy.

"Uhhhh almost! Oh shi—" Hoseok called from the other side, struggling to pull a pair of sweatpants on and as a result falling straight back onto the light and squishy mattress of his bed, elicitating incoherent scoldings to himself in the process while Yoongi just shook his head upon clearly hearing that from the other side.

"Okay well I'll just be waiting out here, alright?" He laughed in return, earning a high pitched 'Yep!' before sliding down against one of the hallway walls and pulling out his phone to fuse his boredom with the variety of games he has installed along with a couple social media apps as well.

A couple minutes passed, with him mindlessly clicking his fingers away at the screen and switching in between ten apps a minute as Hoseok finished getting ready in his bathroom. Who, by the way, was already feeling guilty that he slept through his alarm and as a result Yoongi was forced to be let inside by his mother. And it surely didn't help the fact that Yoongi had asked him out on this date too, feeling as if he was wasting their precious and somewhat limited time since unfortunately days were only twenty four hours long and sleep was a thing both of them prioritized dearly.

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