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516 57 110

With an arm lazily wrapped around Jungkook's frame and loosely over-crossing with Namjoon's, who's own arm was also comfortable caressing their younger friend's back, Jimin wore a bright exuberant smile as he carried a flowing conversation with his two best friends on their way out of last period class.

Usually Jungkook would patiently wait for Yoongi outside of his last class of the day where they'd eventually greet each other with a friendly hug and walk home together from there.

But everything was different now.

Because the day Yoongi's eyes scanned the crowd for Hoseok instead, blindly overlooking to where Jungkook had been patiently anticipating his appearance to enter out from the classroom, and running right past his friend's figure to envelope Hoseok in a hug — Jungkook got the memo.

Yoongi no longer needed him.

Of course, Jimin and Namjoon knew about this as well since it was that very same day Jungkook approached them both with big, sad watering eyes that held tiny reflections of the school lights dancing beneath the pools of grief overflowing inside of them. And seeing their friend tearing up instantly triggered some kind of protective instinct inside of them, not wasting any more time before engulfing him in a consulting hug with endless amounts of reassuring words.

Something that Yoongi used to do.

But now, he was the exact reason as to why Jungkook had cried that day — instead running into the arms of his two other close friends who were more than baffled as to what happened, but put aside their curiosities until Jungkook worked up the mental strength to inform them about it.

Even so, he knew that it wasn't Yoongi's intention to ignore his presence or even blatantly forget about him, apparently much too distracted by his crush to realize this. Still, it hurt despite being a rather minor mishap to occur since it was just a mindless mistake with the excuse that Jungkook was blending into the crowd that day.

It was only when that kept happening.


And over.

And over again.

That's when Jungkook realized it wasn't a mistake.

Maybe not purposely, but subconsciously.

Yet somehow, the knowledge that Yoongi didn't even think twice how Jungkook would be standing by the door like usual, waiting for him with a huge bunny smile and preparing to swallow him up in a hug — hurt ten times worse.

Because the thought of it apparently didn't even cross Yoongi's mind for not even a second.

Since his initial instinct was to run into Hoseok's arms instead.

"Koooookkk," Jimin dragged out, poking his friend's cheeks with his fingers, momentarily capturing Jungkook's attention and sucking him out of that empty self void he was slowly being absorbed by in his own thoughts, "I was thinking we should get ice cream after school, all three of us. What do you think?"

Jungkook raised an amusing eyebrow, since the proposal to go out and get ice cream when it was below freezing outside seemed utterly stupid.

"Are you trying to make us get fucking hypothermia?" He kidded, lips unknowingly upturning into a soft smile; something that both he and the others missed dearly.

"Hey, life may suck sometimes but at least we can get brain freeze as free therapy," Namjoon shrugged, pointing playful finger guns at Jungkook who just rolled his eyes in response — though his smile didn't falter one bit.

And the simple sight of Jungkook smiling against instantly brought a vivid ecstasy to both Namjoon and Jimin's faces — who were already growing used to Jungkook's stoic facial expressions unenthusiastic text messages or verbal responses. Sure, it was a stupid idea and one that would normally make absolutely zero sense, but if it meant that their friend's usual happy and bubbly demeanor returned then Jimin knew that the idiotic comment was worth it.

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