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A couple days following after the day that Hoseok and Yoongi made their relationship official, slapping on the label of boyfriends, they both decided and agreed to keep the fact underground for now and tell the others when the time was right. Since, evidently, they reasoned it was a bit early to implode all this new information onto their friend groups and were still adjusting to the whole boyfriend thing.

It was still new to them.

However, technically speaking, their relationship was exactly the same as before. Kisses, hugs, cuddling sessions still came regularly with sweet compliments and reassuring words up until two o'clock in the morning, or spontaneous moments of intense eye contact whenever they crossed paths in between classes or across a room.

All it was was a simple label that official sealed the deal, telling everyone — when they were ready — that they were in a romantic relationship one another and not some on and off or openly flirty one.

Still, with that of course came a new rush of excitement as well; the thought of finally being able to refer to one another as their significant other, their loved one, their star crossed lover, their boyfriend, sent their hearts soaring up into the sky and beyond the infinite galaxies that made up the universe. Because even though neither one of them were super big on labels nor believed that they were necessarily mandatory for any kind of relationship, it would be a lie to say they weren't at least a tad bit ecstatic to finally establish what they were.

Only filling the rest of that very special night with sweet, slow yet innocent kisses as they stayed entangled in each other's arms until afternoon that very next day when awoken by the bright January sun beams streaming through the window.

While another soul was still left freezing all alone, in their bed with no significant other to cuddle.

Not even that beloved sweatshirt.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Walking into the school bright and early in the morning with Jungkook by his side, chattering away endlessly with cheeriness gracing his tone, Yoongi instantly scanned the surrounding hallways and lobbies for any sight of a certain someone.

Of course, Jungkook noticed how spaced out Yoongi seemed and obviously wasn't paying any attention to a word he was saying, but at this point Jungkook had gotten used to it since it's practically been how he normally is ever since early December. But being the stubborn and carefree person he was, he still continued talking — basically making conversation with himself at this point — even if it was extremely useless as Yoongi's brain wasn't even in the same world as everyone else's at that moment.

Because at least getting the rare opportunity to converse with his best friend, something he hasn't been able to do as much recently, giving Jungkook the illusion that they were having a full out conversation full of stupid and corny jokes and endless heaps of laughter like the good old times.

Before Hoseok came along.

Or before Yoongi started ignoring him because Hoseok entered his life in a more than casual way.

So his mouth carried on, forming into the shapes of words which made up both informative and chaotic sentences strung together in a story telling manner, pushed on and being encouraged by his heart to continue in the slightest hopes of getting some kind of audible response that wasn't just 'hmm?', 'sorry what was that?' or 'oh uh yeah.'

Alas, those small glimmers of hope soon dispersed in thin air once Yoongi's eyes landed on the said person he's been searching for ever since they stepped foot in the building, immediately skipping off towards his direction leaving a lost and slightly hurt Jungkook to stare longingly after the pair, with Yoongi not even remembering to at least utter some form of 'bye' or 'I'll see you later Kook'.

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