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Snow fell all about them, the individual dainty white crystals dancing in the air until they delicately planted themselves onto Hoseok's eyelashes, decorating them beautifully as ornaments would do to Christmas trees.

Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off him, the sight being to overwhelming for his brain to even comprehend how a person could possibly be that effortlessly ethereal; it just didn't make sense. Not to mention how mind baffling humble Hoseok was about it all, always blushing at compliments and brushing them off with flushed cheeks as if they were the most false statements to ever be heard of.

When really, it was nothing but pure fact; because Jung Hoseok truly was beautiful.

And Yoongi gave himself no other choice but to embed that idealogy into the boy's head daily, not making any excuses until Hoseok fully believed it.

Even if he did start calling himself beautiful, Yoongi — of course — would never stop showering endless amounts of praises or whispering sweet nothings that really meant everything to him.

Because it was those small, side comments every day that kept him going, that fueled his daily euphoria that everyone still questioned to this day of how unrealistically optimistic he was all the time. Sure, Hoseok occasionally found confidence himself believing that he had "his days" of looking fairly decent, but it was never enough to give himself a general opinionated view of himself that consisted of more than self criticism on his appearance. Because he never thought of himself as perfect as everyone else sought him out to be.

But when those compliments came from someone else, someone else who undeniably had stolen the key to his heart and was known for always being blatantly honest and true to character, Hoseok couldn't help but absorb in the feeling of ecstasy all around him and spread those big, colorful wings out in the sky to guide him along the universal path to self love.

It was a excruciatingly slow process, but it was definitely nearing the end of the tunnel where Hoseok would finally see the light again.

A light that continued to twinkle in his big, brown and amber toned eyes that still left Yoongi completely allured when they made eye contact during conversations or just moments of comfortable silence with each other.

Apprehensively wrapping an arm loosely around Hoseok's waist, subconsciously pulling their bodies closer together which fueled them with a blazing warmth burning from deep beneath their souls, Yoongi turned his head to the side, getting a perfect view of Hoseok's unreal side profile that still to this day blew him away.

"You're so pretty," he whispered softly, whipping Hoseok's head around to face him with bright rosy tinted cheeks, eyes ridden with a startled look glimmering around his irises where the reflection of a billion tiny snowflakes danced inside them, only proving Yoongi's point further about how every single aspect of Hoseok was simply beyond what words could describe.

Hoseok looked down sheepishly, digging his head in between Yoongi's neck and shoulder, clearly flustered from the compliment despite not believing it himself. Still, he couldn't ignore or deny the tiny butterflies fluttering around in his stomach and traveling to various parts of his body spreading a tickling sensation in practically every spot imaginable.

"I-I'm not."

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard," Yoongi chuckled, now securing both arms around Hoseok's frame who's head was still nuzzling in the crook of his neck, "you're like a tiny fairy."

A huge, uncontrollable smile broke out onto Hoseok's face, brightening up all the stars in the galaxy and beyond the unthinkable — nothing less than a luminosity.

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