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And just like that — another year came and went.

It was now exactly a whole year later, exactly a year after Yoongi gave Jungkook his evergreen college print sweatshirt — to keep temporarily, of course — a memory in which Jungkook had never once forgotten, even in the last twelve months. It was a memory in which he would always reminisce, no matter the date, time or place; because December third would forever be a date remembered as the day that marked the beginning of Jungkook's lovesickness.

The day that marked the beginning of his heartbreak.

Because only a few days after would Yoongi meet someone else; someone else who wasn't him, someone else who had everything Jungkook supposedly lacked in — according to his own self deprecating mindset that had been heavily influenced that year, that is — and lastly, someone else who was now Yoongi's boyfriend of almost a year.

A whole fucking year.

So many things had changed, both within their friend group and within themselves — because of course now being freshmen in college and attending a university, a new sense of maturity also resurfaced, washing away any last childish demeanors which only came out in the appropriate setting, whether that be at a house party or out clubbing as they let their personas fly loose with no rules, no regulations, and lastly where they could physically drink away all their problems that had been constantly nagging at their sides until it was washed away by intoxication. Perhaps not the healthiest way to go about things, but it was effective on occasion.

Yet intertwined with all those changes, there still remained some things that had never bothered to change.

Some things are permanent, whether it be my choice or by fate — whatever it may be — embedding a scar that was destined to last forever until time eventually healed it. But time was simply subjective, there was no telling that time would ever heal the wounds that were hoped to be sealed up six months ago after Jungkook and Yoongi talked out their differences throughout the night as shadows lurked throughout the corners of Jungkook's room while being cradled in his friend's arms, weeping until his eyes grew dry and his limbs grew tired — before eventually drifting off into a deep slumber that was also accompanied by the exact person who caused his pain in the first place, Min Yoongi himself.

It wasn't intentional, as not everything is.

Yet that never has, never will, and still does not justify his actions.

His actions in which still left a scar waiting to be stitched up on Jungkook's cracked heart — leaving crevices open where ghouls and phantoms could freely crawl in and out any time they wished, poisoning his soul so that the process only extended out to a longer time in which still remained unknown.

Of course now that Yoongi was fully aware of this and the effect he had on Jungkook's mental health and feelings towards him which he soon discovered to be romantic, he frequently spewed apologies left and right and always made sure to make time for Jungkook on the weekends when his schedule wasn't bombarded with all the strenuous assignments, essays, projects, and tests that university inconveniently bestowed upon them.

As well as when he hadn't already made plans with his boyfriend, Jung Hoseok.

But now he wasn't foolish about it — not daring to make the same mistakes that he did senior year, and apparently it paid off since he still had yet to break his strike of always remembering to check in with Jungkook every single day— even if he was too busy to be able text his own boyfriend — as well as marking the days on his calendar where he'd be spending the entire day with his best friend just to guarantee that there was no possibility in forgetting.

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