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Yoongi didn't see much of Jungkook after that.

Not at lunch or during passing periods.

Never after or before school since every time Yoongi offered for him to walk with him and Hoseok, Jungkook either left him on read or declined in a string of unenthused mumbles, contradicting his usual bubbly exterior completely — something Yoongi missed thoroughly.

But oddly enough, it seemed as Yoongi was the only one who was getting this silent treatment or peculiar behavior from him.

Because whenever he asked Jimin or Namjoon, who were the only people Jungkook had been hanging out with for the past month or so, they always answered with hesitant responses or furrowed their eyebrows in genuine confusion since no one else had reported to them about his strange attitude.

Which made Yoongi come to the realization that Jungkook was ignoring him, and only him.

Feeling nothing but so incredibly stupid for not realizing it before, gullibly believing Jungkook's "reassuring" words that day by the vending machines and falling for the fact that he was off the hook. When, in reality, those thought to be comforting words were strung together by sarcastic undertones, ones that had went above Yoongi's head that day dumbly.

Of course upon this cognizance, Yoongi felt absolutely horrible for not even approaching him about it any additional time after that — tricked foolishly by those phony verbalizations and fake smile that concealed so many truths he had yet to discover. So after that, all those times he witnessed Jungkook going out of his way to walk down the opposite hallway as him or excused himself from an awkward situation where Yoongi was pulled into, he dismissed it as nothing.

Didn't think much about it.

Shrugged it off without a second glance.

And who knew a glance would have so much impact on something?

Maybe if he had put more effort into fully investigating into the core reasons as to why his best friend was acting this way, he wouldn't be in this situation right now.

But of course, fate wasn't like that — fate was a messy, complicated and intricate script written by the universe itself with cliff hangers leading into plot holes and missing gaps, all just to get the ending nobody was expecting.

Just like how fate led Yoongi to the doorstep of his best friend's house, which was conveniently across the street from his own; making the physical journey much much shorter than the mental one.

But hopefully all broken ties would be mended and miscommunications cleared up; because obviously Yoongi was missing the key to the root of the solution, one he was now desperate to turn that lock and uncover everything that's been weighing all this detrimental stress into Jungkook's shoulders that Yoongi was cluelessly unaware of.

Just like how he was clueless to the fact that Jungkook was listening to Yoongi's Spotify playlist in the comfort of his own bedroom behind closed doors, hidden away in his own miseries and self pity.

Just like how he was so numb to the fact that Jungkook scrolled through his camera roll everyday looking over photos of them, creating a wave of nostalgia to wash over him causing his eyes to produce small water droplets that trickled down his cheeks and onto his phone screen or physical photo album.

Just like how he was so naive to the fact that Jungkook cried over the fact that Yoongi would never love him.

Would never love him — just like soulmates did, just like couples did, just like boyfriends did.

Just like Yoongi and Hoseok did.

Anyone could tell they were in love with each other within a blink of an eye, now two whole months passed ever since they made their relationship official and eventually told the news to their friends a couple weeks following.

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