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944 77 132

From that day forward, Jungkook could still feel the warmth of Yoongi's sweatshirt lingering on his skin.

The fuzzy inside polyester and cotton lining that provided a blanket of warmth protecting him from the bitter winter weather that December unmercifully bestowed them with — with each passing day the temperature only dropped by a cruel amount, casting rosy hues on everyone's once pale cheeks from the icy wind.

But with the sweater, Jungkook didn't feel any of that.

Metaphorically at least, since it was just casual sweatshirt that wasn't near the warmth provided by that of a coat, and it would be unrealistic to say otherwise.

It acted as a memento, a memento he'd be able to keep for one day but a memento nonetheless. Sure, it may seem absurd that a person was this ecstatic about keeping an ordinary evergreen sweatshirt with nothing too special about it; only the name of a nearby state college in big white print. But it was the action itself, how Yoongi took note that Jungkook was indeed freezing his ass off and took it into consideration — even going as far as offering one of his favorite sweatshirts that he always wore on the daily basis.

Now this wasn't anything too foreign or peculiar to what Jungkook was used to already, since their entire friendship was based off of sweet gestures and friendly exchanges of "I love you's" periodically throughout the day. Perhaps it was the cliché factor of it, giving Jungkook the benefit of the doubt and false reality that he was Yoongi's boyfriend now with a token of his affection.

Yes, Jungkook thought it all ridiculous.

But did that seize any of these thoughts at two o'clock in the morning?

Absolutely not.

Especially not while holding the sweatshirt itself, shamelessly breathing in the strawberry and vanilla scents that still remained unbothered by it all and didn't run off or lose even a little bit of the lingering aromas throughout the whole night while Jungkook cuddled into it like a mini blanket substituting it for something that only happened in his imaginations.

Because for the moment, this was the best it was going to get.

And it would only go downhill from here.

Because love isn't always an easy thing.

Sometime those feelings are returned, exchanges between two lovers who find themselves entrapped in a permanent relationship filled with nothing but pure bliss and amour for one another.

But sometimes, in other unlucky cases, it's unrequited.


Leaving your heart crumpled to pieces, being stomped on right before your own eyes as the heartbreaker itself is stabbing tiny shards of glass into your fragile soul without even knowing it.

And all it takes — is for them to be gazing wonderingly at someone else.

The same way you gaze at them.

Because once you're trapped in that never ending loophole of catching feelings for your best friend, it's almost twice as difficult to escape — to let those feelings go without any trouble along the way. And no one ever thought to tell him that it's close to impossible to simply tell the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach to just simply vanish into thin air.

And they won't quit until one's infatuation either leads to a mutual bond and pursuit to a romantic relationship or...


But sometimes, someone's downfall can benefit someone else.

And that someone else was undeniably about to be Jung Hoseok.

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