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592 60 207

Let's just say things were going very well between Hoseok and Yoongi.

But of course, with a happy new blossoming friendship — of sorts — came another's wilting.

Every time Jungkook saw Hoseok laugh at one of Yoongi's corny jokes or envelope him in a hug whenever greeting one another, he felt as if more and more of his petals were falling off his already withering stems. Which grew weaker and weaker by the day. By the hour. By the minute.

Like his grave was already being built for him, the Grim Reaper sprinkling his ashes over the burrowed up dirt signifying where Jungkook's future soul would be rising from once it gave out — quenched for love, starved from affection, and stolen from the hands of the man he was in love with.

He simply just didn't feel as bright anymore; not the ecstasy that used to always be easily readable on his face with every interaction or conversation with someone, or how his big doe eyes twinkled under the moon flight full of enthusiasm and genuine interest in whatever the person was saying.

Now that was all gone.

Like watching his life being sucked away from him.

Sure, Hoseok and Yoongi had still yet to put a label on what their relationship was exactly; which mostly contained them shamelessly yet cluelessly flirting with one another in probably the most innocent way imaginable.

From another person's eye view, it may be seen as adorable or sweet.

But Jungkook couldn't help but find it repulsive.

Their gushy smiles, blushing faces, and lovey-dovey expressions whenever they locked eyes across the room made Jungkook want to grab a pair of scissors and cut that red string binding their fingers together in half — once and for all scribbling across the pages that the universe had already written out for them in the book of fate.

It didn't help now that Yoongi was spending more and more time with Hoseok each day, walking him to and from school leaving Jungkook to awkwardly trudge behind them on the sidewalk acting as nothing more than a thirdwheel, or conversing to one another during passing periods or going on their daily snack runs during their study periods or lunch.

He didn't even want to imagine what could of possibly been going on during that time. Yet it was incredibly unlikely for them to do more intimate acts that the little devils inside of him purposely imposed onto his imaginations just to edge him closer to the brink of death. Still, that didn't necessarily mean Jungkook's mind didn't go berserk at the thought of them acting all touchy with each other behind closed doors and shut away from the public or run wild with his own made up scenarios playing in his conscience whenever they randomly disappeared.

Not to mention that ever since Yoongi's been spending more time with Hoseok frequently, Jungkook just realized how few of friends he actually had.

It finally dawned onto him that spending every second of the day side by side with Yoongi, his best friend for more than half his life, made him completely forget about others around him — not having to worry about being lonely on the weekends or craving someone's touch whenever he felt down in the dumps of his own swiveling self pity.

Because no matter what, Yoongi had always been there for him.


But charting from all those three weeks back when Jungkook did Yoongi the huge favor and slipped that note into Hoseok's locker — which he could've disobeyed easily and was awfully close to doing so — things were much much different now.

He no longer had a shoulder to cry on, or that ideal pair of arms he always looked forward to be cuddled in whenever desired.

It didn't even feel like he had a friend anymore.

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