Dust X Blue(berry) #6

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Wellllll, lets see

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Wellllll, lets see....I'll give y'all a fair warning; dots are either a good sign or extremely bad. And in this case....?
My opinion on DustBerry?
You've been warned.

Sorry buuuuuuuut....
*Groans* Why is it always the popular ships that I mostly dislike....This ship is no exception, sorry. Even though no one asked for this one, I had to cover this at one point before someone actually did after the whole PaperFresh thing. Sooooo, ahem. DustBerry is NOT a ship I support or remotely like, but like PaperFresh-I don't hate it. It's more of a "whatever" ship to me.
Be lucky for that much, especially my feelings towards ErrorInk....for this ship, it could've been a lot worse. But what else do I have to say about it? Hmmmm, alright, I'll give out some reasons I don't like/think this ship is bad....

Okay, so, basically we all know Blue (Underswap Sans) is the swapped version of Papyrus right? Meaning he's forgiving, merciful, kind, supportive, compassionate, etc.....And would make him a cyber copy but swapped right? NO. The way I interpret him is the same of how I picture Papyrus; they have personalities. Blue has his own personality, while he's having the role of Papyrus and some of his traits; he's still a Sans. Meaning he has intelligence and common sense when it comes to certain things.
And yes, I know in the Genocide run, like Papyrus. He's oblivious or brave enough to face death itself.... and is willing to give the player the chance to be better. Now that's an honorable and true trait of him, and it would make sense he'd try to help out someone in need. But for the love of god....why the hell would he fall in love with a murderer?? Yes, he's forgiving, but he's not stupid. And getting together with Dust would be a major mistake, with how unstable and violent he is. And honestly? Blue's just too innocent for him. Both in mentality and sexual wise.

And YES, I was looking up fan art...and why do I keep seeing suggestive art and messed up crap? I'll be fair, there was just as much as cute fluff as there was sin....but if we're going to imagine a more realistic relationship between the two...Okay, think, a serial killer exists in the town we live in; he or she has a unstable and violent history, and were to grow a relationship with someone. This would equal into what eventually? A pretty messed up relationship.
Unless that person happened to messed up as they are, and Blue isn't like that.

Jesus fucking Christ, sorry for going off track, but like I said; think realistically. And before anyone goes "bUt BlUe HaS a DaRk SiDe ToO" NO. Even if he did....their relationship would still be toxic. Also, I'll be blunt when I say; I absolutely HATE, and I mean actually HATE Yandere! Blue. It's not cool or cute, it's just disturbing. And doesn't do anything other than make a character "look badass", but to me, I just very strongly resent that.
So that's why I'm particularly sour whenever Blue gets paired with a bloody killer when he himself is NOT supposed to be nor involved with any, because remember; last time he interacted with us the player in the Genocide Run, he ended up being killed. And I'm pretty sure that Dust is unpredictable with his constant mood swings, and violent outbursts. So who's to say that he won't lash out at Blue?

In the end, while it would create interesting drama, it's still a abusive relationship. And guys....? I know what a abusive person is like....and some of them are far beyond saving when they refuse to change. Even if the person they love more than anything tries to help them....I've seen it and I still do. The pain is not worth the portion of love and affection you'd receive. So it upsets me in all honesty whenever I see characters shipped with abusive/toxic/serial killers because it's that real in life. And it's not cool.
So yeah, I don't hate this ship....but it hits me hard, just not in the right way....But I was fair and gave it somewhat a average rating, because well, okay I'll admit it looks cute on the surface. But I've noticed that in a lot of it Dust or Blue are extremely possessive, and believe me, it's fine to be protective of your partner. But little by little if you're not careful, it can lead to an unhealthy obsession. Again, not cool or cute.

This ship to me overall is just really unhealthy and toxic, not even the good type of spicy romance I'd be into. It's representation of bad sides of relationships, and is very unrealistic to me, sorry to anyone who ships it, but if you agree with me on my opinions. Then kudos to you. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want. Just....don't be like (toxic) ErrorInk shippers. Then you will give me a reason to actually hate this ship.

This is just my opinion, you have yours, and feel free to share them! Because I'm open to plenty of ships, as long as I think they're alright. See ya!

Edit: Well geez, I just realized how deep into it I went....oops.
Edit 2: Wowsers I went all out on this one-
Yeah, my opinion hasn't really changed. I still personally don't like Dustberry, but I can't tell you to stop shipping it. Just please. Please take into consideration with how you approach their relationship. Because if it's borderline abuse, that's not good with how your depicting it. Just spreading some awareness so you all are careful.

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