Nightmare X Ccino #14

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This one.

Damn it, YES.
*snatches Ccino and Nightmare plushies*


I don't care if I don't know the context, I SHIP IT.


One second-I jUsT nEeD a MoMeNt, I'Ll Be BaCk LaTeR...-

Edit: I'm back, sorry 😅 case anyone's noticed, I think I found my top ranking person to ship Nightmare with! Because to be honest, I don't really ship him with like anyone. Except maybe Error but my opinions on that pairing has changed a bit....but I'll still stick to what I put for that part because most of it's pretty accurate.

Ahem, back to topic.

Sooooo, Fluffynight, (yes that's the ship name XD) I for one would ship this if I had to pick! Sorry Nighterror (my ship name for Nightmare X Error) fans QwQ.
Okay, so like....where to start?

I have a faint understanding of this ship and welp, I'll be the more reasonable person and give a actual rating for it;

Believe me, it has nothing to do with me personally disliking it remotely. Buuuuut, considering I'm now in a bitter state when it comes to Nightmare, that's the major downfall to this ship. Because for one, I've explained (and will time and time again) what type of person "Nightmare" currently is, so like a lot of others, this ship wouldn't work out. But despite that, this honestly would be a guilty pleasure ship for me XD.

So, context.
I'm not too sure about the setting behind Ccino's world (because it hasn't been created yet), but what I do know he's a version of Sans with a lot of negativity who's I guess is depressed and has nightmares all the time-that would attract the hentai octopus we know as Nightmare. And OUCH-Joku themselves even stated that basically that's really all he is, a battery for him to feed him with negativity. And he wouldn't give a shit if he died. I'm not joking, that's the hard truth.

Pretty much that paragraph sums up the chances of this pairing, haha Q-Q.
Now like I said though, because welp, this ship is going to be my guilty pleasure because why not? Nightmare really doesn't have a reason to hurt Ccino like he does with most of the other contestants in popular ships (because most of them are based off control but not the spicy dominant-romance-kind thank you -_-), and well, C. considers him his "BFF" which is both adorable and honestly depressing.

And hey, maybe on very thin strings maybe Nightmare might grow some type of affection towards him. Not saying he will, but if you were to write something story wise, you can do whatever you want 😝
So....what do we got down about Ccino?

A depressed bean
Is actually lonely
Works at a coffee shop (which is where he gets his nickname from Cappuccino lol)
Loves cats and bunnies+all animals(ÙwÚ ✨proud✨#catperson)
Likes cocoa and coffe over ketchup
Likes to draw
Has an adorable design (I'm talking about his bunny slippers =3)

Overall, he sounds pretty sweet to me <3
And gosh, the interactions between him and Nightmare-Mhm 👌

Dunno, something just screams fluffiness to me....*cOuGh*

What? It'd be super interesting  to see Nightmare hang around a Sans and learn a thing or two about him (turning Fanon here) and who knows? Learn to appreciate normalcy and life through the perspective of someone who goes through pain but endures it. Something that he would maybe realize in time how similar to his past and how it could've been resolved, plus, seeing him act differently around someone outside the gang would be a fresh cup of lemonade.

Not to mention how C. would try to get him to warm up to him would be something too. Although....*shivers* I'm not too sure anyone wants to see what would happen if these elements turned negatively. Believe me, it would be pretty nasty to look at. But aside all that, I still ship this.
Eh, it'd be more of a crack ship to some people which frankly I wouldn't argue against, but to me I ship it genuinely.

For instance, if Nightmare ever was reverted back to his past self for good, it'd be wholesome to see how these two would be around each other afterwards. And maybe help out another in their own ways unlike before.

Now, the only difference between this ship and other ones which be unlikely to near impossible, is well, again it's my guilty pleasure and it's not particularly too popular a ship I think. Plus it's something outside the box which I appreciate a lot, so yeah. Why not?

I honestly don't have much more opinions on this ship aside from what I put down, but in the end I like it a lot for some reason lol.

Anywho, that's it for now. Onto the next ship!

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