Quick disclaimer you should read

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So, I just want to make it clear that I ain't intentionally out to bash ships nor make anyone feel bad for shipping a certain pairing. I think you're free to do whatever the heck you want when it comes to fictional characters and all that, BUT, sometimes it doesn't hurt to enlighten people when there's something that genuinely needs to be addressed. Like; normalization of incest, pedophilia, abusive/toxic relationships, and a lot more. For instance for some things that just don't make sense, and criticism isn't a bad thing either. Because even I digress these certain topics, because nothing's perfect. But that's what makes it fun, however there needs to be a more careful way to approach things like that, otherwise you'll be dragged down with the toxicity and it can effect your very real lives if these things from your childhood is passed off as normal.

I see some of you guys as my audience are probably no older than 13+

And I make stuff like this, not only for fun, but to make sure I can at least provide a somewhat healthy output and wisdom. This really wasn't my intention from the start, but seeing as I picture myself as a self aware and mature person to a degree-it's the least I could do. Especially since it's through Undertale that's impacted me the most for the absolute best, I want to do something it did for me;
Help others grow.

Okay, I know I'm about to go off all preachy about now, but it's true. Far as I can remember, I've always been a mess. My emotions even before I turned into a teen were all over the place, I had no idea how I was going to turn out. And to be honest, I was really cringey at some point. And welp, when I got into my first official fandom, I was not in a good spot. I felt miserable thus it effected my behavior negatively, not because of the fandom no (though it did play a part too), but the thing I was into. Since let's just say it unintentionally arose this anger I've kept stamped out for years, thus I was going through a roller coaster. But then, I found Undertale.

For the first time I felt like I was actually living.

See, I barely had any friends or non at all actually, or even a family to call my family. But Undertale, in a way became my new best friend and adoptive family member to me. It was just some of those people that lingered around it that ticked me off (some parts of the fandom), but somehow I matured and learned how to deal with that in a healthier way. It had a lot of good to offer me along with a good dose of heart and stuff that tore my soul out, but the experience was worth it. And along the way, I discovered new parts of myself that I'm comfortable with to this day. As well as becoming more open to the LGTBQ community and improving in writing and art, for that I owe this community a lot.

Even now when my mom wants me to quit on Undertale because I happen to like Sans, I refuse to because that's how much this game and the fandom means to me. Trust me, it does.
There's nothing else I can say about Undertale that anyone else hasn't already, other than it's a big part of my life now and I probably won't leave it until I'm in my late 20s. That I can take a wild guess at.

So yeah, I figure since I'm not the only one out there who loves this game, I can do what I can to spread new things to educate people who need it. I hope my words can be relatable among you guys, because far as I'm concerned-you may all be strangers, but as long as we're in this community, I'd gladly call you my best friends/family.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling, but hopefully I got my point across.

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