Fresh X Paperjam #4

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( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
Uuuhhhhh......fricker frackers.


A-alright....look. I really don't dislike it....(at some point you'll find out which ships I don't like) but it makes me uncomfortable. Because do realize PJ is the ship child of Error and Ink....right? Their CHILD. And yes, you could argue he's an adult in PJ's adoption center (forgive me if the title is wrong) but there Fresh and everyone are children.... and even if Fresh was PJ's age in one timeline, I don't that's true.....Because I'm pretty sure last time I estimated it, that Fresh is around Error and Ink's age...
And is a literal parasite.....
...who doesn't feel....
....and isn't even technically a Sans...

And PJ isn't 100% canon.....and he also has a girlfriend.....(I think-)
Soooooo, yeahhhh....I don't really support it because of those reasons....and also because I see Fresh as Error's brother....which would him his uncle technically-
LIKE I SAID. I don't hate it, or remotely dislike it...but I think it's meh...Don't really see the appeal because of how sexual the ship actually is. Believe me, I was looking for fan art, and SO MANY images were either filled with nonstop blushing and sexual themes.... and I've already stated I HATE sexually driven ships or relationships in general....But I don't that doesn't count too much here because I really just don't care about Fresh X Paperjam.
Although, I do see them as a uncle and nephew relationship >:3

Yep.....that's it. Enough said....welp! See ya next time!

Quick edit: And sorry to the person who requested this if you ship it!! This is just my opinion you can ship what you want!

Edit 2: Lol, don't you find it funny that people make the excuse Fresh and Error are brothers so people don't ship them? Yes, in that one comic they are brothers but not remotely outside it. So listen up bucko, you're not only shipping potential pedophilia, you're shipping incest <3

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