-2- You are my helper

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-2- You are my helper

"So you're Xiao Zhan?" Asked the new student and Zhan nodded shyly. "Then you are my assistant." He said and sat down again.

Zhan knew that in this school, new students were given a helper for the first time. Mostly other classmates who show and explain everything to the new one and spend some time with them so that they don't feel so alone.

"Um, okay." Said Zhan and sat down again as well.

When the teacher came into the classroom, she took a look at the students and then cheerfully explained that there was a new classmate. "As you have already noticed, there is a new face in our class. Join me in welcoming the new student." She said cheerfully.

The new one stood up, bowed slightly and then said, "Hi, I am Wang Yibo, 17 years old and I recently moved here from Shanghai with my parents and big brother. I hope we get along well together".

"I am glad that you are with us. And in case you don't know yet, Xiao Zhan will be your helper for the first 14 days. He will help you find your way around quickly and explain everything you need to know." Said the teacher. Wang Yibo nodded and sat down again.

Classes began and started with English, a subject that Zhan disliked most in school. He was always struggling with vocabulary and Chuyue was no different. For example, Zhan was an excellent student, except when it came to English and sports. This was not among Zhan's strengths.

The teacher wrote a few sentences on the blackboard and the students had to add the missing vocabulary. Zhan got really hot every time the teacher took a look at the round and looked at him, but then fortunately called on another student.

But Zhan's luck ran out at the fifth sentence and the teacher called him up. Slowly and with his eyes on the floor, Zhan went to the blackboard and stared at the sentence. He held the chalk so firmly in his hand that it almost broke. Again and again he started to read the sentence, he was sweating and his throat felt dry. His classmates giggled and the teacher put additional pressure on him.

Zhan would have loved to throw the chalk to the floor and run out of the classroom. But suddenly the giggling stopped and Wang Yibo appeared next to him. He took the chalk out of Zhan's hand and wrote the missing vocabulary into the sentence. Then he read the sentence correctly and winked at Zhan.

Zhan felt his cheeks blushing and stared at Wang Yibo with eyes wide open. Wang Yibo smiled at him, took him by the wrist and pulled him with him, and then to Zhan's seat. "Looks like you need my help more than your." He said to Zhan and patted his shoulder before he sat down in his own seat.

Zhan's heart was beating almost to his throat and he was almost convinced that all he needed to do was open his mouth wide enough, so it was visible. Only little by little did his heart calm down again, and the redness on his face also subsided. But every time he looked at Wang Yibo, and he happened to look over to him, which made their eyes meet, his heart immediately beat faster and his cheeks blushed again.

After the first two hours, the school bell rang for breakfast break in the yard. Zhan had almost forgotten that he is now Wang Yibo's helper and was about to storm out of the classroom with Chuyue to get to the cafeteria in time to get his favorite milk and a sandwich when Wang Yibo grabbed him by the wrist and asked where he wanted to go.

Zhan stopped abruptly while Chuyue ran off and promised to bring Zhan his breakfast. "So where were you going in such a hurry?" Wang Yibo asked him again.

"Oh uh, so to the cafeteria. If we are not fast enough, the best milk is gone and then there is only this disgusting porridge." Explained Zhan.

"And you were going there without me?"

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