-13- A long conversation

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-13- A long conversation

Zhan was still confused and full of questions when he arrived at the bakery. For him the fact that his wicked stepmother, the apparently nice father of Yibo Datet, was unbelievable. When and how did the two meet? Do they really date? Will he become Zhan's stepfather and Yibo his stepbrother? What will happen to the feelings that he and Yibo have for each other?

Of course, the baker did not fail to notice how confused Zhan was and so she asked him what happened. He told her what he had experienced when he wanted to leave the house and told her how worried it made him. Although she tried to calm Zhan down and told him not to worry and not to think that far ahead, it still didn't leave him alone.

When most of the work was done and Zhan had 20 minutes left before he had to leave, he and the baker sat at the table, drinking a hot cocoa and eating a still hot roll. Zhan was deep in his thoughts when the baker suddenly said, "Well, if he's really nice and should become your new stepfather, then maybe you'll feel better soon." He said, "I'm sure he'll be fine.

" Nice thinking. But Yibo's father also works all day long and would not even notice what's going on at home. Besides, it was the same with my father. She fooled him for three years, until he realized at some point and much too late what she was really like. And he left me with her, even though he knew what she was like. Even in a children's home I would have been better off."

"I know Zhan. And all of us, who knew and know, have made ourselves guilty because we just always watched and never did anything. But, we all thought like your father. Without him, you are all alone. None of us wanted you to be in a children's home."

"But I am still alone. At home I am just a free worker who has to take care of everything. Gardening, cooking, cleaning and washing. She takes away my money so that food can be bought from it. And then she also steals this money so that she can buy new clothes. My stepbrothers who despise me and hate me deeply get their pocket money from my money. Money I have to work for."

The baker looked at Zhan sadly and thoughtfully for a long time. She probably would have said something, but Zhan had to change his clothes and drive to school. To the school where everybody except Chuyue thinks he is a crazy because his stepbrothers spread so much crap about him. And today not even Yibo is there, so at least he would have some distraction. Because with him, Zhan hardly thought about anything else but his feelings for him.

But how will that be now? Will he think of his stepmother and Yibo's father every time he looks at Yibo? Will they soon have to mentally adjust to being stepbrothers? What will become of them then? Could they then even consider being a couple?

The thoughts and questions were spinning like a spiral in Zhan's head and as much as he tried to stop thinking about it, he couldn't.

Zhan had almost reached the school gate when a black car stopped next to him. Zhan got so scared that he almost fell off his bike. Because the driver was honking too.

The back seat window came down and Zhan recognized Wang Shou. "Since you missed school yesterday, I wonder if you'd like to skip school today."

"Huh? Are you here to check if I go to school?"

"Actually, no. I was hoping we could sit down and talk."

"And talk about what?"

"Well, I'd like to tell you in private. I'd also let your teacher know. I'd just say you're with Yibo today. If I do, it won't be a problem."

Zhan believed that immediately. Because Yibo's family also supports the school financially. "Um, I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble."

"You won't. The teacher won't say anything."

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