-12- Just you and me

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-12- Just you and me

A/N: The crazy old lady, that is me, has changed the cover once again. Already noticed? But I am not satisfied yet. Mhhh, let's see when I change it the next time. Hahaha

When Zhan came home on the evening of Thursday, his stepmother had not asked him about his absence from school. She had been far too busy with her makeup and new dress, with Zhan wondering how she could afford it. However, when he took a look at the household budget to take out the money for Friday's shopping, he knew where she got the money from.

He wondered how she thought he should buy groceries when there was no money left? Although he had already received the money for the days he had worked in the designer fashion store into his account, his mother had already withdrawn it as quickly as it was there. After all, her two sons need pocket money, she had told Zhan. And the baker wouldn't give him any money until next week.

So he thought that if she did ask him about his absence, he would ask her where the household money had gone and how he should go shopping now.

Since Zhan is not stupid and he knows his stepmother only too well, he always stored part of the household budget in a different, safe place. But she doesn't need to know that, and if it could be avoided, he would never touch the money. Because if he suddenly can go shopping even though the household cash box is empty, she would know that he is hiding money and would turn the house upside down to find it.

Because Zhan's stepmother had a date in the evening and his stepbrothers were already asleep, Zhan even got his cell phone back from his stepmother. Just in case something happens to her sons, her twin sons who are meanwhile 18 years old, and can call her.

Zhan used this opportunity for himself. He could watch a video in his room and, he could write to Yibo with his cell phone. Because it had occurred to him that Chuyue told him that Yibo's best friends are there every weekend. And since he and Yibo had agreed to meet up with their bunnies on Saturday in the morning, he wanted to make sure Yibo didn't bring his friends.

And so he wrote to Yibo: "Hey, about Saturday. I heard your best friends are there every weekend. You're not gonna bring them, are you?"

It didn't even take a minute for Yibo to write back, "Just you and me."

"Okay, then I feel better."

"I know who's been telling you all this stuff, but I'd really like to know where Chuyue got all this? My friends are not there every weekend. They come once a month. And that's not this weekend."

"I don't know where he gets it from. I don't ask anymore either, because he always says that a good journalist doesn't reveal his sources. Anyway, I'm glad they're not here this weekend."

"I'm really looking forward to it. Have you told your stepmother that you'll be staying somewhere else?"

"Not yet. She has a date. Sure we want to camp out by the abandoned factory grounds?"

"We can go to my house. Just in case you don't want to camp."

"No, no. It has to be authentic. If I tell my stepmom I'm going camping for the night because of a school project, I should bring a tent."

"You can bring it, but nobody says you have to use it."

"We'll see. I'm going right to sleep."

"Are you looking forward to our day together?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan was wondering the same thing. Is he really doing this just to please Yibo because he wished it so? Or is he doing it because he wants it himself? Zhan admitted to himself that he himself also wants it. At least for one day, he wants to know what it feels like to be in love and to let it happen. Not to be afraid and just let himself fall.

So he wrote Yibo: "Yes, I am happy. Good night!"

"Good night Zhan ❤️." Replied Yibo. The heart behind his name made Zhan feel that tingle in his stomach again. Now, more strongly. Because ever since Yibo asked him for that one day, he was so excited and the tickling in his stomach hadn't even stopped since then.

But before Zhan went to sleep, he took out the gold medal from his secret hiding place in the wall behind a picture of his parents and looked at it with a smile. He thought that it was a pity that he could not see Yibo on Friday. Because Yibo won't be at school on Friday, since he has a motorcycle race which is not in Beijing.

Zhan stroked and kissed the gold medal, whispered that he wished Yibo all the best for tomorrow's race and that he should come back in one piece, then he put the medal under his pillow, closed his eyes and as he slowly fell asleep, he imagined what Saturday would be like.

But he also thought about the last days. About the new manager who changed everything in the store. That Zhan suddenly was only allowed to work in the warehouse and therefore couldn't do his homework at work when there were no customers in the store. His job loss, the baker who gave him a new job and a shoulder to cry on. His first kiss and realizing that he is in love with a boy he hardly knows and yet likes so much that he will spend all Saturday with him and they will even spend the night together to get more time out of this one day.

In the morning when Zhan got up, it was actually still night. It was quiet in the house. Here and there he imagined hearing a sound, but there was nothing. He ran outside with a flashlight, fed the chickens that were also still sleeping, fed his bunny Lan Zhan the second and stroked him and turned on the timer for the water sprinkler to water the vegetables in the garden beds. Then he sneaked back into the house, prepared the breakfast table, set the clock on the oven, put rolls in it and checked if the timer for the coffee machine was also on. Then he went upstairs, put his school uniform in a bag, took his backpack and started off for work.

Just as Zhan was leaving the house to go to the bakery for work, he heard voices outside the door. His stepmother just came home, giggling like a shy girl and the man whose voice was deep laughed happily.

Zhan opened the door, wished them good morning and wanted to keep going. But his stepmother stopped him and said to her new friend, "By the way, this is my stepson. I told you about him."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Wang Shou." Zhan froze for a moment. Wang Shou? Yibo's father?

"Pleased to meet you, sir. I'm Xiao Zhan, a classmate of your son." Zhan replied nervously, trying to suppress his astonishment and anger that suddenly came up inside him.

"Oh really? That's great. I think Yibo has already told me about you. You are his helper, right? He said he likes you a lot. You are kind and very polite."

"Ha ha, all my upbringing." Zhan's stepmother intervened.

"Um, thanks. I'm sorry I have to leave because I have to be at work on time." Zhan replied, ignoring his stepmother's comment.

"What are you working before school? And why do you work at all? Shouldn't you be concentrating on school and learning in your senior year?" Wang Shou wanted to know.

And Zhan's stepmother immediately said, "Yes, I told him so many times. But he wants to supplement his pocket money. He's very hardworking and as long as his grades don't suffer, I'll let him work."

"Wow, with this enthusiasm you will surely make it far one day. What do you want to do later?" Wang Shou asked.

"I want to become a designer. Unfortunately, I really have to go. It was nice to meet you." Said Zhan and slipped past both of them.

When he was on his way to work, he wondered how an apparently so nice man could go out with his stepmother? And what will Yibo say when he finds out that his father is dating again and who? Is Wang Shou the man she plans to marry? Will Yibo be his new stepbrother? What's going on here? Was he still sleeping and having bad dreams?

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