-14- The big race

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-14- The big race

When they reached their destination, Zhan had calmed down again. But mainly because Wang Shou told him to remember that Yibo would be worried if he sees Zhan crying.

As soon as Zhan got out of the car and looked around, he was overwhelmed by the size of the track and the sheer mass of people who came just to see this race. Zhan, who had no idea about motorcycle racing, thought at first that it was a simple race. But then Wang Shou enlightened him and told him that it was about the championship. For the title as a champion.

"It is the most important race of the year and the last one for this very season. Although there are some smaller races here and there, they are no longer counted and count more as friendly races." Explained Wang Shou.

After Yibo unloaded his bike and took it to be checked, before each race the bikes are checked for illegal aids, he came to Zhan and his father and asked Zhan if he wanted to come to his locker room. Zhan nodded. Since he was curious to see what it looks like and where Yibo is preparing.

And while Zhan ran after Yibo and didn't know where to look first because there was so much to see, Yibo's father and his brother went to the viewing area.

A speaker sounded over the loudspeakers and explained that the favorite for first place, Wang Yibo, had just arrived as well and was now preparing for the race. He read out some more data about speed and such, which Zhan didn't understand, and then moved on to the next driver.

When they reached the building where only the drivers and staff or people accompanying the drivers have access, Zhan was immediately amazed again. Fully air-conditioned rooms for each driver, free drinks, snacks and sweets were available. There was also a TV and a Playstation so that the drivers could take their minds off things if they were very excited, as Yibo explained.

Zhan stood at one of the two big windows and could see the whole track from there. He had been simply impressed by their size. Yibo, who had changed behind a screen, came out in his racing outfit, stood behind Zhan and asked him, "What did my father talk to you about?".

Zhan had already expected this question and nervously rubbed his hands on his jeans. But then he said: "Oh um, he wanted to get to know me. Because he knew my parents. They were probably good friends."

"And that was all?"

"Is there anything else he should say?"

"I don't know, Zhan, why don't you tell me?"

"Uh haha, no. Nothing else." Zhan didn't like to lie. But he also didn't want to talk about what else Yibo's father said. He was too embarrassed. And even more embarrassed that he was crying.

Yibo stroked Zhan's hair and replied, "It's okay Zhan, you don't have to tell me. As long as you're okay."

"Mmm, I'm fine." Zhan said and that wasn't a lie.

When Zhan turned around, Yibo put his arms around him and pulled him away from the window. "Do I get a good luck kiss from you?" Yibo asked with a grin.

"I um, our day is only tomorrow and I don't think I can..." And he did not get any further, because Yibo had interrupted Zhan when he pressed his lips on those of Zhan.

And once again Zhan could not resist him and gave up without a battle and returned the kiss. It just felt too good and too right for Zhan, so he didn't reject Yibo.

In the end, Zhan didn't even know how long they stood there kissing each other. They didn't stop until there was a knock on the door and someone shouted that there were only ten minutes left. But even though the kiss was interrupted, Yibo still wouldn't let go of Zhan and even held him tighter. "I am glad that you are here today. And thanks for the kiss, I bet it brings me luck. But now we should go. I'll take you to your seat."

No sooner had Yibo brought Zhan to his seat, next to Yibo's father, than he ran off to his team. On the large display a clock ran down backwards. Only five minutes left to the start. And Zhan was already so nervous that he was afraid he would tip over before the race even started.

Only three minutes left and the drivers took their positions. Yibo waved at them and got ready.

One more minute and Zhan's hands and legs trembled from nervousness. The many articles he read and the horror pictures of motorcycle accidents appeared before his inner eye. He prayed in thought that Yibo would not be hurt.

Three, two and the engines of the motorcycles howled up, one and suddenly the spectators were silent, start, and the riders raced off at high speed. It looked like a herd and each of them tried to get to the front.

The riders were pushing each other away, no one wanted to let anyone else get to the pole position. Everyone wanted to win. Spectators shouted, clapped and waved flags and banners. The engines roared loudly and they drove so fast that Zhan had trouble keeping an eye on Yibo.

And then one of the riders managed to get out of the herd and took the lead. He was followed by Yibo and the two of them were racing head to head while the other riders were still trying to break out of the herd.

Zhan was so nervous that he bites on his fingernails. Wang Shou offered him something to drink, but Zhan just shook his head. "Exciting, isn't it?" Asked Yibo's big brother Zhan nodded.

"Is it always like this?" Asked Zhan.

"Actually, only when it comes to the important races. But the other races are no less exciting."

"I see." Zhan replied, fixing his gaze again on Yibo.

Zhan had no idea how many laps the riders had completed, he didn't want to look away from Yibo, just to look at the display. His heart was racing so fast that he thought, if it would take part in the race, it would easily overtake all the riders.

Minute by minute, the speaker chattered away any things that Zhan didn't understand and then he announced: "Last lap."

The spectators got up from their seats, they screamed and cheered. Yibo and the other rider were still running head-to-head. "Yibo, Yibo." Heard Zhan from the crowd of spectators.

And just before the finish, it seemed as if everyone was holding their breath at the same time. Silence all around and only the engines of the machines could be heard. And then Yibo took everything out of his machine once again, drove away from the other rider and crossed the finish line first with a 17 meter lead over the other rider.

An ear-splitting noise echoed from the spectators, they called Yibo's name, screamed with joy and Yibo who had got off his machine, pushed it aside and waited until the last rider crossed the finish line.

For half an hour data was evaluated, a winners' staircase was built and tables were set up on which the medals and cups were placed.

A man in a black designer suit came out with a microphone, next to him a woman in a short black dress. They called out the names of the three winners and waited until Yibo and the other two had taken their positions on the winners' stairs. Congratulations were expressed, medals were awarded and the cups were handed out. Then Yibo opened a huge bottle of champagne and showered himself and the other two with it.

Zhan had made extra pictures of it and posted them in the group from the class chat. His classmates, who never responded to anything he wrote or posted, wrote back enthusiastically and thanked Zhan for the pictures.

As the riders went back into the building to change, Yibo came running to the spectator stands, handed his trophy and medal to his father and took Zhan with him. Zhan actually thought he would have to wait with Yibo's father and his brother.

With big quick steps they went to the building, inside and to Yibo's room. No sooner were they in the room and Zhan wanted to congratulate Yibo, Yibo turned to him, threw his arms around Zhan and kissed him. He even lifted Zhan a bit from the floor and kissed him so hard that Zhan was afraid Yibo would break his teeth. Still, he liked it.

When Yibo made Zhan sink back to the floor, he looked Zhan deep into his eyes and said, "I love you ZhanZhan." And kissed Zhan again. But this time much more tenderly and lovingly.

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