-4- Tired

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-4- Tired

After the last lesson, Zhan said goodbye to Wang Yibo, or Yibo, as he would like to be called by Zhan, and made his way to the bicycle stands. But when he arrived at his bike, he once again had flat tires. And he did not have to look for a culprit either. Because his two stepbrothers stood laughing nearby and watched him.

And just on this day of all days, Zhan was in such a hurry in the morning that he forgot to pack an air pump. Now he was facing a problem. Because even if he ran as fast as he could, he wouldn't make it to work on time and would be late. The bus, which Chuyue also always takes, has just left and the next one won't arrive for twenty minutes.

On top of that, today of all days the new manager of the designer fashion store starts working and wants to have a talk with all the employees. If he were late, the new manager would get a bad impression of Zhan. In addition, he would have to freshen up and change his clothes in the store. After all, he can't work in a designer store in his school uniform.

Desperately searching for a solution, Zhan stood at the school gate and didn't know what to do. Should he run, be late, sweaty and totally exhausted when he got there or wait for the bus and still be late, but at least not sweaty? And then a car stopped in front of him, the window on the passenger side was lowered and Yibo asked Zhan: "What's wrong? Why are you still here?"

"My bike has two flat tires and I don't think I need to explain who it was. And I don't have a tire pump with me. And now I'm thinking about how I can get to work as fast as possible without being late, sweating and totally exhausted.

Yibo talked to the young man in the driver's seat and then said to Zhan, "Come on, get in. We'll drive you."

Zhan didn't take long to think it over and gratefully accepted the offer. The driver turned out to be Yibo's big brother, who introduced himself as Wang Hai Kuan. " It, it's a pleasure to meet you." Zhan stuttered and bowed slightly.

"How long have you been going to school here?" Wang Hai Kuan asked.

"Oh um, all the time. I have always just been here." Zhan replied.

"And how do you like it here? When I drove Yibo here this morning, it reminded me of an old castle. I'm even amazed that there's a real castle moat here." Said Hai Kuan.

"Well that's because it was once a castle. There's even an area here in the basement that's been left exactly the way it was."

"And what is that area?"

"A dungeon. Up until three years ago, we were allowed to go there from time to time and look at it. But not anymore. The new director says it's a historical monument and he doesn't want it destroyed by the students."

"Wow, a real dungeon. I would have loved to have seen that too. It's a pity that it can't be visited anymore. This is what makes the school more interesting."

"Well, there is also a room there, where there are many pictures of how the castle looked like, before it became a school. Among them are relics from that time and many pictures of the dungeon. So if someone wants to know how it looks like down there, he can also have a look at the pictures. But there is just no comparison to see it in real life."

"I believe that. We were also once in a castle that still had many rooms as they were then. But it already looked very arranged. Except for the courtyard, which really reminded us of a time long ago."

"I see. Well, maybe the director will reopen the dungeon for visitors some day. As far as I know, many parents are angry because he alone decided to close the area. And with some parents, he'd better not mess up, because thanks to their donations, the school can continue to exist."

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