-22- Not much time left

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-22- Not much time left

Sometimes Zhan has the feeling that time just flies by. One moment he moved into his new home to the Wang's and the next moment he is 18 years old and about to go to university. And it will be the university he always wanted to go to, the Gusu Lan University of Beijing. It is small and is located in the middle of a forest.

The university looks like a castle surrounded by rose hedges. When Zhan first went there, he laughed and said it was like Sleeping Beauty. Another of his favorite fairy tale books from his childhood. Back then he wanted to be the prince who awakened Sleeping Beauty from her 100 year sleep. He also wanted to be the prince who saved Cinderella from her wicked stepmother and wicked stepsisters.

Well, as it turned out, he became Cinderella, though, or Zhanella? And Yibo was the prince who saved him, or something like that. Of course, things weren't going the same way with Zhan as with the prince in the fairy tale book, because his prince turned his life upside down and confused him. And in the fairy tale Cinderella didn't move to the prince's family to live there after the evil stepmother fell.

But, like in the fairy tale, there will be a prom. Or rather two. The prom at school and a farewell prom at home. Because while Zhan will move to the university grounds in the small dormitory, Yibo will move to Shanghai and go to university there. But before that, Yibo's father will hold a farewell prom at home.

Since the preparations for the prom are already in full swing at school and a lot has already been prepared for the farewell prom at home, Zhan knows that there is not much time left for him and Yibo.

When Zhan thinks about the fact that he never really wanted to give in to his feelings, for fear of the reactions of others and even convinced himself that a relationship with Yibo would only create more problems for him, then he could slap himself for these thoughts today.

Now he even finds it difficult not to show his displeasure about the fact that he and Yibo will not see each other so often in the future. At least until they both finish university.

On his 18th birthday, Zhan received his inheritance. He is not rich because of it now, but it is enough money to pay for the university and not have to go to work at the same time.

Even when Zhan moved to Wang's, Mr. Wang gave him the money he received from the trustee for Zhan every month. Zhan did not spend this money and had it transferred to his account. He saved where he could, because he never wants to be dependent on others. As soon as he finishes university, he wants to use his savings to build something for himself.

After all, he cannot live forever in the Wang's household. Or maybe he could. But he doesn't want to take advantage of the Wang's kindness.

Meanwhile Zhan and Yibo are a couple for half a year. And most of the time they get along great and the love could not be bigger. Of course there are also quarrels between them from time to time. Especially when the two of them spent an evening together in Yibo's room and Zhan got up and went to his room when it was at its most comfortable.

Yibo could not understand why Zhan still did not want to spend the night with him. After all, he is not trying to sleep with Zhan, he just wants to have him with him when he sleeps.

Zhan himself doesn't quite understand it either, but always tells himself that he doesn't want anyone in the house to misunderstand when he comes out of Yibo's room in the morning. After all, the two promised Yibo's father to wait until they are married before having sex. Even though it was actually much too early to talk about marriage. Six months of relationship for such young people like him and Yibo does not mean that they will always stay together. After all, they do not live in a fairy tale where this is always the case.

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