-24- Masked Ball Part 2

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-24- Masked Ball Part 2

Yibo, Zhan and the two of them hugged each other for joy and fell to the ground, which caused some laughter. But then Yibo put the ring on Zhan's finger and Zhan put the other ring on Yibo's finger.

Applause and cheers followed. Congratulations were called and then Zhan met his relatives. And the strange faces were suddenly not so strange anymore when he learned their names. Zhan had never been so happy in his life as he was at that moment.

Not only that he would marry Yibo in less than half an hour. But also that he now knows that he is not the last one in his family. His grandmother, his mother's mother, is there and stands by him, his father's parents who took Zhan in their arms and cried with joy when they saw him.

An uncle and an aunt who are there with their daughter and son. A great uncle and a great aunt who told him they each have three children and their children also have children and they are all related to Zhan. And what amazed him most about his great uncle was that he is one of the founders of Gusu Lan University.

When the wedding ceremony began, Zhan's grandmother brought him to the altar and handed him over to Yibo and his family as the official representative of the family, trusting them to be his family. "I would tell you to take good care of him. But I'm sure you will anyway." She said winking to Yibo.

The woman from America, who fortunately spoke perfect Chinese, started the ceremony and led the two newly engaged couples into marriage in just one hour. With a kiss the two sealed their bond and from now on they may call themselves husband and husband.

During the wedding ceremony, Mr. Wang stood up, held up a glass and said, "When my son confessed to me that he had fallen undyingly in love with one of his classmates, I knew he was serious. Because Yibo does nothing half-hearted. Once his heart was lost to someone, I knew that Yibo would always love this other boy. When I found out who this other boy was, I was absolutely thrilled, because I knew his parents and I knew he would make my Yibo happy. From that day on, Zhan was already part of my family. And when I finally met him personally, I understood Yibo very well. My son-in-law is not only handsome, but also cute and smart and honest. And I really love him. I am happy that Zhan is now officially part of the family and I hope he will finally stop calling me Mr. Wang. You hear Zhan? Call me Dad!"

Zhan nodded and thanked him. Then Hai Kuan also stood up and said: "I proclaim that I love my brother-in-law. My little brother was always someone who smiled little or showed little emotion throughout his life. But look at him today, he is smiling, he is beaming and when he tells you about his Zhan, you not only see how happy he is, you can feel it. I am very happy for you both and I hope you have a long and fulfilled life ahead of you."

Little by little, other guests also gave small speeches, expressed wishes for the two of them or simply told how they got to know each other and how much they enrich each other.

Finally, Zhan stood up and said, "Did you know that my favorite fairy tale was always Cinderella? She had a wicked stepmother and two wicked stepsisters. And as a little boy, when my mother read the book to me, I always imagined that I was the prince in this fairy tale. But then my mother died and I got a wicked stepmother and two wicked stepbrothers myself. Suddenly I, the one who always wanted to be the prince, became Cinderella myself, or as Yibo called me, Zhanella. My life was difficult and marked by doubts. When I met Yibo and realized that I felt something for him, I was full of doubts. I had never been in love before and certainly not with a man. I almost said boy haha. I thought if I gave in to these feelings, it would only create more problems for me. So I tried to suppress these feelings, but one look at Yibo and my heart began to jump. When I finally realized that I was just looking for excuses why we couldn't be together, that I was just scared and my doubts, that there was someone who could really love me, kept me from being happy. I knew that I was standing in my own way. And as soon as I broke down that last wall myself, it finally became light around me and I felt a warmth that I had never felt before. The warmth that comes when you are loved by another person. When you feel safe. And not only Yibo gave me this feeling, but also his father and his brother. Through these three people I learned to love and to let myself be loved. They were and are my family and I am happy and thankful for it. Oh yes, back to the Cinderella story. I have been thinking about my life until now and I think I am experiencing my own modern Cinderella story. And, I've even found a prince haha."

Yibo took Zhan in his arms and whispered, "And you will never get rid of us again. I love you ZhanZhan and I have another surprise for you, I hope it doesn't shock you."

Zhan looked at Yibo questioningly, he smiled and Yibo kept whispering: "I'm not going to Shanghai, I'm going to Gusu Lan University with you. I can't let anyone try to steal my sweet husband away from me."

"Really? No shit?" Zhan asked enthusiastically.

"Mmm, really. I talked to your great uncle and he told me I could study there as well and he will even provide us with a small apartment."

Zhan was absolutely thrilled. Because he had been afraid of leaving Yibo for a long time. And now that they are even married, he was even more afraid to say goodbye. He simply could not imagine seeing Yibo only a few times a year for the next four years.

Another surprise was that Zhan's uncle brought some videos. Videos of Zhan and his parents. These videos were played on a screen. In one video Zhan was dressed like a knight with a cape and a wooden sword. He rescued the princess, who was his mother, from a tower.

Many stared back and forth between Zhan and the video showing his mother. Astonished, some said: "It is absolutely incredible how great the resemblance between the two is."

In another video, Zhan was sitting in the garden with Lan Zhan the First, feeding him a carrot. His mother sat next to him and sang a song while she brushed Zhan's hair.

Another video showed Zhan, his mother and his father on the beach. They walked along there, fooling around and collecting shells. Zhan was placed on his shoulders by his father and Zhan's father told him the story of Ariel the mermaid as they walked along the beach.

Then there was one last video. Zhan's mother was lying in her bed. She was already very sick and looked tired. Still she tried to smile. She said into the camera: "My dear sweet son, my A-Zhan, if you see this video one day, I'm afraid I won't be with you anymore. Sometimes life doesn't go the way we want it to and sometimes it requires that we say goodbye to each other far too soon. And even if I soon can't be with you anymore, you can be sure I'll always be there. In your heart I will continue to exist for you and I hope that you will be strong. But I also hope that you will have a beautiful life and one day, just like me, you will find your great love and just be happy. Don't forget what mom always told you, it doesn't matter if you find a princess or a prince, the only thing that matters is that you are happy. I believe that one day he will find a prince. Oh uh, cut that out later please OK? Never give up, even if it gets difficult. I'll be watching you from the sky, my treasure. Mommy loves you very much and wishes you a bright and loving future."

The video ended there when his mother suffered another fit of weakness. All present were silent and only the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of some had been heard. Yibo held Zhan in his arms, who had started to cry and sobbed softly. He stroked his cheek, kissed his forehead and whispered: "I am always here for you ZhanZhan and I will not leave your side. And hey, your mother obviously already knew that you were going to marry a prince."

Zhan had to smile when he heard that and nodded. "Mmm, she was a smart lady."

"Yes, ZhanZhan, she was. And she loved you very much and just wanted you to be happy. And I hope you're really happy now."

" I am Yibo." Zhan replied.

There followed three videos of Yibo when he was younger. Zhan had to laugh when he saw Yibo sitting on a tiny motorcycle with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a sinister look. Yibo told him that he was five years old when this was recorded.

Another video showed Yibo as a 9 year old. He looked grimly into the camera, showed the skateboard he got as a present and everyone expected him to ride it. Instead, he strapped it on the back seat of a small motorcycle, sat down on the machine and rode off. "hahaha, that's what I expected." Zhan said laughing.

The last video showed the Wang family on a field trip. Yibo was 12 years old and looked grim as always. The trip ended at a race track where Yibo rode his first official motorcycle race in the Junior League and made first place. On the winner's podium it was the first time he smiled that day.

After they had also cut the cake together and opened the celebration with a dance, Zhan and Yibo retired. They could have continued the celebration. But they just wanted to be alone and have their own little party. Just the two of them, in one room and in one bed.

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