-17- Relief

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-17- Relief

Zhan held the transport box with Lan Zhan tightly against himself and did not understand at all what was happening. All he knew was that he was suddenly scared and was on the verge of panicking. And although he would have preferred to hide in the car on the floor, he just couldn't look away and kept his eyes on the driver and his gun.

They were on a bypass road, which was actually built once, when for a while there were plans to build a new factory complex, so that the many trucks could take this road so as not to obstruct normal traffic. But that was over ten years ago. The factory complex was never built and this road is rarely used by motorists. Zhan wondered why the Wang's driver took this road. There was actually no reason for that.

The driver slowly approached the first of the two cars. He held his gun in front of him. He reminded Zhan of an agent, like he often saw in movies.

Nobody moved in the first car. The driver walked towards the second car and even then there seemed to be no movement at all. So the driver took his phone, called someone, Zhan couldn't hear him, and then turned around to get back to the car.

When the driver was back in the car, he said to Zhan, "All right. Obviously just an accident after all. Out of one car came a strong smell of alcohol and he drove on the wrong lane. I assume he is drunk and therefore caused the accident."

"What made you think it could be any different?" Asked Zhan, who still had a heart ache from all the excitement.

"Because influential businessmen like Mr. Wang have many enemies. They want his money or power, and are not afraid of kidnapping." Said the driver.

Zhan had no idea that Yibo and his family are exposed to such dangers. He wondered how they could drive to an amusement park in peace and quiet. If Zhan were in their place, he would certainly not go anywhere where danger could threaten him.

"Don't worry. It's not often that we have to intervene. And we are trained to do so. Besides, everyone in the Wang family is good at defending themselves. Maybe you should learn this too. It' s never wrong to be able to defend yourself in case of danger."

Zhan nodded. Maybe he would like to learn something like that, too. But when should he do that? He has neither time nor money for that. And if he asked his stepmother, she would not allow him to do it anyway.

When the first ambulance and the police arrived, the driver made his statement and then he brought Zhan home. Instead of letting him out at the bus stop as previously agreed, the driver brought Zhan directly in front of the house. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by his stepmother. She came running out of the house immediately and asked what was going on. The driver explained to her: "Due to unforeseen difficulties, the school project has been postponed to next weekend. I was just helping to bring some of the students home."

Zhan was really amazed at this ability to lie and to do so without blushing. He got his backpack and tent out of the trunk, thanked the driver for the ride and went to the garden first to put Lan Zhan in his cage. Zhan could literally see that the little guy was happy to come out of this little transport box.

When he was up in his room with his backpack and tent, he lay down on his bed and wondered if he had been too hasty in declining the invitation to the amusement park. He still saw the sad look of Yibo in front of him and suddenly felt sorry for leaving Yibo like that.

On the other hand he could spend the day comfortably in his room. Because his stepmother reminded him not to want to see him downstairs in the house today, because she gets a visit from her boyfriend. Although Zhan would like to take a look at her new boyfriend, it was not necessarily important to him.

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