-23- Masked Ball Part 1

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-23- Masked Ball Part 1

Zhan stood in front of the mirror in his room and looked at himself questioningly. Could he really go to the masked ball like that? "Sorry that they mixed up your order. But you look great in that white wedding suit." Said Chuyue, who is also invited to the masked ball at Wang's.

"I don't understand how this could have happened. I mean I wanted to go as Zorro because he wears a mask. And now I look like I want to go and get married. Fortunately Hai Kuan had another mask for me. But that doesn't make it any better." Zhan replied.

Chuyue nodded eagerly. "Who knows, maybe others will wear similar suits. After all, all men are supposed to wear suits and all women wear dresses. But something different. Do you think Yibo will be back on time?"

"Well, I'd like to know. I don't understand why yesterday he had to go to his grandmother's house and spend the night there knowing that today is the masked ball."

"Well, you have him to yourself for the next two weeks. I think it's great that Mr. Wang has given you a vacation so that you guys can spend some time alone before going to university."

"Yes, I think that's great, too. Just him and me on this little private island of the family, that will be nice."

"Mm. Too bad you promised Mr. Wang you'd wait until you got married. Isn't it hard to fall asleep in bed together every night without being able to do anything?"

"I don't know. Yes and no. I mean, sure, we've been together for 7 months now and we're young. It's kind of giving me cravings. But then again... no, not really a then again. It's hard to just turn around and sleep after kissing and cuddling."

"Ha ha, yes Zhan I believe you. When I think about me and my girlfriend. When she and I stayed in the forest cabin, we thought it was no problem. But the later it got and the more we cuddled, the stronger the desire became. Well, we somehow managed not to go any further. But I tell you, once again I can't stand it."

Hai Kuan knocked on the door, grinned when he saw Zhan and announced that in a few minutes it would start. Zhan turned back to the mirror and shook his head. If only he had placed the order for his costume himself and not left it to the Wang's.

And how could his order be mixed up if they were all custom-made? A seamstress came specially to them and took measurements of them all.

But somehow everything at this masked ball did not seem to go as planned. Apparently the event planner had missed her job, because when Zhan had looked around the house this noon and looked at the decorations, it didn't look like a masked ball, but more like a wedding.

Why do rose petals have to lie on the steps at a masked ball? What are all these colorful flower arrangements spread all over the place? Chairs with fabric cover and red roses are standing where they want to dance. A white podium is also there. And Zhan was also sure he saw a huge cake when he walked past the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Wang called out to Zhan and Chuyue. The two heard many voices from below, are they all waiting for them at the stairs? And where the hell is Yibo? He should have been back hours ago! Zhan thought.

They left the room, walked the five meters to the stairs, walked down the first staircase and then Zhan suddenly stopped when he looked down. "Oh my God, what's going on?" He asked and refused to go any further.

On the floor in front of the stairs was a heart of roses, and in the middle of this heart stood Yibo, wearing the same suit as Zhan, only his was black. He smiled at Zhan and held a small white box in his hand. Around him are Mr. Wang, Hai Kuan, Chuyue's parents, some classmates from their school, teachers and other faces that Zhan has never seen before.

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