-19- Secret relationship

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-19- Secret relationship

The night in the forest cabin passed faster than Zhan and Yibo thought. They had been awake for a long time, kissing, cuddling and talking. They also agreed to keep their relationship secret from everyone except those who already knew about them. Yibo explained to Zhan that this would also give him time to get used to being with a man. And that he doesn't have to be afraid of the reactions of the others.

It was only right for Zhan. Because although he knows that he wants to be with Yibo and is really in love with him, he still finds it difficult to admit to himself that he is gay. Which is normal, considering that it is the first time he is in love and until a few days ago he didn't even know that he likes men. But does he really like men? Or is he only into Yibo?

But before they fell asleep at some point during the night, Zhan had asked about the rumors about Yibo's two best friends. And Yibo said: "Yes it's true, they are moving to Beijing and then they will go to our school. They will then be in the parallel class of ours. But don't worry, as long as you're not ready, we won't tell them about us."

"I understand." Said Zhan. Even if it wasn't quite what he was aiming for. He was more interested in how much time they would have for each other when they were back at Yibo's side. He was also interested in what these two were like and whether Zhan would get along with them and they could become friends.

When Zhan returned home, he was picked up by Yibo and they dropped Zhan off at the bus stop by his house, he found the house empty. Neither his stepmother was there, nor were the twins back from their friends. Zhan quickly did a few things, like putting the dishes in the dishwasher, feeding the chickens and bunnies, watering the garden, turning on the washing machine, dusting and vacuuming the living room and cleaning the fireplace, and then he put the Roastbeaf in the oven.

Then he ran upstairs, tidied up his room, went to take a shower, changed his clothes and went back to the kitchen, where he started to take care of lunch. When he was almost done, the twins arrived first and the house became noisy again. They were arguing about some incident over the weekend and Zhan was sure that they were also devastating their room again.

When his stepmother came home, looking like she had been up all night, Zhan was finished cooking dinner. He arranged everything on the dinner table and because his stepmother was in a good mood and Zhan was already very busy, he was allowed to sit at the table and eat with them. Normally he always ate alone in the kitchen.

After the meal he emptied the dishwasher, put everything away and put the dishes used at lunch in the dishwasher. He cleaned the kitchen and the dining room and hung up the freshly washed clothes, and then immediately turned on one more washing machine. And although Zhan always did it that way, always did the chores immediately, his stepmother asked him, "What's wrong with you today? You're so industrious and I don't even have to tell you what to do."

Zhan didn't know what to say. But she didn't expect an answer either, because she went upstairs to her bedroom, yelled to the twins to be quiet because she wanted to sleep and was gone. While the twins were confused, because their mother had never yelled at them before.

In the late afternoon, when Zhan was done with all his chores and still had time until he had to make dinner, Zhan went to his room. Yibo called him and told him that he had already packed his bag and in one hour it would be ready to go. Zhan was completely confused and asked him where he was going?

And Yibo said, "Damn, I forgot to tell you. I won't be at school or even in town for the next few days because I'll be in Shanghai until Thursday. I still have some stuff at my old school that I have to pick up and on Tuesday I have another gig with my old group. It is our last gig and I want to be there."

Zhan didn't like the thought of not being able to see Yibo in the next few days. But then he said: "Ah, I see. Then I'll keep my fingers crossed for your performance. I hope you have a good few days there."

"Mmm, except I'll miss you." Yibo said.

"You, I'll miss you too." Zhan replied shyly. 

They talked a little bit about Yibo's upcoming performance and that unfortunately it will not be broadcasted anywhere. Then they talked about Zhan's upcoming job search, because he needs a new job in two weeks at the latest. Yibo suggested he should try the new big shopping mall, after all there are several stores there and Zhan already has experience in sales. But Zhan thought it would be better to try the photographer who has his photo studio close by. And, who is supposed to pay well.

But what they didn't talk about, were Yibo's friends and how it would be for them when they came back. Somehow, Zhan couldn't bring himself to talk to him without sounding as if he wanted to take Yibo's little free time for himself from now on.

In the evening when Zhan was done with everything, he sat outside in the garden and played with his bunny, Lan Zhan, the second. He told him that he now had a boyfriend and was very nervous. That he doesn't know how to behave in a relationship and is afraid that Yibo will soon have enough of him if Zhan is too stupid for him.

The little white bunny crawled up to Zhan's chest and wiggled his little head back and forth as he looked Zhan in the eyes. "Ha ha, you're right. I probably shouldn't be so hard to myself." Said Zhan as if his bunny had given him that advice.

"You know, Lan Zhan, I really should just be happy. I'm in love for the first time and I' m even together with the person I fell in love with. But all this happened so fast that I can hardly keep up. I do not know what is right and what is wrong. I don't know what will happen when Yibo's best friends are at his side again. All of this is so confusing for me that it scares me already. Does love have to be so complicated? Can't I fall in love, enjoy it and just take each day as it comes?" Zhan said to his little Bunny.

Of course, his bunny couldn't give him an answer, but it did Zhan good just to talk about it. He could have talked to Chuyue about his fears and worries. But since he is in constant conflict with his girlfriend, he doesn't trust his experiences. After all, Chuyue doesn't even manage not to have an argument with his girlfriend for a week. What advice could he give Zhan for his relationship? Besides, Zhan doesn't have a girlfriend, but a boyfriend.

Just as Zhan was about to put his bunny back in his stable, one of the twins came outside and said to Zhan: "I have a secret. And I can only entrust it to you, because I know that you would be far too afraid of my revenge if you told anyone. So sit down and listen to me."

Zhan sat down again and had a very bad feeling. Then Wen Chou said, "I think I have fallen in love with your new classmate, this Wang Yibo. Since the first time I saw him, I can't stop thinking about him. And when I see him, my tummy tickles and I become very warm when he looks in my direction."

Zhan swallowed hard, did that really happen? Did his stepbrother just confess to him that he was into Yibo, his boyfriend? Should he say something to Wen Chou now? If so, what?

"You don't have to say anything, Zhan. I don't care what you have to say or think about it anyway. I just wanted to tell someone. I think I'm going to try my luck with him soon. There's a rumor that he has a thing for men." Said Wen Chou and left the garden afterwards.

Zhan looked at his bunny and said, "See? That's what I mean. Why does love have to be so complicated? Now I have to fear that my stepbrother will try to steal my boyfriend away from me too?"

Although Zhan knew Yibo would surely not let himself be snatched away so easily. But knowing that his stepbrother was interested in him caused him even more trouble. What would his stepbrother do when he found out that Zhan is together with Yibo?

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