-11- Only one day to love

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-11- Only one day to love

All Zhan could do for Yibo was to sit there, hold his hand and listen. But at least he could do that well and without having to torture himself with his own feelings. Even if the two of them skipped school today for this. But Zhan just had to do that, because he didn't want Yibo to have to go to school in this condition and he himself probably couldn't have concentrated on school if Yibo was in a bad mood.

They sat in the park by the lake for quite a while and just looked at the waves of the water, not speaking a word. And because they were alone in the park at that time, Zhan could put his hand on Yibo's hand without fear.

After half an hour, Zhan suggested that they go somewhere else. But where to, was the question? They couldn't go to him because his stepmother is usually at home all day and Zhan doesn't want to risk adding another item to the long list of Zhan's alleged constant misbehavior. But they couldn't go home to Yibo either, because his stepmother is still in the house and that's exactly who he doesn't want to see now.

So Zhan decided it must be the bakery. There it is warm, they are protected and the baker would certainly not mind. Only on foot it is too far and he has no money for the bus. And because Yibo was driven to school in the morning by his brother, he didn't have a bicycle there either. Anyway, classes have already started and if the security guard at the gate saw them, they would be in trouble.

And as they were walking through the park and Zhan was thinking about what he should do now, he saw a white dove and this white dove was holding something in its claws. When the dove started to flap its wings and rose into the air, it flew over Zhan, paused briefly and let dropp its prey from its claws. It was an Acorn. Laughing, Zhan jokingly shouted, "Hey it's actually three hazelnuts and not a single acorn." But somehow he found it strange. Had the dove waited especially to be able to do this?

Zhan turned around to pick up the acorn as a little reminder and looked under a park bench and saw a 200 yuan banknote lying there. And right next to this banknote was the acorn. That was really strange, Zhan thought, picked up the banknote and looked around for the owner. But there was no one there except him and Yibo.

Slowly, Zhan picked up the banknote, looked around at the dove, which was still watching him, and thanked it with a nod of his head. Then the dove flew away. "Almost like Cinderella." Mumbled Zhan.

"What do you say?" Yibo asked confused.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought it was almost like Cinderella. In her greatest need, she was given three hazelnuts I got an acorn and 200 yuan."

"Of course, you are a boy. So you'll get what you need. Because a dress would probably be too much of a good thing and you wouldn't want to go to your prince with a pumpkin cart and two horses." Yibo replied with a grin.

"Ha ha. Do I look like a male Cinderella?"

"You kind of do. Your face is beautiful and your body... Ouch, Zhan, don't hit me." Yibo laughed as Zhan lightly slapped him on the upper arm.

Now that Zhan had money, he and Yibo could take the bus. And, they even had money for the return trip if they ate something at the bakery. He could also have asked Yibo for money, because he knows that Yibo always has enough with him. But that is not Zhan's way and he would never ask anyone for money, not even someone for whom his heart beats faster.

They took the next bus, and then went to the bakery where the baker welcomed them as if it was completely normal that two students were not at school at this time of day. She asked Zhan, "So, who did you bring with you?"

And Zhan smiled shyly and said, "This, um, this is Wang Yibo. My, my classmate and friend."

"Ah, I see. Well, both of you come over here, sit down and have some food first." She said, and when she brought two sandwiches and milk to the table, her eyes sparkled and she said, "That reminds me of your mother."

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