-7- Feelings for a boy?

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-7- Feelings for a boy?

The two kissed each other even further until voices could be heard in the hallway outside the door to the classroom. Quickly, the two of them with their swollen lips and their faces red like tomatoes, sat apart and in their places. Just in time enough, because as soon as Zhan was sitting in his seat, the first classmates came into the classroom.

During the next two lessons, Zhan hardly noticed anything of the lessons, because his thoughts revolved around the kiss with Yibo and how it made him feel. Since it was his first kiss and he had never had a relationship before, he didn't know if this was a feeling everyone has when kissing, or if it meant he had feelings for Yibo.

But if these are feelings, does he really have feelings for a boy? Does he like boys? And is it the same with Yibo? If so, why didn't he notice it before? And why did he let Yibo kiss him at all, even though they've only known each other for 24 hours and don't really know each other that well?

Since he knows practically nothing about Yibo and he doesn't want to ask him if he likes boys because that would be too embarrassing, he decided to use the best source at the school to find out more about Wang Yibo. No one else but Peng Chuyue, his best friend, could know more. He knows that Chuyue has already looked into Yibo's past and Zhan only needs to ask him what he knows about him. And who knows, maybe he will find his answer there. He has decided to ask him at work. They are alone in the warehouse anyway.

After the last lesson, Zhan hurried to his bike as fast as possible to inflate the tires. But also because, he did not know how to face Yibo now. There was an absolute chaos of emotions in him and he did not know how to behave now. What would Wang Yibo now expect from him? What happens after two boys have kissed? What would happen afterwards?

Zhan had finished pumping up his tires and was about to leave when Yibo came up to him and asked if he had a moment to talk. But Zhan panicked, he couldn't do it now, he didn't even know what was going on inside him, what to think of this kiss, so how could he talk to Yibo? "Um, can we do this tomorrow? I'm in a hurry because I have to go to work." Said Zhan, while his heart was racing so fast he was afraid he was going to have an ultra heart attack.

"Well, I would like it if we could talk now."

In panic, Zhan said the first thing that came into his head: "I, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. And I won't get any false ideas about it either, and think that we're a couple now just because of what happened." Then he sat down on his bike and raced away.

He only heard Yibo shouting for a moment: "Zhan wait, that I don't..." Then Yibo was silent, or Zhan was too far away to understand.

For the first time, Zhan arrived at work even before Chuyue arrived by bus. Never before has he been so fast on his bike as today. He usually arrived at work a few minutes after the bus arrived. And instead of talking to his colleagues for a minute or two as usual before he goes to freshen up and change. He greeted his colleagues with a short "Hi" and went straight on to the back of the staff area.

A man stood at the door, someone from the locksmith's shop and was installing a security lock, for which they need a code to open the door. As Zhan started to change, he heard Lei, the new manager, talking to the man. The man explained to Lei that this system also records who took a break and when. Zhan wondered how it should work. But then he saw how the man from the locksmith, Lei, gave some chips, which looked like the chips for shopping carts and said: "Every employee gets one of these. To open the door, the chip must be held on the sensor and a code must be entered."

Zhan just shook his head. Everyone here was happy about the new manager, but he is very different than they expected and much stricter than the old manager. So from now on, the break times would also be checked, because the locksmith also explained that this has to be done by both sides. So the manager knows exactly who, when and how long a break was taken.

When Chuyue finally arrived, he looked confused at the new lock on the door and shook his head. "What's this bullshit?" He asked confusedly and Zhan explained what he just overheard.

"Well, we both don't take any breaks in the four hours we work here anyway. So I don't care." Chuyue replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"You won't get a chip either. If you want to enter the staff area, you have to let me know and I'll open the door for you." Said the manager in a rude tone.

"Why don't you just say you want to get rid of us. Ever since you started here yesterday, you've made it clear where Zhan and I stand. We've always worked well and no one has ever complained about us. We were allowed to work at the cash register and the cash register was always right. But now we're not even allowed to go near the register and we have to clean up the warehouse, which will probably take us a whole month with all the shit that's been there." Chuyue replied.

"If you don't like it, find another job. I only do what the new owner tells me to do!" The manager replied and disappeared into his office.

Zhan wondered who the new owner was. He does not know his name, nor has this man ever introduced himself to them. And what is his problem with students who work for him because they want to increase their pocket money and always give their best at work?

After both of them officially started their shift and were in the warehouse, Zhan kept on pushing around a bit before he approached Chuyue about Yibo. "Um, you YueYue, what do you actually know about, well, about Wang Yibo?"

"Why do you suddenly ask? I thought you weren't interested in what was said about him?"

"Well, I think he's a nice guy and I'm interested in how he was like before he came to our school."

"Mmm, nice guy. I see. I don't know if you like what I know about him. It might destroy your image of a nice guy."

Zhan looked at Chuyue with a furrowed brow and said, "What do you mean?" And so Chuyue began to tell in detail what he had found out.

"Most of what I heard were just rumors and gossip. According to them, Wang Yibo was a real bad boy and rarely followed the rules. They also say he liked to play with other people's hearts, not just the girls'. He and his friends are said to have even once made a bet, who of them would be the first, to kiss one of the boys in their class, and respond to it. Since Wang Yibo probably managed to do this within one day, he won. And afterwards pictures of the kiss between him and the other boy were shown around. But I don't know if all this is true. But what is true is, he is very talented and sporty, he won several prizes in different sports. Besides, he is above average intelligent and he is constantly expanding his skills and knowledge. He teaches himself a lot. Usually he is rather reserved and dismissive towards others. He counts only two boys to his best friends, who come to him every weekend because of his move. And what makes this heartbreaker and betting story a rumor is that he has a girlfriend since a year now."

Zhan had to swallow hard. Wang Yibo has a girlfriend? And still he kissed Zhan? And when did he plan to tell Zhan that his best friends are with him on weekends when they actually wanted to meet, study and train together? 

Even when Zhan came home in the evening after work, he was still confused by what he heard. In fact, he was so distracted that he didn't even care when his stepmother yelled at him about the incident in the morning. He also didn't care that she took his cell phone and forbade him to get into Yibo's brother's car again. He didn't intend to do that anymore anyway.

How could Wang Yibo dare to kiss him, to confuse him, even though he has a girlfriend? Why did he even kiss Zhan? Did he just want to see how fast he could get him around? See what an idiot he is?

But Zhan didn't want to believe it. He didn't believe that Yibo was that kind of guy who would do something like that. And so he decided to forget the rumors. Only that, with the girlfriend, he couldn't ignore, even if he wanted to.

So, even ignoring the rumors and not believing them did not mean that he had found a solution, how to talk to Wang Yibo now? How should he be able to face him again if he constantly has to think about that kiss? And what should he say to him? Should he pretend that nothing happened? After all, it would probably be better if Zhan thought about the fact that Yibo has a girlfriend.

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