-21- Boredom

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-21- Boredom

Even after a month, Zhan still didn't quite understand what was happening, that he had lived for 10 years with a murderess in a house, and that she even wanted to kill him, suffocating with a pillow while he slept, like she said.

While he was still in the hospital, he had to stay in there for almost two weeks, he received all kinds of visitors there. On the one hand, Yibo had been visiting him every day, and a few times he brought his best friends with him, with whom Zhan now gets along well after they have all spoken out. Then Mr. Wang came by several times, he wanted to discuss with Zhan his move to the Wang's house, because he took care of everything and wanted to know from Zhan what he wanted to take with him and what should remain in the house.

But also policemen came to him to take his statement, a prosecutor who also asked him questions, his trustee was there almost every day and of course Chuyue.

What surprised him the most was that his stepbrothers came to visit him. They came with their grandparents to the hospital where their grandparents made them apologize to Zhan. He also learned that the two of them will move to their grandparents in the country and will go to school there as well.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Zhan also learned that his stepbrothers left him a mean farewell gift at school. They told everyone about his relationship with Yibo. Which is why Zhan was already dreading going back to school.

Mr. Wang and Yibo picked Zhan up from the hospital and when he looked into his new room, he was just speechless. Not only is it huge compared to his old room, but it is also full of new furniture, many of his belongings and even mementos of his parents. Even things he thought were long lost. His mother's jewelry, two of her favorite dresses that his father made by hand and many pictures.

As it turned out, his stepmother stored everything in the basement under many other boxes. Mr. Wang and his helpers turned the whole house upside down and found many things again that his stepmother obviously could not sell.

There was even space in his room where he could design his own things. He had told Mr. Wang about wanting to become a designer. And now he could already practice diligently.

For him, his new home was great and he was happy that Yibo's room was right next to his. Only one thing really bothered him. Now that he doesn't have to do any household chores and doesn't work anymore, he is often bored. Something that Zhan did not know before. There has never been boredom in his life before. Once he had nothing to do, it was rest and relaxation, but not boredom.

Three weeks after his accident, Zhan could go back to school. He had been anxious when he thought about the fact that everyone knew about him and Yibo. Yibo, however, didn't care and he assured Zhan that he didn't need to be afraid that he would always be at his side. And not only him, but also Chuyue and Yibo's best friends, who are now also his friends.

Already in the hospital Zhan had realized that he suddenly had many people around him who were there for him. He is no longer alone. Suddenly he has found a family in the Wang's and many more friends. People who are there for him and support him unconditionally.

On the morning of his first day at school after the accident, Yibo's big brother had taken him and Yibo to school. Zhan didn't want to get out of the car at all, because already when they arrived, all eyes were on the car. But Yibo got out confidently, ran around the car, opened the door for Zhan and helped him out of the car.

Yibo held Zhan's hand and never let go. Yibo's friends came, Chuyue and then they entered the school grounds together. But instead of the harassment, they received applause. Zhan was totally confused and it was Zoey Meng, from whom he had received his first love letter, who came up to him and said: "Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, we are proud of you. We want to tell you, it's great that you stand by your feelings and we will all support you!"

Even the teachers were present and they also said they are happy for them and wish them that they will always be happy. But they also warned them, one of the teachers said: " But for both of you the same rule applies as for every other couple here. Holding hands is okay, but everything else you do in your free time".

Zhan and Yibo were overwhelmed and didn't know what to say at all, except one thing: "Thank you all very much." 

A few students admitted that they were shocked and opposed to this relationship in the beginning. But that they then thought about it and that they could not really say why they were against this relationship. It was only because it is always and everywhere said that homosexuality is something bad. But most of them knew Zhan for many years and knew that he was not a bad person. Strange maybe, because of the rumors their stepbrothers spread, but not bad. And also Wang Yibo is not a bad person. He is even smart and very talented.

Of course, the two also know that they won't have it as easy everywhere as at school. The new generation they belong to, may think differently, but not all of them do. The older generation is usually difficult to change their minds. Except with those who have always thought differently.

That afternoon when Zhan came home from school, Yibo still had basketball practice at school, Zhan sat down in the garden of his new home, took Lan Zhan the second from his new stable and talked to him a little.

"How do you like your new home? I think it's pretty good, don't you? I see how well you get along with Wei Ying. Yibo said you two look like a couple. And I think it's remarkable how you protect little Wei Ying. Whenever someone comes near your stable, you sit down from your friend and let no one else approach him but Yibo or me. You were not like that before. Although you had four other bunnies in your stable, you always stayed alone and didn't want to have anything to do with them. But with Wei Ying it is different. You are with him all the time. Somehow you remind me of Yibo, you know that? He's always by my side too. Well ok, not just now, because he has practice, but otherwise he is. He helps me, he protects me and he loves me."

That Bunny Lan Zhan the second sniffed at Zhan's neck, crawled further up and rubbed his head against Zhan's cheek. "Sometimes I think there is an ancient soul inside of you. Who knows, maybe you knew Wei Ying from a previous life and that's why you are always by his side." Said Zhan as he kissed Lan Zhan the second on the head and put it back in his stable to Wei Ying.

For Zhan, his life has changed completely since he met Yibo. At first Zhan was confused and did not believe that it would go well. But now he even lives with him under one roof. Is part of his family and can't imagine being without these three people. Mr. Wang is like a father to him and Hai Kuan is like an older brother to him. And Yibo, well, he is the man with whom Zhan can already imagine growing old together.

He got a little melancholic when he thought that they probably won't go to the same university. Because while Zhan wants to study art and design here in Beijing, Yibo wants to study business administration in Shanghai. And neither of them wants to give in on the choice of university. Because Zhan always wanted to go to Gusu Lan University in Beijing and Yibo always wanted to go to Shanghai.

Will they perhaps have found another solution by then? Or will they only be able to see each other every few weeks or months in the future? Zhan did not want to imagine that yet. But it hasn't happened yet and they can still look for another solution. And even if they go to different universities, it doesn't mean that they will lose sight of each other.

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