-18- A chance

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-18- A chance

Zhan and Chuyue talked about Zhan's feelings for Yibo for quite a while, until at 11:30 pm Zhan's cell phone vibrated. He received a message from Yibo: "Sorry it is late I know. But always have to think of you. Miss you. Too bad you're not here." Zhan's heart fluttered as he read the message. He showed it to Chuyue, who gave Zhan a pat on the back of his head.

"You should be really ashamed of Zhan." He said.

"Hey, what did you hit me for? You could have said that without hitting me."

"That's because you deserved it. Why didn't you talk to me earlier? Had I known that before, I'd have invited Wang Yibo over here, so you two could be closer!"

"What? Asked Zhan with big eyes...

"You heard me, ZhanZhan. Write him back!" Chuyue replied.

By Chuyue's order, Zhan wrote what his best friend told him to write back to Yibo. "Miss you too. Sorry that I ran away."

Just a minute later, Yibo wrote, "You're still awake? What are you doing?"

"I'm with Chuyue in his family's cabin in the forest."

"Alone?" Yibo wrote.

"Yes. We are alone." Zhan replied. Chuyue rolled his eyes and took Zhan's phone.

Chuyue wrote to Yibo, "It's very late, but if you want to, you're welcome to come, Peng Chuyue."

Yibo called immediately and said he would like to come and Chuyue told him where the forest cabin was and that he and Zhan would pick him up from the forest path.

After the phone call, which ended with a "See you in half an hour", Chuyue called his mother and told her that he was not feeling well and asked her to pick him up. Zhan was completely confused about what was happening.

With the thought of spending a whole night alone with Yibo in this forest cabin, Zhan got all hot and his heart started pounding so excitedly in his chest that he thought it would jump out of his throat at any moment and say hello.

But not only the thought of being alone with Yibo made Zhan nervous. It was also because he suddenly couldn't think clearly anymore. All his feelings, from his nervousness, to his love, fear and shyness, seemed to be activated and wrestling with each other at the same time. Who will win the fight?

Right after Chuyue called his mother, the two of them set off for the pickup point. Since Chuyue's family lives nearby, his mother would be there in just ten minutes and it would take them five minutes to reach the pickup point. On the way to the pickup point there was something Chuyue had to say.

"Please don't be stupid and destroy everything before it has even started. It's actually not even the fear that keeps you away. You know I know you very well and therefore I know how you think. And I know that you think that you don't deserve happiness and love because of the thing with your father. You still blame yourself to this day because you never forgave him and you think that his heart suffered even more because of that and that is why he died so early. And since then you believe that you cannot be happy because of that. But Zhan, this is not true. Your father loved you and would want you to be happy. It was never your fault that he died, so please understand and internalize this."


"Nothing but ZhanZhan. Allow yourself to finally be happy and stop getting in the way of yourself. You not only like Wang Yibo, you are in love with him. Enjoy it instead of worrying. You're not alone, we're all behind you. So listen to your heart and be happy. Promise me that." 

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