-20- She is to blame for everything! 💢***very long Chapter***💢

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💢A/N: This will be a very long chapter with several parts. The reason? This is where all the drama will happen. I wanted to put it into single chapters first, but I changed my mind. And if you don't want to read any drama in this story, you should just wait for the next chapter.💢

Chapter 20 - She is to blame for everything!

***Friday*** PART 1

What happened in the past days in Zhan's life. The good! Neither his stepbrother Wen Chou confessed again his feelings for Yibo, nor had Wen Xu confessed anything. Things were going well at school, too, and since Zhan shared pictures of the race and the award ceremony of Yibo in the class chat, he was even very popular with his classmates. Everything seemed to run smoothly. At least at first sight.

The bad! He had still not found a new job. His stepmother was suddenly much meaner than usual. The baker suddenly felt so bad that she had to close the bakery earlier than planned. The job search proved to be more difficult than expected. And Yibo had hardly gotten in touch in the last few days, because he was training and rehearsing with his group from morning to night and then too tired to call Zhan, often it was only enough for a short message. His bicycle was stolen while he was shopping at the supermarket. His bunny Lan Zhan the second, got sick and has been in the vet clinic for days and Zhan doesn't know how to pay the bill.

Today is Friday and finally Yibo would be back. Zhan could hardly wait to come to school. Luckily Chuyue offered him that his mother and he would pick him up in the morning and take him to school. Because without his bike and the missing money for the bus, he would have to walk. Also, Chuyue's mother had told Zhan first thing this morning that she would cover the costs for the vet, because she knows how hard it is for Zhan and Lan Zhan is very important to him.

Zhan was of course extremely grateful for this and just couldn't stop smiling. Now he had a second reason for good mood.

The closer they came to school, the more nervous he became. Not only would he finally see Yibo again today, he would also meet Yibo's two best friends for the first time. At least that's what he assumes.

Zhan racked his brains over how he and Yibo should behave at school so that no one would notice what was going on between them. Would they pretend to be friends? Would they pretend that Zhan was really just his helper? Which ends with today. The 2 weeks are over. Since Zhan just didn't get an answer on how they should and will behave, he simply decided to wait and see how Yibo reacts.

When they finally arrived at school, Zhan almost ran to the classroom. But when he got there, Yibo's seat was empty. And the seat remained empty all day long. Zhan had even tried to call Yibo during a break to ask where he was, but his cell phone was off. And even his two best friends hadn't been to school. Did they not come back last night after all?

The school day came and went without Zhan hearing anything from Yibo. Not even the teachers knew about him. And he heard from some students in the parallel class that the two new students who were supposed to come also stayed away without explanation. Zhan imagined as many different reasons why Yibo didn't come. An accident? Missed the flight? An emergency at home? Sick?

Since Zhan wanted to go to the fashion house near the park and ask for a job, Chuyue and his mother went alone to the vet clinic to pick up Lan Zhan. They would take him to their home overnight and Zhan would pick him up from there tomorrow.

Fortunately, the fashion house was not far away. Zhan only had to walk through the park near the school and he would be there. As he walked through the park, he heard some voices, laughter and the clatter of little wheels like skateboards. This made Zhan want to take a look at the people who were obviously having so much fun.

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