-9- Too many problems.

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-9- Too many problems.

Zhan looked at the gold medal and was very happy, especially about Yibo's words that he is now Yibo's number one. But he could not show the joy. And even though the kiss just now, showed him more than clearly how big his feelings for Yibo already are, he could not show this either. He was still much too confused and much too afraid.

When one of the teachers appeared at the steps, he sent Zhan and Yibo downstairs: "Even if you like going to school, school is over for today and you should go home." He said. Zhan looked at the big wall clock and cursed that he should have been on his way to work by now. He just ran and left Yibo where he was.

When he got to his bike, he opened the bike lock and his eyes fell back on the gold medal. He put it in his hand, pulled the ribbon over his head, kissed the medal and whispered: "I'm sorry Yibo. But I cannot do this. I can't be your boyfriend and be with you. My life is already complicated enough and I don't need more problems."

With tears in his eyes, he put the medal in his backpack and went to work. And there the next problems were already waiting for him. Although he still arrived on time, even though he left too late, Zhan and Chuyue could not enter the changing room because they neither know the code nor have a chip.

Chuyue cursed and scolded: "I have already told the manager three times to open the door, but he does not move. And the other employees can't open the door for us because as soon as they put the chip on the sensor, the sensor saves it as a pause. I heard that there was some stress with LuLu an hour ago, apparently she opened the door for the temporary help this morning and forgot to put the chip back on the sensor so that she could be logged out of the staff area again. And now the hours she has worked do not count, because it has been saved incessantly as a break".

Zhan was slowly getting fed up. What else is coming up for him today? More problems? Even more stress? When will he finally have time to just relax?

Since Zhan didn't want to wait any longer, he went to the manager himself again, and harshly told him: "What do you need to change for?You work in the warehouse. And if you're afraid of dirtying your school uniforms, then change there. No one will see you there!"

Would Zhan not need the work, especially since it is well paid, he would have told the manager to shove his job up his ass by now at the latest. But instead, Zhan remained calm, bowed and went back to Chuyue to tell him what the manager just said.

And Chuyue, who does not need the work and the money like Zhan, nodded and screamed as loud as he could: "You can kiss my ass. What you are doing to us here is bullying! Take your fucking job and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, you fucking asshole!" Then he threw his employee ID card into the manager's office and left.

Zhan, who said nothing and was himself shocked by Chuyue's outburst, wanted to apologize for Chuyue. But he didn't expect to see the manager laughing and saying: "You know what, you can leave too. I don't need useless teenagers here who are lazy and don't want to work. Go, you're fired!"

The employees stared stunned at Zhan and could not believe what was happening. "Lei, Zhan always worked hard, was never late, never sick and was always kind to everyone." Said LuLu.

"Didn't I tell you earlier that you can pack your things? Why are you still here? Whoever sits in the staff area all day long and does nothing has no business here!" The manager replied.

"You asshole knows exactly that I was working! You know why I was logged off!"

"And who asked you to let the temp in the room? Who gave you permission? Did I not make it clear that only I was allowed to do that?"

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