-15- Bad news

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-15- Bad news

When Yibo finally released his lips from Zhan's after a few minutes, he muttered that it is so hard for him to stop again, because it feels so good for him. Zhan knew exactly what he meant and nodded slightly. "Shall we go then?" Yibo asked, looking at Zhan's lips.

"Um, shouldn't you change first?" Asked Zhan in return and giggled as Yibo looked down at himself and realized that he hadn't changed yet.

While Yibo went behind the screen to change, Zhan stood at one of the two big windows to take another look at the big racetrack. And because he didn't know if he would ever come here again, he took a picture with his cell phone as a reminder.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Asked Yibo who had finished changing and was now standing next to Zhan and looking at the race track with him.

"Yes, absolutely. I see something like this for the first time and I am really amazed."

"If you want, I can take you with me all the time now."

"If this falls in the school days, it will be difficult. Your father called the school this morning and said I would want to support you as your helper. And I'm only your helper for one more week."

"Then we'll find another solution. I'd like you to be in all my races."

When Yibo's phone vibrated, he looked to see who was texting him and showed Zhan the message. It was from Yibo's brother who wrote, "Have you forgotten where your room is? Or are you too busy with Zhan? Either way, come on, let's go."

"Oh damn, I forgot he has to work today." Yibo remembered.

They both immediately made their way to the parking lot where Yibo's brother was running back and forth. When he saw them, he waved them over and explained that it was time. Yibo got into the car with his brother and Zhan got back to Wang Shou. Yibo wanted Zhan to drive with him, but Zhan preferred to drive with Wang Shou because he still had a question for him that came to his mind earlier.

They had been on the road for a while when Zhan finally found the courage to ask Wang Shou his question. "If I may ask, how come you actually went out with my stepmother when you originally wanted to meet me?"

"Well, I didn't go out with her. I was already at your house in the afternoon and met your stepmother. I stayed at your house for about an hour before I drove back to the company. And in the evening I had a business dinner. I was sitting with a few businessmen from South Korea when I saw your stepmother coming with someone. They came to our table unasked and ordered food and drinks on our account. My business colleagues were shocked by this behavior. Since we could not continue to talk about our business thanks to your stepmother and her boyfriend, the South Koreans said goodbye and I stayed on. I thought now was the best time to get to know your stepmother better. And to see if my impressions and suspicions about her are confirmed. She told me that her boyfriend is also a businessman and he is also very well known, but honestly, I have never seen him before. And important or well-known businessmen and women know each other. Well, anyway, your mother's boyfriend started drinking really fast and got totally drunk. We put him in a cab and I thought your stepmom wanted to go home now, too, but instead she got her handbag and wanted me to accompany her to the bar. But it was late at night there and so I just took her home."

"What restaurant stays open this late?" Zhan asked more for himself as he thought about what Wang Shou said.

"The restaurant at the hotel where there's also a bar and you don't have to leave the restaurant to have a drink." Wang Shou replied.

Zhan had no idea about all these things, so he just believed what Yibo's father told him. He didn't have any other choice right now anyway. And who is Zhan to be so bold as to accuse Wang Shou of lying?

When they were finally back, Zhan was taken directly to the school, where the driver picked up his bike from the school grounds, gave it to Zhan and he rode to work from there. Actually, Zhan didn't feel like going to work. He would have liked to celebrate the victory of Yibo a little longer. But when he doesn't work, he doesn't earn money, which means no food.

Just in time Zhan managed to get to his second shift at the bakery on time. The old baker had already been expecting him and had less good news for him. She told him that she had to close her bakery. She had undergone a thorough examination two weeks ago and today she received the results from the doctor. She has cancer!

"I haven't been feeling well for a while and that's why I went to the doctor. He also told me to prepare myself for the fact that I probably have cancer. But the results were still pending, so it could have simply been exhaustion. But then this lunchtime I got the call and it is cancer. It's pancreatic cancer, the same one my mother died of. The doctor said that he doesn't see any chance of curing the cancer."

After spending such a wonderful time, it was devastating for Zhan. Not because he was about to lose his job again. But because he had known the old baker all his life and she was one of his few confidants. Speechless, he simply took her in his arms.

The baker told him that she had worked all her life and wanted to spend the remaining time doing what she always wanted to do but never got around to it. She wants to travel, try exotic food and colorful drinks. She wants to walk with her feet in the water along a beach where it is warm and sunny all year long.

"And to be able to do that before I die, I will close my bakery in two weeks. Maybe there will be a buyer who will take you over. It would be nice. But either way, I'm closing and I'm leaving." She said to Zhan.

Zhan understood the baker well and hoped for her that she would be able to travel for quite some time before she died. At the same time, he felt reminded again that nothing good happens to Zhan without him having to pay for it in some other way. In this case he had spent a great day with the Wang's and was happy. And now the bad news brought him back down to earth.

When Zhan came home and told his stepmother that he only had two weeks left on his job, she yelled at him and asked why he was already home instead of immediately looking for a new job. "If you didn't have to leave tomorrow because of your school project, I would send you away right then and there to find a new job quickly." She yelled after him as he went into the kitchen.

Zhan was glad that she believed his lie. So he can take his Lan Zhan the second at 9am and meet Yibo and his Bunny Wei Ying at the bus stop. However, Zhan was still not sure whether he would like to camp with Yibo on the abandoned factory grounds or prefer to sleep in a guest room in Yibo's house.

He felt dragged back and forth. On the one hand, he wanted to go camping because he had never been camping before. But on the other hand, he had never stayed overnight with anyone else. Both would be a new experience for him. However, he wondered if now, when he knows that the baker is going to die and soon he will have no job anymore, he can really only concentrate on Yibo and have fun.

It wasn't until around 3 am that Zhan finished the long list of tasks his stepmother gave him. He didn't have to do until late at night, but he wanted to meet Yibo early in the morning. Even before his stepmother and his stepbrothers could get up and maybe somehow see who Zhan was really meeting.

But before Zhan could finally get into bed and get his well-deserved sleep, he packed his backpack and pulled his father's old tent out of a cardboard box. He had checked it the day before yesterday and it is still in good condition.

Zhan remembered that his father often said that he used to go camping with his friends. He had always promised Zhan that they would go camping one day, just him and his father. But in the end it never came to that. Luckily Yibo, who also made the suggestion with camping, is experienced in it and so Zhan doesn't have to worry about sleeping under the open sky if they stay with it and go camping. Because Zhan is pretty sure that he can't set up the tent without help.

A/N: If the cat decides to wake me up at 5 am on a Saturday morning when I don't have to work, such a chapter comes out. And for that I almost needed 4 hours. *Head shaking* I drink a coffee now and then try it again, to write a more interesting chapter. *phew*

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