-5- A new husband?

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-5- A new husband?

It was just after 1am when Zhan was finally done with everything and could go to bed. But now he was not only tired, he also suffered from severe headaches. His stepmother was once again loudly complaining about everything. The food tasted fad, he was too slow, he didn't clean properly, the boys' room could be tidier and so on. Zhan knew it was pointless to argue with her and just endured her yelling.

But now his head was exploding and he had little desire to get up again, go downstairs and get a painkiller from the bathroom. Probably his stepmother would just notice that he was still awake and give him another lecture about his bad behavior.

Hoping it would give him relief, Zhan massaged his forehead and temples, but it didn't help and the headache only became worse. So he had no choice but to sneak to the bathroom and get a painkiller.

Luckily for him, his stepmother was already asleep this time, so he was spared from being yelled at by her again. And when after fifteen minutes the relief of his pain began, he could finally fall asleep.

In the morning, as Zhan prepared breakfast for the twins and his stepmother, his stepmother told him that Zhan had more to do on the weekend, as she was expecting a man. She gave him a long list of things to do until then, explained what to cook and bake, and reminded him not to be seen when the visitor arrived.

Wen Xu laughed and said, "He will get to know our new stepfather soon enough."

"A new husband?" Zhan asked and Wen Chao nodded with a grin.

"The money must come from somewhere. After all, we still have to wait 7 months until we finally get the money from your old dad. Mother and we had to endure you for so many years. But fortunately that will soon be over. Then we will finally get our inheritance." Said Wen Chao.

Zhan knew these kinds of conversations all too well and he also knew that they were aimed at his inheritance. Because his stepmother explained to him in detail and several times that he had to pay for the years he was allowed to live in this house and was provided for by her money. She insists on this despite the will and also although the trustee explained to her again and again that she receives after all every month money for Zhan from his trust account and that she and her sons, are only allowed to stay in the house because Zhan's father wanted it so, for Zhan.

However, this does not deter his stepmother and she keeps finding new things to add to her very long list of things that Zhan has to pay for. 

Sometimes when Zhan came home, he found a broken vase or clothes that were supposedly broken by the wrong washing. Once the refrigerator was broken and the stove suddenly lacked the heating coils in the oven. All the things that his stepmother came up with to put on the list of things that Zhan has to pay for because he allegedly destroyed them.

Right after the will was read, she started making a list. She wrote down the twins' toys, several supposedly priceless vases, which Zhan is said to have destroyed in a fit of rage. She even wrote down an insanely high bill for several hundred hours to a psychologist to whom she allegedly sent Zhan and who she and her sons also needed to face with their despair over Zhan.

Again and again she kept the list in front of Zhan's eyes and explained to him that if he got his inheritance, it would still not be enough to pay his debts and therefore he would have to give her the money he earned with his work. But she would never admit that she simply cannot handle money and without Zhan's money she would not even have something to eat at home.

Unfortunately Zhan is alone and nobody can testify for him that he is telling the truth and that he didn't destroy all these things and never saw a psychologist. So he has no choice but to stay calm and make sure that nothing more ends up on her debt list for Zhan.

When Zhan was done preparing breakfast, he went upstairs, took a shower and put on his school uniform. If he wants to arrive at school on time, he has to catch the first bus. Today, he should not forget to pack his air pump, otherwise he would have to walk home. His last money would be used for the bus ride now.

But as always when Zhan had one foot out the door and was in a hurry, his stepmother had found something he needed to do before he could leave. Today he urgently had to iron her dress, which she wants to wear. When he looked at the dress, he did not think it needed ironing. Nevertheless, he did what she ordered, because she stood next to him and watched carefully.

Finally finished ironing, Zhan ran down the stairs, out of the house and just saw the bus pass. Angrily, he kicked a trash can that was in the way. And once again, Wang Yibo was his savior in his time of need. Because he and his brother parked at the end of the street and were already waiting for him. "Come on, get in." Yibo shouted happily.

Zhan quickly hopped into the car and Hai Kuan started the engine. But they could not start yet. Because suddenly Zhan's stepmother appeared and shouted that he had forgotten to clean her shoes. "How can I wear this dress today when the matching shoes are dirty?" She asked him.

"How about picking up a towel and doing it yourself?" Yibo asked her.

"How dare you? Who are you, anyway?" She asked angrily.

Wen Xu, who also appeared with his mother, looked into the car and said, "This is the new student in our class. Wang Yibo or something."

"Wang Yibo? I don't know him." She said.

Hai Kuan looked at Zhan's stepmother and said, "You'd better get away from the car because I want to drive off. And I don't want to drive over your feet. Not that you have to put on new nail polish too."

Zhan's stepmom cursed and jumped away from the car as Hai Kuan restarted the engine. She screamed, "Now what about my shoes?"

Yibo pointed to her arms and legs and laughingly explained to her, "Arms, legs, do it alone." Then he raised the window and Hai Kuan drove off.

"Wow, that's definitely gonna be trouble when I come home today. But that look was it worth." Zhan said and smiled.

"Sorry if we caused you any trouble. But that didn't go at all. Is she always like that?" Asked Hai Kuan while Yibo, who was sitting in the back seat with Zhan, put two of his fingers on Zhan's hand, and finally his whole hand. Zhan was confused, but didn't want to show it.

"Oh, um, yes. Although she was nice that time." Zhan replied. Meanwhile, Yibo closed his hand around Zhan's hand and held it tight.

Zhan looked at Yibo questioningly, but he pretended not to know why Zhan was looking at him like that. Yesterday, Zhan had already been confused because Yibo was holding his hand and thought it was just so they could get to the cafeteria faster. But today they were sitting in the car and Yibo was holding his hand. Is that what they do in Shanghai? Zhan silently asked himself.

When they reached the school, Chuyue was already waiting impatiently for Zhan to tell him the latest gossip. Apparently on Monday after school, a couple was caught making out in the locker room. Also, one of the teachers is pregnant and the gym teacher must have had an accident, he propped himself up and sprained his coccyx. Of course, Chuyue also knew about other students and Zhan pretended to be interested as always.

"I think you'll make a great investigative reporter later" Said Zhan. However, he couldn't stop thinking about why Wang Yibo held his hand and, above all, why he didn't mind and, more importantly, why he liked it? Was it simply the affection of another person? Affection that he doesn't experience at home?

But another thought also went through his mind. The fact that his stepmother was once again looking for a new husband. It is not the first time and she has at least twice a year this phase where she suddenly is looking for a husband. But this time she seems to be serious because she has already invited someone to her home and Zhan also overheard that she has an appointment with her beautician tomorrow to have her face reapplied with Botox.

Not that Zhan would mind if she got a new husband. But what will happen then? Will he treat Zhan as dismissive? Maybe she's just after his money like she did with Zhan's father? Will they stay in this house? And how will the wedding be financed? Will the new husband pay for everything? Or will she sell mementos to Zhan's parents again to get money?

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