-8- Avoidance

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-8- Avoidance

As Zhan lay in his bed in the evening, he hoped to wake up with a solution to his problems and the open questions about Yibo. But of course he did not wake up like that. Instead of finding a solution, he dreamt all night about Yibo and in this dream they kissed each other again and again. More and more all this turned into a nightmare for Zhan. Why does it have to be so damn hard to figure out what to do now?

However, at the breakfast of his stepmother and his two stepbrothers, he was briefly distracted. He heard the three of them talking about the fact that the man Zhan's stepmother wants to meet this weekend has already had several dates with her. Wen Xu even claimed that he was perfect for his mother because they were very similar. Wen Chao proudly declared that he was happy to have a strong and powerful stepfather. Laughing, the three looked at Zhan, who would love to just run away.

Because if this man is really like his stepmother and the two of them really should marry, then Zhan would be completely lost. Zhan would not survive with one more of this kind.

Arriving at school, Zhan parked his bike while Chuyue brought him up to date, around the teachers and some students. But Zhan had been far too busy with his own problems and thoughts to follow what his best friend told him. And he had never really cared what gossip was being spread.

Obsessed by the question of how to avoid Yibo today, Zhan went upstairs to the classroom and sat down in his seat. He looked up at the, so far, empty seat of Yibo and again had in mind what happened there yesterday during the lunch break. Immediately his cheeks reddened again and it took him some effort to erase this image from his mind.

When the class started, Yibo was still not there and Zhan wondered where he was today. The question was answered only ten minutes after the class started. One of the other teachers came into the classroom and reported that Wang Yibo is participating in a motorcycle race today. Apparently, his participation had only come up at short term and he would be missing in the first few lessons. Somehow Zhan was relieved about this.

At breakfast Chuyue was picked up by his mother because of his dentist appointment. Zhan, who had no money and breakfast with him anyway, decided to go to the library and read a book. Now that Yibo wasn't there, they wouldn't spend the next two free periods in the fitness room after all and he could read in peace and maybe give his brain, which for him felt like it was already smoking, a break from all the chaos of thoughts.

It was only one hour of the two free periods that had passed when he heard cheers and applause through the tilted window. He ran to the window to see what was going on outside and saw that Yibo was on his way to the school building and several students were calling out to him. "Congratulations on your first place." Some girls shouted. When Yibo raised his head, Zhan jumped away from the window as fast as he could and ran back to his seat.

His heart beat almost to his throat, fearing Yibo might have seen him. He knew he couldn't hide in the library forever, but as long as he could, he wanted to stay here. He wants to avoid meeting Yibo and avoid them talking about the kiss. And even more, as Zhan admitted to himself, he wanted to avoid Yibo telling him it was a mistake and that he is having a girlfriend.

Fearing that Yibo might seek him out in the library, Zhan hid in the farthest and darkest corner of the library. From there he could see who came and went, but no one could see him there easily. The perfect place to hide for a while.

The last free hour came and went, but Yibo did not show up in the library. Zhan, however, had waited until the very last moment before heading to the classroom. And even there, he stopped in front of the classroom and did not enter until the teacher came.

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