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Jeongguk comes home after a very stressful night and Hoseok - his best friend with whom he's sharing a big apartment - already waits for him with Gureum in his arms. "Seokkie, why do you carry my baby? He has legs." The exhausted man tries to take him from his arms but Hoseok refuses.

"Gguk, don't get mad but I think I didn't pay enough attention and Reumie ate something he shouldn't have. Poor baby was whimpering the whole time and when I touched his belly he wanted to bite me." Hoseok feels guilty, knows how much the small dog means to him.

"Fuck, that's bad. You don't know what he ate, do you? I mean what is missing?" Jeongguk looks at his dog, they usually keep the apartment clean, because of this.

Hoseok caught him once with one of Jeongguk's vibrators, only because he forgot to put it away after cleaning it.

"I don't know, I'm so useless." The older's face shows worry and Jeongguk thinks hard about what they could possibly do. Maybe waiting until it comes out the natural way? But what if it's too big and that's why his belly is hurting.

"You should bring him to the vet." Hoseok interrupts his thoughts. "Unfortunately I have to be in the club in around twenty minutes. I can't go with you, will you be okay?" Jeongguk must be tired but he really can't stay at home. Today's a special day for Hoseok, where he's going to make the most money of the whole month.

"Yes, I think I will. Put him in the transport box and I'll go change." He walks away while yawning   and enters his bedroom.

It doesn't take long and he's back, Jeongguk didn't shower, so his glitter is still all over his body and in his hair, but he doesn't care. Gureum is more important now. "Hobi you can go now, I don't want you to be late because of my dog. Thank you and don't feel guilty okay? Have fun babe, take all of their money with your hot moves." The younger winks and pulls his best friend into a tight hug before they both leave the apartment to go to different directions.

Jeongguk has his car parked in front of the building, while Hoseok used the slot in the basement garage. With Gureum on the passenger seat, he searched for a vet close to them. The one he used to go to suddenly ended his business not long ago. Jeongguk stops scrolling at a purple colored ad. "Kim's Animal Ambulance." He mumbles, searches for the address. "Oh it's close by. The rooms look nice too. Shall we go to Mister or Misses Kim?" Jeongguk's voice sounds more high pitched when he talks to his dog.

Gureum's wagging his tail as if he could understand him. Of course he couldn't, it was the sound of the voice that normally means he's going to get some treats or toys. Little does the poor little doggo know that he's on his way to see a doctor. Gureum would definitely disagree.

They arrive around ten minutes later at a small house that looks like one where a family would live in. Jeongguk checked the navigation system but everything seems to be correct. "Well then my little baby, let's see what you've eaten" Jeongguk carefully lifts the box out of his car and walks to the door.

After entering the house without ringing - the door was slightly open and there's a sign that says 'come in' - he sees a young woman, sitting behind a big table, who smiles widely at him.

"Good evening, how can I help you and your-" She's looking into the box before continuing "-adorable dog?"

Even though Jeongguk is a stripper, he's kind of shy. "Uh, um, Gureum here-" He's pausing for a moment, it's never good to assume things but what else could he say? "I think he ate something he shouldn't have and now he's not feeling well." Yes, that's good, Jeongguk mentally praises himself. He kept it vague.

The woman pouts. "Aaw, poor Gureum, I'm sure Doctor Kim can help you." She looks up again to talk to the owner. "Please fill out the form and then wait in the waiting room until I call your name." She points to a door where cute, small stickers from animals are placed on it.

Jeongguk only nods, taking the paper and writes down the things he has to. Some of the questions are ridiculous but he answers them all while giggling silently.

Doctor Kim - how the woman has called him - must be really good in what he does. Before it's his turn, six dogs or cats, even a rat is in the waiting room. After two hours, his dog's name got called and he stands up, almost forgetting to take Gureum with him. Jeongguk blames it on the long day at work.

He enters a very sterile looking room and is greeted by a tall and really handsome man in a white smock. His breathing stops for a moment, the guy could be a model to tell the truth.

Jeongguk's greeting him back, again really shyly. "Oh, hello. I um, I'm here with my dog."

Doctor Kim smiles. "I thought so. What's the matter? My assistant wrote that he maybe ate something wrong?" He looks at the paper in his hand.

"Yes, but I wasn't there when it happened, so I'm not sure." Jeongguk looks down, it sounds like he's a bad owner.

"Okay, that's what I am here for, to find out what is wrong with your dog. Please place him on the table first, I'll take a look. What's his name?" The vet asks.

While Jeongguk takes his baby out of the box he answers. "His name is Gureum, you need to be careful, he's moody when hurt."

"I see, hello Gureum, you're a really cute dog. Now tell me sweetheart, where does it hurt?" Kim uses his fingers to palpate the small body and stops when he spasms as soon as he's touching the belly. "Okay, I think it's the best if we start with a x-ray, it won't hurt him." He explains to the owner who can only nod.

Mister Kim takes Gureum to an extra room and tells Jeongguk to follow. They look at the monitor and the vet frowns.

Jeongguk has a feeling that it doesn't mean anything good. "What is it?" He panics slightly. His financial situation isn't great at the moment or ever.

"I'm so sorry to say that Mister Jeon, but he didn't eat something he shouldn't." Kim points to a bright white spot on the monitor and explains further. "There you can see the problem, Gureum has a tumor. We have to take a sample to make sure. He probably needs a surgery and has to stay here."

Jeongguk's eyes widen at the information, he's petting his dog who's back in his arms. "Is he going to- die?" It's the first thing that comes to his mind.

"No, it doesn't necessarily mean that he has to die, we have to find out more before I can tell you anything, please be patient and trust me. I'll do everything I can."

"Thank you, but how much is it going to cost? I mean I will do anything for him, but I have to save money first to pay the bill." Jeongguk looks at Gureum with sad eyes and it melts the vet's heart.

"You don't have to pay all at once, don't worry. I can tell you how much it is, when the test results are there." For now, he can't tell more.

Jeongguk has to leave, can't stay with his dog over night but he trusts Mister Kim. The stripper is tired because of work and even though his thoughts are with Gureum, he needs to sleep.

The assistant had given him Doctor Kim's contact card before bidding goodbye earlier.

'So his name is Taehyung.' Jeongguk smiles for an unknown reason.

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