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The first one is shy, can't even look into Jeongguk's eyes without blushing. He thinks it's cute but it won't change anything. Jeongguk has strict rules and stays with them. He makes him cum pretty fast, is still wearing his see through shirt that normally drops to the floor within minutes. The guy gives him a nice tip and leaves in a hurry. "Cute." Jeongguk chuckles and puts the ripped jeans back on, to go to room two.

The others are less shy but still keep their hands to themselves. It's a good night, the money is coming in and he can't complain. Unfortunately it's time to face J, no one knows his real name except for the boss. Jeongguk doesn't know when it has started that J wants only him and comes to the club when he's there. The only positive aspect is that he pays good, Jeongguk can live from the tip for three days with a warm meal twice a day.

The stripper enters the room, heart beating fast and he has to put on a seductive smirk. "Nice to see you again J." He says in a lower tone, swaying his hips.

J laughs. "Are you sure about that? I think you'd rather be somewhere else than here with me." He knows, J isn't dumb.

"Oh come on, if you behave then there's nothing wrong with dancing for you. I actually like my job and if it means to be able to make someone happy, it's a plus." They always bicker at the beginning, it's like a ritual for them.

"You know how you'd make me the happiest but you always play the innocent, pure boy. We both know that you want to be fucked against the wall and I have the dick to do so. How about you for once are the good boy and let me take care of you." J gets up and walks slowly over to Jeongguk. "I love your body, you're investing a lot of time to look like this. I have a thing for hard working men." He thinks for a moment. "I'll pay you good. Five hundred thousand won if you let me fuck you."

Jeongguk has to hold back a gasp. That's a lot of money and he's really tempted to accept it. What should he do? If he agrees, this won't be a one-time-thing and Jeongguk really doesn't want to go that far, especially with him.

"I can see you having trouble rejecting it. Why the struggle, I'll be so good to you baby." J slowly lifts his hand, placing it on Jeongguk's waist. This is the most skinship the stripper has ever allowed, except for the lap dance.

Hoseok's loud voice from outside pulls him out of his daze. Jeongguk shakes his head, gently shoves the hand away from his body. "Not even this amount of money can change my mind. Please sit down and let's start. The whole discussion took already ten minutes from your time." He takes a step back and walks straight to the chair in the middle of the room, turning his head to look over his shoulder. "Are you coming, or?"

J chuckles. "Sure, let's try if you will be able to make me come today."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes, it's true that he has never managed to bring him over the edge, but he doesn't care at all. J always pays good and that's all he needs.


Taehyung and Yoongi, the former's best friend, meet up because the younger wanted to show him Gureum.

"Tae, you know that you can't keep him, right?" Yoongi looks up from his phone when he doesn't get a reply from him. "Tae."

"What if the owner can't pay the bill and I ask him if he's going to sell his dog to me?" Taehyung already has thought about a plan.

"Or you can just start dating the guy so you can meet the dog?" Yoongi laughs at his own idea, Taehyung didn't.

He looks at Gureum, being in deep thoughts. Mister Jeon isn't ugly or an asshole, he's in fact really handsome and nice. Taehyung's sure he already has someone by his side and also a weird kink. He was covered in glitter when he came by and brought the dog to him.

"Tae, I was joking! Oh my God, do you really think about asking him out?" Yoongi takes Gureum from him, causing the dog to bark. He only wants to be with Taehyung, so Yoongi immediately gives him back after barking back playfully.

"Well, why not?" Taehyung glares at his best friend, petting the fluffball to soothe him.

"You're a doctor, you can't date your clients or what they're called in your business." Yoongi reasons matter-of-factly.

"Patients and my patient is the dog, not the owner, Yoongs. There's nothing I would do wrong." The vet defends his decision.

"I still think it's not right, but what do I know?" The older shrugs.

Taehyung laughs at this. "You grumpy old man, you know I only love you and as much as I don't wanna admit it, you're right. I can't hurt the guy's feelings only to be close to his pet. He'd find out anyway because I'd spend my whole time with Gureum instead of him."

"So what's your plan then?" Yoongi knows there's something else on his mind when he sees the smirk adoring the other's face. "Oh gosh Tae, don't do anything stupid."

"I'll go back to my original plan. He won't be able to pay the bills, saw it in his eyes when he asked me how much it will cost." Taehyung's confident that Jeongguk would give him his dog at the end. Yeontan is going to be so happy to have a playmate. Taehyung won't lie about the amount it's going to cost, the procedure is really expensive with the tests and surgery.

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now