2 🐾

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As soon as Jeongguk is gone, Taehyung locks the door of his house. His assistant went home after Gureum and Jeongguk were with him as the last appointment of the day.

Kim Taehyung is a dog person, loves them with all of his heart and that's why he's sitting in front of the white fluffball, talking to him. "Hi Gureum do you wanna come out of there?" His voice is soft, knows exactly how to talk to an animal.

"You don't know that, but I also have a small bundle of joy. He's upstairs and is probably waiting for me to come home." Taehyung chuckles when Gureum starts to lick his hand after putting him on his lap.

Taehyung's mood suddenly changes, but he doesn't stop petting the dog. Hopes that the results will be positive, that the tumor can be removed without any complications. Nonetheless, he'd do his best to take away the pain. Speaking of that, he gives him an injection for said pain, it's already late and Gureum needs to rest.

Before leaving the surgery, he takes a last glance at the poor dog. "Your owner told me that you're moody, though all I can see is a happy and very cute baby." Taehyung smiles, turning the light off after placing him back into the cage. It was a long day and Taehyung is tired.

After entering the upper part of the house, a black and brown ball comes running towards him. "Tannie! Did you miss me?" The immediate answer comes in form of a few licks to his face, what makes the vet giggle. "Missed you too, champ."

They fall asleep cuddling, after Taehyung has taken a short shower and got dressed in sleeping clothes.

While Taehyung was now sleeping peacefully, Jeongguk is lying in his bed, thinking of Gureum. It's been a year and a half when he had adopted him from an animal rescue center. He couldn't help but miss him already, that's why Jeongguk takes his phone to look at the latest picture he took of him.

"I don't know why people say that you're ugly

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"I don't know why people say that you're ugly. They are, for saying that. You're the cutest baby in the world and no one can tell me otherwise." He places a gentle kiss to the screen and turns his phone off. Tomorrow at work will be a big event and Jeongguk needs to show up, if he wants or not. The money he's going to make will be enough to pay the bills but now with the surgery, it's going to be harder. "I'll be able to pay for it, don't worry." This said, he falls asleep.

Hoseok enters the apartment at almost noon with a big sigh. There's time for a shower, lunch and a nap before he has to go back to work. This time Jeongguk will come with him. Speaking of the boy, he finds him knocked out on his bed. "You look peaceful, does that mean our baby is fine?" He whispers while stroking the younger's hair.

Jeongguk turns his head, slowly opening his eyes, adjusting them to the light. "Hyung." He says sleepily. "What time is it?"

"Ten past eleven in the morning, kind of." Hoseok gets up to fetch the cup of coffee he has made for his roommate from the nearby table in the younger's bedroom. "Are you hungry? I wanted to order something but figured you'd probably want to eat too, so I waited."

"Yes, but something cheap." Jeongguk sits up, stretching his limbs with a crack.

"It's on me, what do you want?" The older throws the menu card of the delivery service on his bed and waits for the answer.

"Hmm, I'd really like to have steak." Jeongguk pouts, it's one of the more expensive things on the menu.

"Okay, steak it is, anything else?" Hoseok dials the number, seeing Jeongguk shaking his head. "Hello, I'd like to order." - "Number 17, number 23 and a steak, medium rare please." - "Yes, that's all." At the end he also tells them their address and hangs up.

"Where is Gureum?" The question makes Jeongguk flinch.

"He's still at the vet. Hyung, the doctor told me that he has a tumor but it still needs some tests until he knows what kind of tumor it is. One thing is for sure, it has to be removed and that it's going to be very expensive." Jeongguk looks at his phone if there's any news already, but there isn't.

Hoseok walks over to his friend, pulling him into a hug. "I'm so sorry Gguk, don't worry, the baby will be fine, he's strong." The older is caressing his back, trying to calm him his nerves. Hoseok knows how much the dog means to Jeongguk. He himself fell in love with the small cutie.

"He is, he's a fighter but Hyung." He pauses. "It's gonna cost so much money and I don't know how to pay for it. The doctor told me that I can pay monthly but the salary is already so low." Jeongguk is close to tears but doesn't let them fall.

"I would help you if I could. You know that my mom is sick and I'm sending her as much as I can to pay the hospital bills. I'm so sorry but we'll find a way." Hoseok feels bad for his best friend. He himself has a dog too but Mickey is living with his parents, actually with his father, since his mother has to stay in the hospital for a few more months.

"Yeah, you're right. I can take more shifts." Jeongguk sighs deeply. "Now tell me how your night was.

And Hoseok did. There were a few assholes who had tried to touch him, but he's not one of the strippers that fucks customers. It would be good money but he's not a prostitute. Same goes for Jeongguk, they had never slept with one of them, once you do it, it's goes around and then there's no way out of it.

The food arrives not long after and they dig in. Hoseok knew that a steak wouldn't be enough, so he also ordered lamb skewers for them. Seeing the big, excited eyes of his friend is worth the additional money.

They left a few hours later to go to the club. Both work on stage, strip down to the tiny boxershorts but never get completely naked.

On their break, Hoseok pulls him out of the room to the restroom. "I have an idea of how you can pay the doctor back." He already knows that the person is a man, it's going to be perfect.

Jeongguk raises a brow, curious about the idea. "What is it?"

A smirk makes its way to the older's face. "Lap dance. Ask him if you can pay through weekly lap dances or a strip show."

Jeongguk's eyes widen comically. "I don't even know if he's gay or bi. What if he's a homophobe?"

"Oh, shit you're right. Maybe you should find out about this but if he's on our side, try it." Hoseok stops talking when one of their colleagues enters the room.

"Okay, I don't know how but it's worth a try. I'm actually frustrated and would do anything." The younger pouts.

As they come back to the break room, their boss is already waiting for them. "Hoseok, you've got six private shows in room three and four." He gives him the paper with the schedules, then turns to Jeongguk. "And you have gotten five in room one and two."

Jeongguk takes the paper and groans. "J again? He's so intrusive, doesn't really accept a no and always wants to fuck me."

"Don't worry, I'll tell Namjoon to keep an eye on your room. He's going to be there in an instant if you say the safe word." Their boss is a good one, it's rare in this business but that's what keeps the friends working there. Hoseok and Jeongguk are aware of the risks the jobs brings with.

"Thank you, I'll go now and prepare for the first customer." Jeongguk says and Hoseok follows him.

"Are you sure it will be okay? He tried to pull your underwear down last time. I don't understand why boss isn't kicking him out."

"He's rich and always brings a lot of customers in. He'd be dumb to kick him out and it's okay. NJ is helping me, I trust him." The younger smiles at the other. "Now let's make money. At least he's the last one and won't bring my mood down from the start." After all, Jeongguk loves dancing, can control his body and make people cum without being touched. Well, his butt is touching their crotches but that's it, he always stops shortly before they spill into their pants.

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