12 🐾

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The next day, Taehyung has called Yoongi to come over, that's why they're currently sitting in the living room, drinking iced coffee and hot chocolate.

"So, you're telling me that we're going to this strip club tonight?" The older asks, unsure if he has gotten it right.

Taehyung nods. "Yeah, to help Jeongguk and I don't know, maybe you could look after his friend? I don't remember his name, but I have a feeling that this Jae guy is going to do something when he gets to know about me having sex with Jeongguk. I mean, not literally, you know, we're faking it."

Yoongi hums. "Fine, I think I can do that, but I need to meet him before everything. How does he even look like?"

"That's something I don't know myself." Taehyung looks at his wrist watch to check the time. "We're about to find out anyway."

And here they are now, standing in front of an apartment building, wondering if it's the correct one.

"It looks really nice, didn't you say that they have money issues?" Yoongi turns his head to look at his best friend with a raised brow.

"Uh, I don't know about the other one, but Jeongguk definitely has. Doesn't matter Hyung, let's just ring the bell." Taehyung is searching for Jeongguk's name tag and pushes the button as soon as he finds it. "Jung Hoseok is his friend's name."

They get buzzed in not long after and use the elevator to comfortably, without exhausting themselves, reaching their floor.

"Taehyung, Yoongi." Jeongguk greets. "Come in and make yourself a home." He smiles widely, can't wait to introduce Hoseok to them.

"Thanks." The older ones say at the same time, stepping inside and look around the cozy apartment.

"Wow, I like it here." Yoongi is the first to comment on the interior.

"Me too Hyung, wouldn't say no to living in this apartment." The vet agrees immediately, then sits down on the big couch.

Jeongguk joins them after bringing four bottles of water. "Hoseok is still in the shower, he'll be done in a few minutes though. Want snacks?" He points to the plate full of different colored cookies.

Yoongi takes one, moaning at the taste. "Delicious, did you make them?" The oldest out of them all tries to get rid of the somehow awkward atmosphere that's suddenly surrounding them for no reason.

"Yes. I'm glad you like them." Jeongguk smiles shyly, looks at Taehyung to see his reaction as well. His eyes are closed while silently munching on the sweet tasting cookies and it's all he needs to know that the vet likes them too.

"Oh hi, didn't hear you coming, I'm Hoseok." Last but not least, Hoseok finally enters the living room, rubbing his still wet hair with a white towel.

Yoongi almost chokes on water. "Shit, I'm so sorry." Cleans the few drops he has spilled.

The rest of them laughs, wondering what had caused it.

Jeongguk is introducing everyone, ignoring the intense stare Yoongi gives to Hoseok, studying his whole being and maybe even tries to read his mind, who knows.

After explaining what's going to happen - just to make sure - Jeongguk gets up from the couch. "While Hobi and I get ready, you can watch Netflix if you want. We won't take too long, just relax for the next few minutes." This said, the strippers leave them to change into their working clothes.

The roommates have seen one another naked multiple times, it's not a big deal to change in the same room, even if it's underwear. Sometimes they even slap each other's nude butts to tease. Today isn't an exception.

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