10 🐾

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Jeongguk has left Taehyung's house around ten minutes ago and is now entering his shared apartment with Hoseok.

"Oh Gguk, where have you been?" The older asks as soon as he sees him. Hoseok just came home from a short shift in the club and is now tired as hell.

"Hyung, I took your advice and suggested that I'll repay my debt through lap dances and Taehyung accepted. So, I just finished my first appointment and I'm really confused." Jeongguk plops down on their couch, furiously rubbing his face with his palms. "I fucking came when he moaned my name."

Hoseok's laughs, but can understand where he's coming from. "Babe, there's nothing wrong with getting off as well. He's not a common client and I'm sure he doesn't even mind." The older sits down next to him, patting his back. "Cheer up Gguk, just enjoy it as long as it lasts. He's a nice distraction from work, no?"

"Yeah, I guess." Jeongguk sighs, looking at his best friend. "Hyung, he was shy, so adorable! Wanted to kiss him and I've never wanted that before, what if I develope feelings for him? I'm scared."

Hoseok coos, is happy that the younger talks so openly to him. "Is it a bad thing though? I mean, he seems to be a nice guy, why don't you just go with the flow? If it happens, it happens and who knows, maybe he falls for you too."

Jeongguk shakes his head, too tired to argue with his friend. "I don't think it's bad, I'll just be sad if it's gonna be one-sided, I guess. We should sleep now Hyung, it's really late."

Hoseok agrees, gets up to take a shower. "Sleep well Ggukie and don't worry too much." He leaves the living room after receiving a small smile as an answer.

Jeongguk and he had met through the older's ex-boyfriend Jimin. Jeongguk and Jimin grew up together in Busan, were basically childhood friends. Hoseok was immediately smitten by the smaller boy, loved it when he accompanied Jeongguk to the club and watched them dance. One thing led to another and they started dating for over a year, that is, until Jimin had to end things because his parents divorced and he was forced to go with his mother to the states.

They still kept contacting each other till two months ago, it suddenly stopped but Hoseok isn't mad at him. It was to be expected since the younger was already in a new relationship. He doesn't know if Jeongguk still talks to him but it doesn't matter anymore.

The next day comes too soon when Jeongguk wakes up to the delicious smell of breakfast. Hoseok is making pancakes, it's the only thing next to scrambled eggs he's capable of cooking.

"Good morning Hyung, did you sleep well?" He yawns, fetching the dishes to place them on the table.

"Like a baby." Hoseok chuckles. "And you? Could you sleep at all?"

"Of course, I don't even remember how I've reached my bed." It's not a lie, Jeongguk must have fallen asleep right after falling onto the bed, clothes still on his body.

"That's good, sit down and eat." Hoseok fills the younger's plate with three pancakes, then takes some as well. "We have the same shift today, right?"

Jeongguk looks up, thinks for a moment until. "Oh yes, you can give me a ride then, perfect." A big smile adores his face at the fact that he doesn't have to spend money on an uber.

"Tch, that's what you see me as, your personal taxi driver huh?" Hoseok pouts, loves to tease the other.

"Hyung." Jeongguk can't help but laugh. "You know I love you like a brother. Stop being a baby, that's my job."

Both joke around for a little longer. The breakfast took place at two in the afternoon and now, three hours later, it's time to go to work.

They're welcomed by a familiar face. Jeongguk rolls his eyes and walks straight to the restroom, not even greeting his boss as well.

"What's with him? Finally got laid and now realizes that he should have accepted my offer?" J asks Hoseok in a very arrogant tone.

"Jae, let the boy live." The Club owner sighs. "He's young and has a right to say no."

"Well, this is going to change soon." With a smirk, J, who apparently has a name that's Jae, pulls Hoseok with him to a room.

"What did you mean out there? What exactly is going to change soon?" The stripper sits down on the bed, not planning to move until he gets answers.

"You're really nosy baby, but you're gonna hear it from your boss anyway so there's nothing wrong in telling you first." J shrugs. "I own half ot the club now, there will be new rules and one of them is, that everyone has to fuck with their clients if they pay for it. No exceptions, not even for Jeon and you. Imagine how your boss was against it but couldn't do anything." He laughs and continues. "Idiot also sold twenty percent of his own shares to another rich person who shares my opinion."

Hoseok can't believe his ears. He has to tell Jeongguk as soon as possible. They need to quit before it's too late. "Well, seems like this is our last session then. Enjoy it." Tries hard to stay calm, not to show how disappointed he's in his boss.

"We will see, I'm sure you both need money and we are gonna pay more of course. Best thing is, I can have him first, to see if he's good and if not, I'll train the baby boy to my liking, make him my personal bitch." The smirk that shows up on his face is disgusting to Hoseok. He wants nothing more than to just leave and run to Jeongguk, but he can't, not yet.

J as always tries to get into his pants with no luck. He's aware that he can't force him or else he'd be arrested, so he gives in - for now.

The night comes and their shift is over. Jeongguk has made a lot of money, as well as the older. They'll need it if they quit the job, especially Jeongguk with the vet's bill still unsolved.

Back at home, he tells the younger what's going on and as expected, Jeongguk immediately agrees to quitting together. "Let's write the resignation, I'll fetch my things tomorrow and never show up there again."

"We can't leave until the week is over, but yes, we can already give it to them. I still can't believe that boss is so stupid." Hoseok shakes his head, has expected more from the short guy. Why does it have to be J of all the rich people out there and who even is the other new owner? It's time to search for a new job, it's going to be hard with no experience except for stripping and dancing.

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