17 🐾

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Three days later, Jeongguk is visiting Taehyung again. After Yoongi had suggested that he could work with him, Jeongguk wanted to try and find a job on his own first. He doesn't like using a friendship to get such a big deal out of it.

Unfortunately, everyone he has talked to, had asked about previous job experiences and Jeongguk isn't one that lies. Of course it was too bad for their business, something about reputation and the possibility that clients would recognize him.

With a deep sigh, he pets his and Taehyung's dog. "You know, one of them was once a client of me but he didn't do the job interview alone and I kept my mouth shut. I mean, I'd never expose someone. That's would be an asshole behavior and that's not me."

With a hum of agreement, Taehyung sits down, places the bottles of water on the table. "It's going to be difficult to find a good working place. Just never forget that if it's becoming too much, you can still accept Yoongi's offer. By the way, Hoseok had his first day yesterday."

"I know that, he couldn't stop telling me how incredible it is and that he really, really wants me to join too." Jeongguk grabs the bottle and takes a sip from it. "It's been three days and I'm not giving up just yet."

"What about the money? I don't want you to starve. I also know that you won't ask Hobi for help or accept his money. If anything, pause my payment instead." He himself has enough to survive for a while. Taehyung would gift him the surgery, but already knows that the younger wouldn't accept that either.

Jeongguk pouts, this is a topic he has wanted to avoid for as long as possible. "If-" He raises an eyebrow. "-and I mean only if I'm really in need of money, I can just go to another club and dance."

"What? No, no way." Taehyung scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "Before that happens, I'll book you every day for the same amount you'd make every night. I'm not gonna let you go back to be a stripper. Your boss was very nice, to let you decide on your own if you wanna have sex with the clients. That's not really common." He could go on and on about how he's gonna prevent him from going back or to an other club, if it wouldn't have been for two soft lips and a gentle peck to his own, to stop him from rambling.

Jeongguk leans back, only slightly. Eyes still closed and voice soft. "Wanted to do that since I've arrived. Is this okay?"

Taehyung nods a little, nose brushing against the younger one's. Without waiting for another second, he connects their lips again. This time it's more passionate, intimate even. Their tongues are dancing gracefully inside Jeongguk's mouth, soft breath comes out through their noses. It's perfect, they can't stop kissing and soon after, Jeongguk sits on Taehyung's lap, arms hooked around the older's neck.

Taehyung gently places his palms on the dancer's hips, leading the slow movements. It isn't needy at all, they just enjoy the moment and if there's going to happen more, it's alright for both of them.

Around thirty minutes later, after they had made out for a while, they're lying on Taehyung's bed, facing each other. Jeongguk had wanted to be carried to the bedroom and who's Taehyung to deny the adorable, pouty boy's wish. "So, you wanna sleep over?"

"I mean, since you're begging, I can't say no." Jeongguk chuckles at his own words.

"I didn't even-" Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully. "Yes Ggukie, please stay the night. I've no funny business in mind, I promise."

With a deep sigh, Jeongguk nods. "Alright, since you've asked so nicely. I'm gonna be the little spoon though."

"Wouldn't have guessed." The vet laughs. "Okay, turn around and let me hug you then."

And Jeongguk does, snuggles his body close and it fits so well to Taehyung's. Who would have thought, that after such a short time of knowing each other, they would feel comfortable and even kiss without the thought of it being the payment for the surgery. Maybe they're falling for one another faster than expected.

Jeongguk wakes up first, not knowing where he is, until remembering the previous day. Other than yesterday, where they fall asleep with Taehyung hugging the younger, it's now Jeongguk who's half laying on top of the older.

With a smile, he pecks Taehyung's cheek and slowly lets go of him to get up. Jeongguk tiptoes out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. "Let's see if there's something to eat in here." The big fridge is fortunately filled with food to the brim. He takes soybean sprouts, soy sauce and everything that's needed, to make 'kongnamul guk'. There's still rice in the cooker from yesterday. With a good mood, Jeongguk cooks the soup while humming a melody. As soon as it's done, he adds kimchi to the menu, puts everything on a tray and carries it to the bedroom.

"Tae?" Slowly leaning down, he wakes the older up with a gentle kiss.

Taehyung pulls him close, wraps the arms around his middle and doesn't give him the opportunity to wiggle out of it. "Good morning Gguk. What's smelling here so delicious?"

"I made breakfast for us and I thought that we could go for a walk with our dogs afterwards?" Jeongguk feels the arms loosening around him.

"I'm in, it's a dog date then." Taehyung smiles, sitting up when Jeongguk does so as well, first.

They eat in comfortable silence. That is, until two balls of fluff are running into the room, jumping on the bed while barking loudly.

"Oh, I should give them their food too. They usually eat together with me." Before Taehyung can stand up, Jeongguk raises a hand to stop him.

"I'll do it, you enjoy the food. Don't move an inch." The dogs follow him with wiggling tails.

Taehyung could get used to this, having Jeongguk here right from the beginning of the day. It feels good, less lonely and more domestic.

They do their morning routine together, except for the shower. Yeontan and Gureum are running to the door, when they see Taehyung holding their leashes. "Do you wanna go out?" He says in a higher tone, making them bark and jump up on his legs.

Jeongguk watches them with a big smile, it's too cute.

The four of them leave the house and walk to a nearby park. There they can let the dogs off the leash to run freely around and play with each other. Jeongguk and Taehyung sit down on a bench to talk.

"I've got a job interview tomorrow, wish me luck." The younger sighs, already knows that he won't get it.

Taehyung takes his hand and intertwines their fingers. "Good luck Ggukie, don't be disappointed if they won't take you, because of your past." He already has a plan for him, if it won't work out with the job, Taehyung is in need of a new assistant. His current one had told him that she's pregnant and has to stop working soon.

One and an half hour later, they're back and Jeongguk watches Taehyung working with the animals. There are many cats, dogs, even rats and birds. He's helping where he can, gets to know about the assistant's pregnancy and congratulates her.

Taehyung is happy to see the younger boy having fun, it's perfect and nice to have him still around.

Unfortunately, as the evening comes, they have to say goodbye for today. Jeongguk needs to get up early and Taehyung understands that. They'll see each other soon again anyway.

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