6 🐾

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The days go by fast and Jeongguk is now upstairs, waiting in Taehyung's house until the surgery is done. They didn't talk about the offer yet, there wasn't time to do so.

Yesterday, Jeongguk went to work to face J. He had asked him what his problem is and only received a smirk. Of course he didn't let it go that easily and tried to seduce him. Unfortunately, the club owner saw and stopped Jeongguk before he could embarrass himself even more.

J's words, before he was leaving, are still in the strippers head. "You think you're irresistible but you're not. I thought you'd be easy to break but I heard that you're still a virgin from one of your colleagues and it's not worth my time to convince a prude to have sex with me."

Who the fuck did tell him that? It couldn't be Hoseok, he trusts him with his life but then, it isn't really a secret between the strippers and bodyguards. It's also the reason why their boss accepts that he's not going all the way.

Right now he's watching a show, Taehyung insisted that he can relax here until he's done. Means, Jeongguk can freely use the fridge and living room. Yeontan is laying on his lap, while he munches on crisps and slurps water. "Your daddy is good at what he's doing, right?"

The dog only makes a tired noise that reaults in Jeongguk to laugh. "You really like my Gureum, don't you? I mean, we all can still meet after he leaves you. We don't live far away and Taehyung seems nice." Jeongguk doesn't feel dumb talking to a dog, often does it with his own too. There's something relaxing about it.

He lifts the bottle to place it on his lips, when suddenly Yeontan jumps down from his lap and the door opens. Jeongguk spills the water over his shirt and couch, getting up to look at the mess it has created. "Shit!"

His shirt is wet and so is the couch and the front of his pants.

Taehyung laughs but stops when Jeongguk stands straight, chest on full display, now that the white shirt is see-through. "Shit indeed." He mumbles.

They look at each other for what feels like minutes, until Taehyung clears his throat. "I uh, I'll give you dry clothes. Just wait here and-" He gulps. "Don't move."

"Okay." Jeongguk nods. That's weird, he thinks. Was Taehyung checking him out? Does that mean that he's gay or at least bi or pan? He suddenly finds himself smirking, seeing that he might have a chance to pay off his debts with a regularly lap dance.

Taehyung comes back with a black t-shirt and sweatpants hanging over his arm. "You can change in the bathroom." He avoids to look at the younger's incredibly hot body.

"Thank you Taehyung." Jeongguk takes the clothes, makes sure that their fingers touch. "I'll be back in a few." He doesn't know what comes over him when he shamelessly winks at the vet.

After Taehyung hears the door shut close, he lets out the breath he was holding. "Fuck, get a grip on yourself Taehyung, he's out of your reach." The offer suddenly comes to his mind but shakes it off. It's so fucking tempting, though, he knows that it won't end well.

"It fits perfectly." Jeongguk's voice startles the older for a second.

"Well, we are the same height and I like wearing my clothes a bit loose." Taehyung shrugs, as if he didn't have a mental breakdown just a few moments prior.

"How did the surgery go? Is everything alright with Gureum?" The younger takes a dry cloth from the table to clean the couch.

"Yeah, I have a good feeling that I could remove everything. He's going to be fine." Normally he doesn't predict things if he isn't one hundred percent sure.

Jeongguk sighs relieved. "Thank you Taehyung, I don't know how to thank you."

The vet shakes his head, was just doing his job. "Jeongguk, I did what I had to do. You're paying me afterall and Gureum is also dear to me." And maybe he has started to like Jeongguk's company more than he'd admit but that's nothing he's going to tell him.

"Did you think about my offer?" The stripper nibbles his lower lip nervously.

"Yes, I don't know if it's a good idea though. What if we overstep the boundaries? It would make things complicated." Or maybe that's what he wants, without making it complicated. For Taehyung it had been a while since he was sexual active, is afraid to misread things and get attached.

"Not if we don't set any boundaries, let's say we go with the flow. How would that sound to you?" Jeongguk isn't blind, Taehyung is gorgeous and really nice as well. Maybe he won't give his virginity to him but there are other things they could do. His gaze lands on the man's lips, they're getting chewed and look even fuller now. Oh Jisoos, can he fucking stop?

Taehyung's head is full of different scenarios, it doesn't help that he has seen the other's very sexy muscles. Damn be his kink. "Can we uh, I don't know, try it once and then I'll decide? Not gonna lie, I've never been to a strip show before."

Jeongguk's eyes widen in a positive way. "Yes! I mean, sure, we can do that. Right now?" He walks closer to Taehyung, stops before their bodies touch. He's already in his role, ready to seduce the perfect human being in front of him.

"R-right now? What? No, I'm not prepared." What the hell is he saying, Taehyung wants to face-palm himself. "What I'm trying to say is, that Gureum could wake up any moment and I need to go if my assistant calls."

The guilty feeling in Jeongguk has him taking a step back. He forgot about his beloved dog while talking to the older. "Of course, it's not the right time. My baby is our priority now and if it's okay for you, I'd like to wait for the call too."

"I didn't expect otherwise, feel free to chill here with me. Let's not make it awkward, okay?" Taehyung holds his hand in front of the younger to seal the deal.

"Yes, please." Jeongguk shakes it and they sit down.

"What were you watching?" The vet starts with light conversation and it helps. The atmosphere is less thick with tension and they calm down.

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now