11 🐾

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Taehyung's working day has ended an hour ago, he's now resting with both dogs partially lying on his lap. Each ball of fluff had its chin on Taehyung's thighs, looking at each other while the human was petting them.

It's nice, the vet thinks, could get used to it. But there's something missing, though he can't pinpoint what it is. In the middle of his thoughts, the doorbell rings and he pouts. "Boys, I'm really sorry but I have to get up."

As if the dogs can understand him, they lift their heads. Okay, maybe they heard his voice and thought were going to get some treats.

Taehyung chuckles, walks to the intercom. "Who's there?"

He hears rustling and a groan. "Uh, it's me, Jeongguk. Can I uh, can I come in?"

The older is confused, did he forget about an appointment? "Oh, Jeongguk! Sure, you know the way." With a push to the green button, the main door opens.

Heavy steps announce that the stripper is close. He smiles as soon as he sees Taehyung, peeking through a small gap behind the door to his apartment. "Hi there, thank you for not ignoring me."

With a smile, Taehyung lets him enter. "Why would I do that? Told you that you can visit Gureum any time."

"Yeah, but I didn't even call. What if you're busy or have someone over?" Jeongguk gnaws his bottom lip.

"Oh please, the only ones visiting me are Yoongi and you." Taehyung waves it off with a laugh.

It makes Jeongguk happy to hear, he doesn't know why. They sit down and get greeted by their dogs.

"Guri, did you miss me, because I've missed you so, so much." The younger leans down, nuzzles the soft belly. A few of the white hairs are now stuck to his face.

Taehyung can't help the wide grin, it's worth a picture. He takes his phone to capture the moment. While looking at the screen, he stops smiling. Jeongguk is so handsome, hot even. How can someone look like this when they smile like an idiot, playing with a dog. He shakes his head to get back to his senses, those thoughts are bad, he can't have a crush on him.

Jeongguk, oblivious to the other's struggle, leans back and presses his side onto him. "He's doing well, I'm glad."

Taehyung clears his throat. "Yes, Gureum recovers quickly. He's a good boy."

"I'm a good boy too." Jeongguk blurts out but as soon as he notices it, his eyes widen. "I mean, I'm uh-"

The vet laughs. "I get it, you wanna get praises too." He pats the strippers head. "My good boy, you're doing so well."

A whine escapes Jeongguk mouth, he covers his face with his palms. "Taehyung, that's embarrassing."

"Oh really? I think it's cute." Continues stroking over the soft hair, getting lost in the moment.

Jeongguk leans his head on the inviting shoulder, a satisfied sigh leaves his lips. "Can I ask you something?"

"You already did." Taehyung jokes. "Just kidding, go on."

With a playful eye roll, the younger does. "My roommate and I are going to quit our jobs as strippers. We still have to show up for the rest of the week and I was thinking if you would like to watch a show."

"Oh!" Taehyung is surprised. "Why not, when's the next time you're working?"

"Tomorrow night, my show starts at nine and lasts thirty minutes. Afterwards I'm booked for lapdances." He turns his head to look at the vet, not caring about the closeness of their faces.

Taehyung gulps visibly. "Okay, I'll be there. Should I book you?" He wiggles his brows, tries to hide his shyness by being sassy.

Jeongguk shakes his head a little. "You'd have to pay and since I'm still paying off my dept, you get it for free at home."

The older hums, is still going to do it anyway.

The plan was to give Taehyung a lapdance tonight but things turned out differently. They talked about the reason why Jeongguk is quitting and Taehyung becomes furious. "Who does that fucker think he is? Let me punch him tomorrow, I'm just a customer and I won't go to that club a second time."

Jeongguk chuckles, finds it incredibly cute. "No Taehyung, he's not worth it. You'll get a complaint and I'd feel guilty. Let's just enjoy the night and forget about it."

"Wait!" Taehyung suddenly shouts, startling the younger. "This fucker, Jae was his name?"

Jeongguk nods.

"Right, Fucker Jae wants to have your first time, so why don't we act like we do it? It's going to piss him off so bad, wanna see his face afterwards." A devilish smirk creeps up on his face.

The stripper's eyes widen. "Oh god, that's actually a really good idea. There's just one thing that could ruin it."

"And that would be?"

"They all know that I don't go that far. Namjoon, one of the bouncers, is going to save me." Jeongguk is glad for the older, has saved him a lot of times already.

"Then tell him, include Namjoon in our plan. I really want to punch him but since I can't, this is the only way to hit this asshole where it hurts." As soon as he had heard from Jeongguk what this person wants to do, something in Taehyung was activated. Normally he's a calm person, tries to solve problems without violence but not this time. Now after promising that he won't punch him, this is the only way to tell Jae to fuck off.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side." Jeongguk laughs. "Namjoon is helping for sure, he really hates the guy too. Hoseok, my roommate, is Jae's new play toy, he can make sure that he hears us." Suddenly, the stripper is excited, can't wait for tomorrow to come.

"Perfect, lemme meet your friend before we all go to that club. I'll bring Yoongi with me. He might be small, but he really is tough." Taehyung once was threatened by an owner of a cat that didn't survive the surgery. He had told her from the beginning that there's no cure but she insisted. Yoongi was there when she was about to slap him and threw her down to the ground, while calling the police, straddling the woman to keep her in place. He doesn't care about the gender when it comes to violence, he himself doesn't use it but makes sure that the situation is defused.

"Okay, I'll go now and talk to him. Thank you Taehyung, for helping me." They stand up and the younger can't help pulling the other into a hug. "I owe you."

Taehyung stops breathing, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the muscular body. "You don't owe me for that." He says, closing his eyes to enjoy the closeness.

Jeongguk leaves after they part, with a big smile on his face.

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