18 🐾

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Two day later, Jeongguk is standing in front of Taehyung's house, frown clearly visible and head hanging low. It's past nine at night, the vet is already done with his work.

Taehyung opens the door, lets him enter and then they go upstairs without exchanging a greeting.

Jeongguk sits down with a groan, Gureum jumping on his lap, wanting to get petted. "Hi Tae." He sighs frustrated.

"Didn't go too well?" The older asks the obvious, just to start the topic.

"Of course not, this arrogant asshole even insulted me. Why inviting me, if they don't like what I've done? I always write it in the letter of application." He ruffles his hair, the words he had heard were hurting him a lot and are still on his mind.

Taehyung pulls him carefully into a hug, Gureum looking up at them. "Actually, I'm glad you didn't get the job. With such a boss, you won't be happy."

"Tae, I really need the money. I could have worked there and still searching for another one on the side."

The older hums. "Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to suggest what I wanna now. How do you feel about working for me? Two days ago, you did really well and Miss Kang can show you a few more things before her leave." Stroking slowly over the soft hair, he hopes that he's going to agree.

"I really loved it. If it's not out of pity, then I'll give it a try." Jeongguk doesn't only agree because he has no other choice, except for Yoongi's company. He does it because he can be with Taehyung and with animals all day long. The dancer has thought a lot about them over the past days and has to admit that he likes him very much. It's not love yet, but definitely a big fat crush.

Taehyung on the other hand already talks with Yoongi about being in love with the boy, is sure that he has fallen hard for him. Taehyung isn't oblivious when it comes to the other, knows that he likes him too in a way. "Perfect, I've already written a contract. You only have to sign it." Standing up, he goes to the small office to fetch the papers.

Jeongguk chuckles. "You knew that I'd agree, huh?" Says it more to himself, since the older isn't in hearing range anymore.

After reading the whole thing, Jeongguk places his signature on the line and gives the contract back to the vet.

"Is it okay if you're going to start tomorrow or do you wanna have a few days to yourself first?" Taehyung puts it in an envelope, to keep it clean and safe.

"I've had enough days off, can't wait to work again. Tomorrow sounds great." Jeongguk leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, closing his eyes. One less thing to worry about in his life.

Both fall asleep on the couch, with their dogs cuddled up over the legs. Jeongguk has already a set of clothes in Taehyung's cupboard, so there's no need to go home and change. They aren't too pretty but it doesn't matter, as long as they're clean.

The day starts with a sumptuous breakfast, before they head down to the veterinary office. First patient is a snake, that ate something it shouldn't have. Jeongguk isn't afraid of them, is watching Miss Kang handling it, before Taehyung disappears, with the owner and the snake, inside the treatment room. It's one of at least ten more animals today, before they're done and go back upstairs.

Jeongguk calls Hoseok to tell him the news and even though he's a little sad that they won't work together anymore, he's also happy for his friend. The younger stays at Taehyung's again, as well as the following three days. It's almost like they're living together, but neither of them is voicing it out.

Hoseok is surprised when Jeongguk is suddenly standing in their living room with wide open eyes. "Uh, hi Yoongi Hyung."

"Hey Gguk, long time no see." The older smiles, putting on a shirt. It's obvious that he has spent the night with Hoseok and that they had sex if the smell is an indication of that.

Jeongguk realizes, that now he's the only virgin left. He's happy for him, Yoongi is nice and they fit perfectly together. "Haha, yes. Should have called before coming home."

"It's okay, we are adults and I'm not ashamed of him." Yoongi wraps his arms around Hoseok from behind and pecks his nape. "Am I right, honey?"

"Of course, uh, do you really need to leave? We all could watch a movie or just talk?" Hoseok turns around in his arms to show him a cute pout.

Yoongi laughs. "I'd love to, unfortunately work is waiting for me. I'm coming back as soon as I'm done, deal?"

The taller of them nods. "Okay, gonna miss you, but now that Jeongguk is here, I'm sure I can get over it."

"Actually-" The mentioned interrupts. "-I was just fetching a few things and then head back to Taehyung's." He's sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

The couple is looking at him. One with a knowing smirk, the other with a raised brow. Latter clears his throat. "So, you and Taehyung, are you a thing too?"

"No Hobi, but I wouldn't mind it to be honest. I mean, he's really kind and handsome and hot. Oh God, don't get me started with his body, but more importantly, his character is what I like most. I'm working for him now and I couldn't be more grateful for that." Jeongguk doesn't hold back, is aware that Yoongi could tell him about what he has said.

"I see, how do you feel about double dates?" Hoseok smiles widely, is already planning on going out together.

Yoongi clicks his tongue. "Honey, let them become a couple first. We won't interfere though. It's better to let them do it at their own pace."

"You're right. Have fun Ggukie, I'm gonna accompany my boyfriend to work. See you tomorrow?" Hoseok is doubting it, but asking is for free.

"Oh, no we probably won't. Taehyung and I have a date, that includes our dogs. I don't know when I'm coming home again." Jeongguk feels sorry, even if he likes it that way.

"You still calling this apartment home?" Yoongi winks. "Why don't you move in with Tae, it would be easier for the both of you." So much for letting them do it at their own pace.

Jeongguk nibbles the bottom lip, before grinning at them. "Let's see who's faster, Taehyung and I or you and Hobi."

"Challenge accepted." Yoongi laughs a little. "We are already together, but you basically already live with him. It's gonna be interesting who's officially faster." That said, it's time for him to leave.

Hoseok hugs Jeongguk before following his boyfriend.

"Wow, seems like it's getting serious. Should I confess to him tonight?" He's talking to himself while searching for clean clothes.

Taehyung has prepared snacks and drinks, as Jeongguk enters his top apartment. The younger now owns his own key, since Taehyung is too lazy to always open the door for him. "You're back?" He stands up when there's no answer.

Jeongguk is shyly scratching his neck, a big luggage in front of his feet. "Yeah, didn't know what to bring, so I just took everything with me."

Taehyung laughs, walking over to him. "I think I need a bigger wardrobe." Takes the luggage to carry it to his bedroom. "You coming?"

Jeongguk nods, runs after him with slightly rosy cheeks. Is this a silent agreement of him moving in?

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