16 🐾

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They sit in the cars, Yoongi with Taehyung and Jeongguk with Hoseok, to drive to the vet's house and meet there again.

"So, what happened after I've left?" Taehyung asks curious.

Yoongi, who's sitting in the passenger seat, looks at him. "Well, that Jae guy approached Hobi and me. He told him to clean up and then he's gonna fuck them. Of course I didn't let that happen and..." He tells him the whole story, getting curses in return, when Taehyung wants to go back and punsh that piece of shit where it hurts most.

After the younger is now aware of the situation, he can't wait to talk to Jeongguk. He's concerned, the stripper had just lost his job and as far as he knows, money is a big problem for him.

"Hey Tae." Yoongi interrupts his thoughts. "I've talked to Hoseok before everything has happened. You know, they would have left at the end of the week anyway."

"Okay?" Taehyung doesn't know what he's trying to say.

A deep sigh leaves the older's mouth. "He's jobless now and I've offered him to work with me. He's a dancer in the first place. I have contact to many groups who always are in need of background dancers. Don't you think it would be something for Jeongguk too?"

Taehyung perks up at this. "Hyung! You would do that for them? Oh my god, you're the best. Let's suggest it to him. What did Hoseok say?"

"He wants to try it. We also wanna start dating." Yoongi smiles sheepishly, he's happy.

"What? You both only met today for the first time." Taehyung wants to look at his friend, checking if he's serious, but can't because he's driving.

"I know but we aren't boyfriends yet. It's just dating, to get to know each other first. I mean, we had sex, you know. I'm really interested in him." The older nibbles on his bottom lip, hopes that it'll turn out great for them.

Taehyung is silent for a while, thinking about Jeongguk again. They didn't go all the way, wouldn't have minded at all if they did. He's nice and their dogs like each other. It would be a win win for him. Taehyung isn't in love with Jeongguk, but he would lie if he'd say that they don't have a connection. He actually is happy when the younger comes over to visit his dog and really liked the lapdance.

"I'm glad you both try it. You deserve someone nice and he seems to be very nice." Taehyung is happy for his best friend, it's been a while since he has dated someone. Work is a bitch sometimes.

"Yes, Hobi is an angel and so hot in bed. You wouldn't believe what he can do with his tongue. The way he-"

"Oh god, please don't tell me about your sex life in detail." Taehyung cuts him with a laugh. "Wait, you bottomed?"

"Told you I'm a switch, wanted that tongue game and it was worth it. He's a switch too by the way, so it's perfect." Yoongi himself has also some pretty good skills when it comes to his tongue.

"I wonder what Jeongguk prefers." Taehyung says more to himself, didn't mean to voice it out.

It makes the older's head turn to him in a fast movement. "What? Oho, is my Tae Tae interested in Hobi's roommate, slash, best friend?" He wiggles his brows teasingly.

"What if I am? I mean, I don't know him well yet, but since he's visiting me often from now on, we can change that." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders, to show that there's nothing to it, yet.

Yoongi only hums knowingly.

Hoseok has also explained everything to Jeongguk.

"Okay, now tell me what you and Taehyung did in this room. The way you both have talked afterwards makes me think that you fucked, too." The older of them needs to know the truth.

"Well, we didn't fuck." Jeongguk emphasizes the last word. "We did things, but didn't go the whole way. I still have to meet him many more times and I think it would be awkward between us then. Hyung, do you think I will find another job?" He changes the topic to something that's bothering him since he knows that they're leaving the club.

"Yeah, actually, I already have one and if I understood Yoongi correctly, you can work there as well." Hoseok can't wait to start dancing without having to undress or seduce people like he did. "I'm sure he's gonna talk to you later, just wait a little longer."

Jeongguk nods, they drive in silence until reaching Taehyung's house.

"Wow, this is what I call a nice home." Hoseok loves how cozy it looks. The wall on the outside is painted a pretty green and there are flowers around the house, everything surrounded by a white fence.

"I know, right? It totally suits him."

They get out of the car, having arrived directly after the others.

Taehyung leads the way after unlocking the front door. They go upstairs, hearing the dogs barking.

"Baby!" Jeongguk immediately bends down, receiving a welcome lick from Gureum. "I've missed you too buddy."

Yeontan, who's reserved, seeing more than two people in his house, only looks at Taehyung with a bend to the side head. "Tan, come here." Of course he follows his owners order, after seeing the pat on the human's leg. He jumps up with his front legs, wanting to be carried.

Taehyung chuckles. "Did you have fun with your friend?" A small bark is what he gets in return and that's all he needs as an answer. Of course Taehyung knows that Yeontan can't understand him, but it doesn't matter.

The four of them, plus two dogs, sit down on the couch, having a night drink and talking about the recent events. It's nice and it feels like they've known each other for a long time.

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