14 (M) 🐾

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The room is nice, Taehyung has to admit. The bed in the corner has red sheets and the blanket, as well as the pillows, have a way darker shade of red. Two of the walls are painted black, while the other both are kept white.

"You like it?" Jeongguk can see the surprise on his face. "It's not filthy, you know. Cleaning is very important and the workers are very reliable. I wouldn't still work here if I could catch a disease from all the bacteria and what not."

Taehyung hums understandingly. "I know, wouldn't have thought otherwise. You're a smart person Jeongguk, there's nothing wrong with what you do for a living."

"Thank you, it means a lot to me, coming from you. Uh, shall we start? We unfortunately don't have endless time." While he's speaking, he pulls his shirt off, steps out of his pants and sits down on the bed "Join me, don't be shy."

Jeongguk's calm voice and the warm atmosphere of the room is relaxing the vet. He takes the place next to him with a comfortable gap in between them. "Okay, how are we going to do it?"

"We both strip down to the underwear and the blanket will cover us, then we act like we're having sex. For that you need to lie on top of me." Jeongguk looks away from the older, too shy to face him now. It's funny how the tables have turned.

"Oh! Alright." Taehyung gets rid of his clothes, crawls under the blanket and waits for the other to do the same.

Since Jeongguk is already almost naked, he joins him right away. "If you want, I can go on top of you instead."

"Yeah, I really would appreciate it." The older chuckles a little, it's so awkward.

"Okay, uh, lemme just-" Jeongguk sits up and turns around, lifting one leg to place it over Taehyung's lap, only to hover over him. He isn't sure if he can connect their bodies but the question is answered as he feels a pressure on his back. With a relieved sigh, he sits down, bends forward and rests his head on the warm chest, feels Taehyung's fast beating heart but doesn't comment on it because his own isn't beating slow too.

"It's nice, could get used to it." Taehyung whispers, is afraid to speak any louder.

"Me too, our bodies fit well."

They get into the needed mood. All that's left are the moans and it's easier said than done, especially for Taehyung. He has never faked it before, doesn't know how to make it sound real.

Jeongguk can sense the struggle, begins to move his hips to grind down on the older. A reaction comes almost immediately with a whimper. "That's it, keep them coming."

Taehyung bites his lower lip and nods. His grip on Jeongguk tightens, the urge to thrust upwards enorm. For now, he can hold himself back, but it changes as soon as cute little sobs also slip out of the younger's mouth and for a moment he forgets that they're faking everything.

One hand wanders up to Jeongguk's neck, pulling him up and then he connects their lips to a passionate kiss. It's their first time kissing each other and it feels so right.

The grinding doesn't stop, becomes even more intense with every passing minute, they moan into the other's mouth, swallowing them needily.

"Tae." Jeongguk's breathing out. "You feel so good."

Taehyung answers with a choked out whimper, finally moving upward to press his own hard length to Jeongguk's. "Gosh Gguk, you don't know how badly I want you right now, unfortunately this is not the right time."

"Yeah, not today but I want you too. Kiss me again, Tae." The stripper doesn't wait for him to connect their lips, instead he just leans in again, grinds down harder and even stills a moment, to feel him more.

Taehyung cups his butt cheeks with both hands, keeping him in place. Jeongguk reaches back with his own hand, grabs Taehyung's and shoves him under his boxershorts. "Please touch me, I need you inside me."

The vet can't prevent the loud, deep moan from coming out, he needs this too. "What about lube?"

"I don't fucking care, just-" He thinks for a moment. "-let me suck your fingers, it should be enough."

"Okay, fuck. Okay, here." His right hand leaves the warmth, comes up to Jeongguk's lips and then he's watching him licking three fingers before taking them in. "Oh god. You're so pretty, Jeongguk."

The younger hums, tries to smile.

After they're covered in spit, Taehyung pulls them out, wasting no time to go back down. The other hand is parting one cheek from the other, presses a wet finger to the rim and circles it slowly to make him relax.

"Do it please, just, push it in." Jeongguk whines, can't wait for the feeling of having something inside him.

And Taehyung does, his finger penetrates the tight hole. It's warm and the walls feel really smooth. He moves slowly, pushing in and pulling out. Adding another after a short time to stretch the rim more. "How is it? Does it hurt?" He carefully asks, wants to make sure that Jeongguk is still comfortable.

"Doesn't hurt, feels fucking good. I can take more, give me three." The younger kisses Taehyung again, biting his bottom lip when the requested third finger enters next to the other both. "Fuck yes, I love it." He whispers.

Taehyung loves it too, can't believe that they're doing this but doesn't complain. The moans aren't fake anymore, never were to begin with. They are loud and he's sure everyone outside the room can hear them. It's perfect.

"Can I feel you too? I mean-" Jeongguk interrupts himself when his prostate gets massaged. "-Holy shit, Tae. You drive me crazy. Please let me pull your boxershort down, I wanna stroke our dicks."

"Gguk, are you sure?" Taehyung is afraid that this could be too much, that the other is going to regret it afterwards.

"One hundred percent. I need to come and I wanna make you feel good too."

This is enough reason for the older to nod. Jeongguk lifts his body, sits up without making Taehyung slip out of him. The vet's boxershort gets pulled down first, making Jeongguk gasp at the size. "Wow, I knew you're huge, but just, wow."

Taehyung smirks, suddenly his eyes widen when Jeongguk gets rid of his own too. The glans is decorated with a piercing, it's pretty and the first time he sees one in real. "Can I touch you there?"

"Don't hold back, it's all yours." Jeongguk winks, finger tracing over Taehyung's prominent veins which adorn his cock beautifully.

Taehyung lets go of the buttcheek, not stopping his fingers of the other hand. He touches the metal, playing with the pellet. There's no need to ask him if he likes it, because Jeongguk groans deeply.

This piercing is something Taehyung wants to feel on his tongue and in his throat. He doesn't stop teasing him, even as Jeongguk wraps his fingers around both of their throbbing lengths and strokes them with a tight grip.

Moans, sobs and whimpers fill the room until they almost scream each other's names while coming at nearlyq the same time.

Taehyung pulls his fingers out, there's still time left and they spend it with cleaning up while giving small pecks and cute smiles to one another. The older sees a few drops still on Jeongguk's tip, he uses his thumb to gather it and licks it off.

Jeongguk watches him, thinks that Taehyung is the best thing that could happen to him.

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