7 🐾

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They're in the middle of watching a movie, when the doorbell rings. Taehyung's vet is closed for the day because of the surgery and he doesn't expect anyone. "I'll open the door, it's for sure not my assistant."

Jeongguk nods and continues to pay attention to the television. He suddenly hears a voice that's not Taehyung's and turns his head to get a glimpse.

There's a smaller guy walking next to the vet, he has blonde short hair and a gummy-smile.

"Hyung, this is Jeongguk. He's the owner of Gureum."

The guy, who's obviously older than them, smiles even wider. "Hi, my name is Yoongi and I'm Tae's best friend. It's nice to finally meet you." He walks over to Jeongguk and chuckles when the boy makes space for him to sit down.

Taehyung watches them with interest, has talked about Jeongguk to the older but more so about Gureum. Yoongi knows how to keep silent about it.

"Hi Yoongi-ssi, do you want something to drink?" Jeongguk gets up to walk to the kitchen.

"Coke please." The older answers and looks at Taehyung. "He's acting like he already lives here." Yoongi smirks. "That's interesting."

Taehyung rolls his eyes but is surprised too. It kind of feels domestic, he misses having someone living with him. It still doesn't mean that he's going to admit that to the other. "Oh shut up Hyung."

"You know that you can tell me anything, right?" He stops talking when Jeongguk comes back with three bottles in his hands. "Thank you."

A shy smile is all Jeongguk can manage before he sits down on an one-seater.

"So, what are you doing here?" Taehyung breaks the awkward silence.

"Do I need a reason to visit my best friend?" Yoongi acts hurt, places a palm over his chest. "Could it be that I was disturbing anything?"

"What?" - "What?"

Both, Jeongguk and Taehyung, ask at the same time.

"Nothing." The oldest chuckles. "What are you watching, is it interesting?" He changes the topic, knows that Taehyung is going to be embarrassed if he continues like that.

There's a love scene playing on the screen. Perfect timing, Taehyung thinks and takes the remote control. "Our movie ended when you came. I don't know what this is." That's not even a lie but why does he feel like being caught doing something inappropriate?

Jeongguk is silent while the friends talk about Yoongi's job. He doesn't feel neglected, it's kind of nice actually. They're comfortable enough to talk about private matters in front of him.

The moment gets interrupted when Taehyung's business phone rings. "Oh, it's my assistant, I need to take this call." He takes the phone from the table and leaves the living room.

Yoongi takes the opportunity to talk to Jeongguk. "So, you and Tae?"

The younger looks at him with a confused expression. "Me and Tae, what?" He furrows his brows.

"Well, ne never lets the owner of a patient wait in his private rooms. That's why I'm curious about the both of you. I mean, it's not my business but-"

"You're right Hyung, it's not your business." Taehyung's voice sounds from behind them. "There's nothing going on between us. The reason why he's here is his dog who lives with me for now."

"I see, I think I should go now. Call me if you're done with whatever this is." Yoongi nods his head as a goodbye to Jeongguk and leaves without waiting for a reply.

"Uh, does he not like me?" Jeongguk isn't sure what has happened.

"Ah, don't mind him. Yoongi is like that and there's no reason for him to dislike you. He's a brat, to be honest." Taehyung chuckles, knows exactly what his friend was trying to achieve but there's nothing going on between him and the stripper, so he's not afraid of confrontation.

"If you say so." The younger shrugs. "Was the call about Gureum?"

"Oh, yes!" Taehyung takes his small handbag. "We can go and see him now." He smiles wide.

Jeongguk jumps up from the couch and almost runs to the door. He can't wait to hold his baby again. "Hurry Tae." The nickname slipped but neither of them comment on it.

They reach the ground floor and enter the surgery. "Any aftermath?" Taehyung asks the assistant who shakes her head in return. "Good, you can go home now. Have a good evening SooYeon."

"Thanks you Taehyung, I'll seel you tomorrow." They bow slightly, then she leaves.

"She's beautiful." Jeongguk speaks without thinking.

"Yeah, had a crush on me but figured out that I'm gay pretty fast." Taehyung reveals more than he has wanted to but now it's too late. "Anyway, let's see the cutie."

This is the confirmation that Jeongguk has needed. His heart did a flip and his confidence is slowly coming back.

They enter a rather small room where a few cages are integrated in the wall. In one of them is lying a white ball of fluff.

"Guri!" Jeongguk calls him excitedly.

Taehyung is holding him back. "He's still drowsy because of the anesthesia. Give him time to adjust to his surroundings. Let's just wait here until he moves a little." Taehyung is holding Jeongguk's hand. It feels natural, so he doesn't even notice it.

The younger on the other hand does and looks down, then up again to the other's face. There's an adorable smile on it, while he's watching Gureum.

"You really like my dog, huh?" Jeongguk suddenly says, rips Taehyung out of his daze.

He turns his head and nods. "Yeah, there's something I can't explain. I had the same feeling when I saw Yeontan the first time. It's as if we were meant to meet, I know it sounds stupid, that's just how it is."

"It doesn't sound stupid at all. Gureum must have been in a bad family before. I found him in a shelter and as soon as I saw him, I knew that we belong to each other." He squeezes Taehyung's hand and that's when the older finally notices it.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." The vet pulls his hand away and takes a step aside. After hearing Jeongguk's story, he suddenly feels bad for keeping Gureum. "I'll accept the offer." Without thinking much, he speaks the words.

Jeongguk gasps. "Seriously? You're accepting?"

"That's what I've said." The older chuckles. "Just, let's talk about rules later?"

Jeongguk nods. "Sure, whatever you want, as long as I can have my baby back."

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