4 🐾

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Jeongguk's waking up at the same time as the day before. His stomach makes weird noises and he knows that it's time to eat. His calls for Hoseok are useless, maybe he went out to get some food for them.

Right when Jeongguk is about to leave their shared apartment, Hoseok almost bumps into him, carrying two brown paper bags. "Are you already leaving?"

The younger sighs, his stomach growls at the delicious smell. "I think I have a few more minutes to spare."

They sit down to eat and Hoseok asks him about J. "Did he try something? I couldn't ask yesterday because I also had a difficult client, but Seokjin managed it pretty well for me."

"I've heard you." Jeongguk laughs. "And yes, but not in a way you might think. J offered me five hundred thousand won if I'd let him fuck me."

Hoseok almost chokes on a piece of pizza. "What? Is he serious?" He coughs out.

"I obviously rejected his offer, definitely not going to prostitute myself. You know how they are, do it once and they expect it to happen every appointment. I mean, he's hot, not gonna lie, but there's something about that man that's making me uncomfortable." Jeongguk shudders, shakes the feeling off as good as possible.

"Yeah, what if he's in the mafia, we shouldn't get involved with people like them." Hoseok has heard of ex-colleagues who did and are now the personal playtoy of them. They aren't treated really nice.

Both talk more until Jeongguk has to go. This time he took a shower to get rid of the glitter and sweat. He enters the house and greets the same assistant from before.

"Welcome back Mister Jeon, Doctor Kim is already waiting for you. Please go straight to the surgery room." She smiles at him in a friendly way.

Jeongguk bows slightly to thank her. He's standing in front of the door and takes a deep breathe before knocking.

"Mister Jeon, come in and sit down." Taehyung mentions him to the chair and looks at the monitor in front of him. "The test results are there and as expected it's a tumor. I have good and bad news, I'll start with the good one."

Jeongguk nervously plays with the hem of his shirt, staring at the doctor's handsome face.

"The good news is that it's a benign tumor, we can take it out and then monitor Gureum for a while if it comes back or has spread." Taehyung explains calmly, making Jeongguk sighing in relief but there's still the bad news left.

"And the bad one?" The stripper immediately asks when he doesn't continue to speak.

Taehyung closes the document on his computer screen and looks up. "It will be expensive, I've noticed that you were worried about it the last time." He bites his lower lip.

"O-oh, it's okay I guess. I mean how much will it be? It can't be that much." Jeongguk gulps, didn't have much money left. The 500k won from J suddenly sound so good and maybe he regrets not taking them. No, he internally shakes his head, he has pride.

"Including the surgery, the tests and the monitoring, it will be around 2 million." Taehyung avoids the boy's gaze, he's sorry but also sees a chance to keep Gureum. Maybe Jeongguk will agree if he's having general money problems. Knowing that your dog is in good hands can be relieving.

"Oh wow, that's a lot. You mentioned a monthly payment, is it still possible? Let's say fifty thousand?" Jeongguk has a bad feeling but asking is for free.

"The amount isn't high enough. We only accept a six months installment plan, what means that it has to be at least 500k won every month." Taehyung really feels sorry for him. Maybe it's time to make the suggestion. "I have an idea, how about I keep Gureum until you have paid the whole amount. I'll settle the bill and you pay me what you can, until we are even." At least that way he will be able to spend a lot of time with Gureum and Yeontan has his playmate. Who knows, maybe Jeongguk even likes the freedom and tells him to keep the him afterwards.

Jeongguk is dumbfounded, blinks a few times before taking a deep breath. "Why'd you do this?" He isn't sure what the vet is getting out of this deal, something seems fishy.

Taehyung can see the doubt on his face so he explains himself. "I really like your dog, would love to spend more time with him."

"But Gureum isn't very friendly with strangers, I'm sure that he'll bark and destroy your things." Jeongguk doesn't want to leave him with the vet, he'd miss him too much.

"I had him in my apartment today and he really likes my dog. They're very cute together and like to play around." Taehyung chuckles at the memory.

"He what?" The stripper can't believe his ears, his Gureum was playing with another dog? Usually he's afraid of them, hides or tries to fight. What the hell is going on? Does he lie for whatever reason?

"I'm sorry Mister Jeon if I've offended you. I know I should have let him in his cage but he barked and when I took him with me, he looked so happy. Gureum had a good time, don't worry." Taehyung isn't sure if he has overstepped it, maybe it was a bad idea.

Jeongguk clears his throat. "If it's true, then maybe I'll agree but can I see them interacting with each other?" He always hoped that Gureum would befriend another dog, having a playmate for him is his goal. Even though he's definitely going to miss him badly. If it makes his baby happy, he's the last person to say no, as long as Mister Kim allows him to visit from time to time.

"Of course, how about you come by after working hours and we can go upstairs?" Taehyung stands up, walks around the table with a wide smile. "I promise you that he's in good company."

"Fine, when are you done today?" At least he doesn't have to work tonight, it's a perfect timing.

"Be there at quarter past six, I'll wait for you inside." The vet leads him to the door and they bid goodbye.

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