8 🐾

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They stay with the small dog for a little before going back upstairs. It's already late and dark outside but Jeongguk doesn't care. He had taken the night off again, knowing that Gureum would need him.

"Okay, let's talk." Taehyung sits down, leaning back on the backrest to relax.

Jeongguk sighs, it's time to mention lap dances and what not. Normally it's easy, but this isn't an usual client of his, this is Kim Taehyung, a vet who most likely hasn't placed a single thought in going to such an establishment. Nonetheless, they need to talk about it. "Yeah, let's. What do you wanna know?"

The older looks dumbfounded, wasn't it him who had offered the whole thing? "Uh, everything? I mean, what does it include, what do I have to do or can do? Maybe start from scratch or, I don't know?" Taehyung throws his hands up in the air to show how clueless he is.

"Alright, where do I even start." Jeongguk mumbles, looking at his fingers that are playing with the thin ring, sitting on the base of the other hand's pointer finger. With a rather deep sigh, he lifts his head, eyes staring up to the ceiling. He's nervous, to say the least.

"Okay so, your job is being a stripper, right?" Taehyung tries to help him by stating the obvious.

"Yes, that's right but there are different kind of strippers. The ones who go completely naked and the ones who don't. I'm one of the latter." Maybe since he's already on it, he can just tell everything without a shame. "My boss knows that I've never had intercourse before, that's why he accepts that I won't let them do anything to me."

It surprises Taehyung, when he had heard the first time of Jeongguk being a stripper, he thought that the boy surely must have a healthy sex life and was kinda jealous of him. Now with the new information, he's impressed. "Wow, if I remember correctly, you're two years younger than me. It takes a lot of self-control to resist the lust and temptation that the job brings. You're a very strong person, Jeon Jeongguk and knowing that, I have to admit that I feel better now about the whole thing. I was afraid you're going to seduce me." Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head a little at his own thoughts he had.

"I don't blame you but Taehyung, you know that I actually will try to seduce you, right?" The younger smirks at the sudden drop of the other's jaw. "Haha, you should see your face right now." He bites his bottom lip for a second, before letting it go slowly. "I mean, it's my job to be sexy and make the clients want me but at the end, it's me who's rejecting them."

Taehyung understands now. "In simple words, you're making them hard, then you blue ball those poor guys. I see, doesn't mean that I'm less concerned now. If you're as good as you say, as a man with needs I'll get hard, so you'd just stop and uh, go?" He doesn't know himself what answer he wants to hear.

Jeongguk raises a brow, what is Taehyung trying to imply? "You'd want me to help you with your boner then?"

The older's eyes widen. "What? Oh god, no! You're a virgin and I'm the last person who wants to force you to do anything inappropriate."

"Taehyung, I'm a virgin but that doesn't mean that I've never sucked a dick before or gave a hand job. I've had a few boyfriends before stripping became even a part of my life. My question is, would you want me to do it?" Jeongguk isn't sure which answer he wants to receive, unknowingly has the same problem as the other had moments ago, too.

Taehyung stays silent for a few minutes, thinking it through. He kinda likes having Jeongguk over and talking to him feels really nice. Maybe they could get platonically closer in the long run but then, if something sexual is going to happen between them, it'd be awkward, wouldn't it? "Anwer me another question first. Do you consider us friends or do you think we might be friends in the future?"

It catches him off guard. Taehyung wants to be friends? He'd actually like that. Yeontan and Gureum could play with each other, while they're gaming or watching some movies or just talk. Hoseok was always complaining that he doesn't have anyone except him, so maybe the answer is yes, he does consider it. "To be honest, I didn't really think about it before but now that you're mentioning it, I'd like to call you my friend. We both love our dogs and our dogs love to be together. If my job doesn't scare you off, we can try it. What do you think?"

"I think that you have a point and I have nothing against your job. If it's something you like to do, then that's totally fine with me. To come back to the topic of helping me out, I think it's better to not do it, since we want to be friends. I can-" He clears his throat, it's a little embarrassing to say it out loud. "-I can help myself when you're gone."

"Jerking off?" Jeongguk blurts out without thinking, of course the other has meant exactly that.

Taehyung's cheeks become hot, he's sure they're red by now and makes him even more embarrassed. "Jeongguk, please." The older whines.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. Of course that's what you meant, excuse my loose mouth. It's just that my job makes me sometimes a bit unabashed and yeah, I'm really sorry."

"I guess I have to get used to it, huh?" With a cute chuckle, Taehyung relaxes again. "So, when will we start with the first appointment?"

"Hmm, do you have time right now? I'm already here and don't have to work tonight." The younger fumbles with the hem of his shirt, he's nervous, Taehyung looks so innocent and if he agrees, he's probably going to see an other side of him.

"Oh shit, I'm not prepared." Taehyung stops himself, rethinking what he has said and it sounded so wrong. "I mean, mentally, I'm not a bottom."

Jeongguk can't help but laugh. "Sure, I didn't think you were talking about that, before correcting yourself. Gosh, you're adorable." He covers his face with his palms to hide the red face from laughing.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Just wanted to make sure. Stop teasing me for Pete's sake."

"Oh Taehyung, I have a lot of fun with you. Can't wait to see you more often and calling you my friend. But for now, shall we start?" Jeongguk gets up, his clothes are casual but there's not a day where he doesn't wear nice underwear, be it hot panties or tight boxershorts. All time ready is a saying and he's living it.

A shy nod is all that Taehyung can manage when he sees the sudden change of the younger's facial expression. He gulps, this is going to be a long night.

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