20 🐾 (Final)

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Everything is going well for Jeongguk, the job, the relationship and also Gureum is completely recovered.

Hoseok and Yoongi took the next step as well, they moved in together, since Jeongguk wasn't there to share the rent with him anymore. It's of course not the only reason they did it. Even though both are dating for not long yet, it just feels right.

"Okay, about the double date." Jeongguk is on the phone with his best friend. "Taehyung and I have time on Saturday."

"Oh wait, lemme ask Yoongs." Hoseok covers the speaker but Jeongguk could still clearly hear him shouting.

He chuckles, stops as soon as gentle pecks are being placed on his nape and shoulder.

"Is it Hobi?" Taehyung whispers, continues to kiss his boyfriend.

"Babe, oh god. We just had sex and you're making me horny again." He looks down to his crotch, that's covered with only a towel. The bulge is growing slowly, but steadily. "Hyung." Jeongguk whines, unfortunately Hoseok is back on the phone.

"He said that Saturday is okay. Let's meet at yours and then we can decide where to go to."

"Hi Hobi, tell Yoongi I said hi." Taehyung half yells into the speaker, making Jeongguk flinch. "Sorry honey." He's breathing into his unoccupied ear.

Jeongguk turns his head to look at his boyfriend with a smile, that says it's okay.

"Taehyung, hi. Yoongi is taking a shower now, I'm gonna tell him later. How are you? Is Jeongguk still behaving like a brat?" Hoseok laughs at his own question.

"Nah, he's perfect. You know, even if he's a brat, I know how to make him regret it in the best way possible." Taehyung, who's still standing behind the younger, hooks his arm around his waist and places his palm over the bulge. "Am I right Ggukie?"

A low moan escapes his mouth at the light pressure to his cock.

"Oh shit. I'm not ready to listen to you both doing nasty things. Bye, see you on Saturday." Hoseok ends the call.

Jeongguk and Taehyung can't help it, since the former isn't a virgin anymore, he is addicted to sex with the older. There wasn't a day where they didn't have sex, sometimes even more than once. Yesterday, Jeongguk rode Taehyung's dick while he was still asleep. His morning wood perfect to use.

Taehyung woke up not long before he came inside Jeongguk, thinking it was just a wet dream, but reality kicked in fast. It was also the first time they didn't use a condom.

Sometimes Taehyung is too tired to have sex, unfortunately Jeongguk can act really cute to get what he wants. Taehyung doesn't complain though, because the cuddles afterwards make him fall asleep immediately and he sleeps like a baby, waking up well rested in the morning.

They have their first argument three months into the relationship.

"What do you mean he flirted with you? Didn't you tell him that you're taken?" Taehyung has sent the younger to a pharmacy to fetch some things and now he's found a phone number inside the bag. Jeongguk has told him that the guy working there was saying sweet things to him.

"Hyung, I didn't flirt back. Please don't be mad at me, I haven't done anything wrong." Jeongguk pouts, is sad that his boyfriend is angry at him.

"Gguk, you took his number." The older shows him the paper. The thing is, that Jeongguk doesn't even realize how hot he is and women always try to get closer to him. Now it was a guy, it's worse because Jeongguk is gay and he's afraid that the love of his life will find someone better than him that way.

"I didn't take it, he secretly slipped in into the bag. Why don't you trust me?" It's frustrating to say the least.

"Because-" Taehyung cuts himself.

"Because, what?" The other wants to know. So he really doesn't trust him, huh?

"You're hot and I'm not. What if you're getting tired of me, what if some guy is not giving up and then you break up with me to be with him." Taehyung can't look into his eyes, he's insecure.

Jeongguk shakes his head. "No Tae, you're so fucking hot, though it's not the main reason why I'm with you. Baby, look at me." He cups his face with his hands, making their eyes meet. "Your character is. I've never met someone like you and even if I never wanted to tell you that, I liked you from the first moment we've talked to each other. You accepted me being a stripper, didn't judge me at all. Gave me a chance to pay the bill over time and helped me with Jae. I'd be a complete idiot if I'd break up with the best person that has happened to come into my life."

Taehyung is close to tears, he feels dumb now. "I'm sorry for doubting you. My last boyfriend has told me that I'm boring and that's why he needed to search for another sex partner. I mean, he didn't cheat on me, broke up before he was going to him. Still, I often think about his words, maybe you'll get tired of me soon, too."

"Oh my god, I'm really sorry that you had to experience that. Don't worry, if I'll ever feel close to getting bored, I'll tell you beforehand, so we can work on our relationship. I hope you'll do the same. I mean, I don't think that's gonna be happening, just want to make sure that we are on the same page." Jeongguk wraps his arms around Taehyung's body to show him that he means it. Doesn't want to argue anymore.

Both know that such fights are also important for their relationship, without them, they wouldn't know what bothers the other.

Taehyung nods. "I will, I promise. Please kiss me, but first, get rid of this." He gives the paper with the number written on it to him.

Jeongguk smirks, ripping it in tiny pieces, throwing it into the flame of the fire place in the living room, where they're standing in front right now. Leaning in to give his boyfriend the needed kiss, both sigh reliefed.

It's not the last time they have an argument. With each, their relationship grows and three years later, they make a promise similar to a wedding, since in Korea it's not allowed for gay couples to marry each other.

Taehyung's clinic is getting more popular after they move into an even bigger house. With Jeongguk's help, they also open another veterinary clinic in Daegu, led by a befriend lesbian couple, they had met last year at a vet conference.

Hoseok and Yoongi are traveling a lot, due to their jobs. The older of them is a famous song writer by now and Hoseok had the chance to be an idol, but because of his past, he declined and stayed in the company as the main choreographer of the most famous singer in South Korea, Park Jimin.

The couples meet regularly, have never lost contact over the years. They celebrate birthdays, Christmas and other important events together.

Taehyung and Jeongguk went to Japan to adopt an eight years old girl when they were mid thirty, she's a sunshine and makes their life complete.

- The End -

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